"17 IT Workers Reveal The Most Computer Illiterate Things They’ve Seen People Do."

May 16, 2016 12:45

Article found via George Takei.

So, you see these people described in the above article? Assuming that even a tiny fraction of those stories are actually true and not made-up bullshit, those are the type of people most likely to be suckered by Micro$hit and the abusive, overly aggressive, malware "upgrade" known as Windows 10, probably without even realizing that they're being suckered to begin with. All the people in the comments on sites like Slashdot, going all "Herpity derp, if you fall for it, it's your own fault, durr hurr" and the like, never take into account that it's people like this who are usually the hardest hit victims of deceptive bullshit like what Micro$hit is doing (or, you know, any other computer-related scam). Doesn't mean those commenters on Slashdot are wrong, necessarily, it just means that they need to take those people into account before they get up on their self-important high horses. Some people simply do not computer very well at all. And Micro$hit knows this just as well as the rest of us do. They're banking on it.

I used to find articles like that amusing, in the same sort of smug way that those Slashdot commenters must feel when they leave their snarky comments (and when I see some of those animated images that were in the article itself [particularly the one with the guy throwing his arms up in the air in the triumphant pose], that's how I picture a lot of those commenters).

Now, though, it just makes me kind of sad.

microsoft sucks, internet, fuck windows 10

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