[intro] Why We Love KameUchi - aka The KameUchi intro/pimp post

Jul 28, 2010 14:56

[intro post] Why We Love Kameuchi -  aka The Kameuchi Pimp Post

before we get started...credit for the gif above:: vandi714


KameUchi - the combination of the names of Kamenashi Kazuya and Uchi Hiroki. Why do we love them? A as detailed as I can post about the friendship - or, if you know, someone wants to write a fanfic, or make a fanvideo, it could be something more than friendship if you want =P that was a not-so-subtle hint btw - of these two wonderful boys men, really ♥ who were both born in the wonderful year of 1986. (Which, according to google and random searching in wikipedia, is the international year of peace as declared by the United Nations :D Cool or what? )

Anyways, onto the post.

The history - a rough timeline of KameUchi (equipped with pictures and videos and the works =P)

At this point, everyone probably knows that Kame and Uchi were in Yamanade together, but that wasn’t the first interaction they ever had. Although not as commonly seen together as other pairs (aka ryouchi), they were still friends so they aren't as much of 'where the hell did you come up with this?' pairing as you may think =P

The first evidence that we ever see of this, full footage and all that, is an episode of Shounen Club in 2003.

In this momentous episode, in which it is more well-known for having one of those Ryo vs. Ueda battles, the KameUchi is sorely overlooked by many. Except for, you know, people like me who immediately went *__* at this sort of moment.

Here’s a download of the KameUchi cut from that clip:

>>> link here <<<     (Credits to newshfan for the subbed video that I cut the clip from.)

As you can all see, Kame, apparently, often called Uchi cute, and Uchi is pouting because Kame hasn’t been doing that lately. And of course, Kame is all indignant because Uchi hasn’t given Kame his new number. And a compromise is made, in which Kame agrees to call Uchi cute again if Uchi gives Kame his new number. Who thinks this was all planned by Kame, when Uchi didn’t give him his number, so that Uchi would feel neglected and Kame would get a promise for the number on national television?

Next, as far as I know but if you have anything else in between or before that 2003 clip, such as scans, pictures, videos, anything, well, I would be very happy if you shared them :D And I shall include them in this post is in 2007 for the Cartoon KAT-TUN II You concert. As we all probably know, in 2005, Uchi was suspended for underage drinking by Johnny; he was taken off of suspension and given trainee status at the end of 2006. He didn’t get much activity during that time, and thus, we didn’t get to see him on the same screen as many of our favourite and lovely idols T^T, but we do have these following pictures:

Now, my information is a bit...confused XDD The post that i got them from claimed they were from Cartoon KAT-TUN II You, but at the same time...it could also be Looking Con, judging from Kame's hair...so totally not sure, but lol, it's either 2005 or 2007 =P

But anyways....guess who showed up to a concert and mostly hung around Kame? <3

credits to kamishasama @ js_shop  for the original pictures. I’m technically not supposed to share the picture, but I turned the pictures into a graphic :D so now it's okay to share it, being a graphic and all ^___^ a really badly done graphic, since all i did was add pink lines and 'kameuchi' to it, but a graphic-ish thing nonetheless :D

Don't you just love the way Uchi just hovers around Kame? =P I know I do. :D

The next year, 2008, was Uchi’s solo concert. And I have to admit, I don’t know if anything KameUchi worthy happened at that, but if you have anything, comment and share~ <3 everyone will love you for it :D

And then this brings us to 2010, when Yamanade airs, and even beforehand, the various promotions.

And oh, the interviews.

The story, for one, told by Kame on Hanamaru Café, where Uchi tagged along with Kame to his house during New Year’s, and while he was outside playing hula hoops with his niece, Uchi was inside eating soba ramen. <3. Hey, it may not be a confession of how Kame is the best to Uchi, but it proves they interact and hang out outside of work, which is good enough for me! :D and maybe it’s just me, but this actually indicates that he’s been there before, and actually knows Kame’s family pretty well =P

Or how about the fact that Uchi (purposely? Accidentally?) slipped and called Kame ‘Kazuya’ when the Hanamaru Café people told the Yamanade cast to talk about Kame =P That has seriously been the only time in recent months (and maybe even in the recent year or two) that I have heard anyone call Kame by his given name, and just his given name. Usually, it’s Kame, or Kamenashi-kun, or just Kamenashi, but Uchi calls him Kazuya, which indicates familiarity =P So, aha! Proof that they’re closer than people think! :D Even Tegoshi only calls him Kamenashi-kun

>>> A link to a video full of cut clips of everything I mentioned up there :D plus, a little extra stuff ♥ <<<
(credit is in the video :D)

And of course, there is this wonderful, wonderful interview, in which Uchi is asked what he would look for in a girlfriend, and Uchi replies that if Kame was a girl, he’d want Kame as his girlfriend.

Here's a screencap of the actual interview in Japanese:

>>> link to a translation in English <<<  

>>> and something extra <<<     I got the screencap of the translation from ichigo_246 but I forgot where she said she got it from, so...umm...yeah. Not mine. but I will credit once I find out where it's from =P

So, there is so much kameuchi love in just these articles that I think this is a wonderful place to end their history/timeline section <3 And hopefully, there shall be more to add to this in the future. ♥ or if anyone has anything they think I missed, please tell me :D and I shall add it :D

Pictures, videos, gifs, goodies for the KameUchi soul:

Well, there's a lot of KameUchi goodness you can find. There are so many scans and interviews for Yamanade, you can just look up the Yamanade stuff and you'll find a goldmine =P Videos are everywhere, though most of it with the entire cast, but you can find small snippets of KameUchi goodness in there somewhere =P

There are so many pictures out there for Yamanade promotions that I can't possibly post them all (well, i could, but I should leave something for other members to post at a later date XDD)

So I'll just post one small picture. <3

Sure, Tegoshi's supposed to be in this picture, but he's not lying against someone, practically on someone's lap =P Nope, that would be all Kame - and Uchi, whose lap he has stolen. =P

And I shall finish this post with some Yamanade (aka Takenaga & Kyohei) gifs:

Where Kyohei gets hit for cheating on Takenaga for putting his arm around Noi.

Where Kyohei gets this silly grin on his face from hearing Takenaga say 'Tadaima'. :D

How should I put this? Oh yes. Traditional clothes + intense stare exchange = ♥

:D need I say more? =P


And that's all I have. If anyone has anything that I haven't talked about please tell me :D except for scans. Scans, you should post to the comm :D

Otherwise, hope you were corrupted convinced by this post =P and will join us in our KameUchi love ♥

evidence, pictures: general, translation: magazine, graphic: gif, pictures: screencaps, video: general

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