Spoilerish 10K ficlet if you haven't read Gaiden!

May 23, 2008 05:48

Title: At the End of Us
Author: kambeiadaro
Rating: PG13, Suggested sexual behavior
Pairing: Kenren/Tenpou
Prompt: Kenren, 42 min.
Notes: Inspiration struck before the crack of dawn.  I had to write this... hopefully sleepy eyes have caught all mistakes.

“You don't need to be involved in every facet of the job for it to get done. You've got top men, Ten-chan.”

Kenren's voice rang in Tenpou's head. He knew Kenren and his men were very well capable of taking care of things. But it never took away his urge to handle things personally. He didn't want to be left behind. Tenpou couldn't help but panic at such times. He felt much comfortable knowing he was the one who had to deal with it - no matter who's problem it was.

Kenren was the only thing to calm him down and to take away his troubles. Tenpou knew he could be so caught up in the inner workings of his mind that he seemed scatterbrained. With the general Tenpou could lower his guard enough to be considered absent minded even to himself. It wasn't his fault his mind got filled with flowery thoughts with such a charming man.


Kenren giggled so much he landed his ass to the floor. They had had a large amount of sake, but neither he nor Tenpou were anywhere near drunk.

“And.then.you, you-” Kenren's face reddened with laughter.

Tenpou looked around and smacked his close friend with a book.

“You said 'Befff-'” Kenren fell into another fit of giggles.

Taking a drag from his cigarette, Tenpou gave his roommate a kick. Kenren took a deep breath and smiled back. That look meant more to the marshal then that scruffy haired general could ever imagine.

You always know when I let myself get to serious.

“Don't loose your peace of mind over this. You'll be nothing more then a lifeless shell.”

“Like a sex doll.” pointed out Tenpou.

“A sex doll!? As if I would even hump you if you got like that!” Kenren kicked the stool under Tenpou sending the man crashing onto Kenren. The general took Tenpou in his arms. “I much rather not have our happiness end.”


Tenpou quickened his pace. He felt caught in a nightmare. No matter how fast he ran, he didn't seem to be any closer to where they left Kenren. The marshal put a hand to his heart. It beat fast, but it was different the other times. He was worried and anxious.


The thunder rolled through the canopy in the thick of the jungle. In the trees exotic birds sang as other animals growled in ferocity. Equipment and clothes littered the clearing. Sunlight reached down in beams surrounding two heavenly bodies.

Kenren soothed his marshal's skin in soft massaging grasps. Tenpou moaned into Kenren's touch as he was flipped to his back.

“Let me take that anxiety away.” Kenren whispered to Tenpou.

Tenpou was in awe as he looked up to Kenren. The myst illuminated with light from the canopy set a golden aura around his lover.

“This must be what it's like when humans ask for a god to come down from the heavens.” Tenpou cupped Kenren's face.

“Don't be silly.” He took the hand laying kisses over it.


Tenpou heard the clunk of his wooden sandals of the ground. This is not the end of us... The marshal listened to his breathing become harried. His head clouded with the heaviness he felt.

“Please let what I'm envisioning be worse then what's behind that door...”

saiyuki_time, 10k, fanfic, saiyuki

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