Title: The melody that is tied with you
yukimahouRating: G
Warnings: None
Song: Radio
Summary: Ueda thinks about Kame and the radio
Ueda woke up to a gentle song playing on the radio. He rolled over, snuggling closer to the back of the couch which he was lying on. Somewhere in the apartment he could hear the sounds of someone moving around. Only one person ever turned on the radio here, only one person ever had the key to Ueda’s apartment. And lazily Ueda smiled into the back of his sofa knowing who it was.
Soon humming came from the kitchen as a familiar song came on. It reminded Ueda of times when they would take long drives together, just to get out of the city. Kame had a mix tape that he kept in Ueda’s car which had all the music that he loved on it, and Ueda always let him control the music in his car.
The tune reminded him of lazy summer days by the beach, stolen kisses under the umbrella in the rain and grumpy Kame in the morning who didn’t want to wake up. Slowly Ueda slipped off the couch and made his way to the kitchen.
Kame stood concentrating by the stove; he was carefully stirring the pot so that the bottom wouldn’t burn.
Nothing seemed more perfect that this moment. Kame seemed so relaxed and content, and as the last notes of the song finished, Ueda gently hugged him from behind.
“I see you finally got up”
Ueda smiled into Kame’s shoulder, slowly taking in the other scent.
“Can you set the table so I can dish up?” Kame asked, and Ueda had to reluctantly pull himself away from the other, moving around to get the table ready.
As they ate, the song Kame was humming echoed in his mind, which bought a smile to his face.
“What you smiling about?” Kame asked him confused.
“The radio”
Kame gave him an odd look, the radio was now turned off. But Kame didn’t know how Ueda tied everything in their relationship to Kame singing along to the radio.
And he would cherish every song in his heart.
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