"Anonymous: Sony is incompetent (and we don't steal credit cards)"

May 06, 2011 11:36

"As for the evidence against them, the group believes it is being targeted by a 'false flag op.'"

A "False flag" op? Yeah. Right.

Whatever the case, Ars Technica "quoting" a bunch of non-entities sitting in a chat room somewhere doesn't convince me at all that someone operating under the "Anonymous" banner isn't responsible for all of this crap. As I said multiple times before, that's part of the danger of being "Anonymous" (or, perhaps more appropriately, just small-letter-a "anonymous"). Anyone can legitimately claim that status, whether "AnonOps" (or whatever other pretentiously named chat room) wants them to do so or not. Again, if this AnonOps or whatever really aren't behind it, then I challenge them to use their supposed expertise to root out the ones who are supposedly ruining their reputation.

Also, is it just me, or does it seem like Ars Technica almost has a kind of Anonymous fetish? They've been posting a lot of stuff about them lately, and a lot of it has had a sort of "man, wow, this stuff is so cool!" kind of vibe to it, rather pro-Anonymous at times. They also seem to have a lot of supposed "ins" with Anonymous as well (or at least they're simply more willing to write articles about how they visited various random, supposedly Anonymous-related chat rooms than other similar articles are, anyway).

And, lastly, how can one be kicked out of Anonymous? Is that even possible? By its very nature, I would think not.

hackers please go diaf, ps3, internet, games

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