
Mar 01, 2010 10:16

1. Thank you to everyone who sent birthday felicitations and/or balloons! I had a lovely day yesterday, despite a lack of anything resembling a proper night's sleep the night before (thank you, adorable offspring). Everyone at choir sang "Happy Birthday" to me between masses, my sister is here from Virginia to buy me Birthday All Star Trainers of ( Read more... )

val, supernatural, mr. bill, dreams

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Comments 7

izhilzha March 1 2010, 18:54:46 UTC
Isn't that wallpaper just freakin' amazing?


aurora_novarum March 1 2010, 18:56:31 UTC
Happy Birthday by dear kalquessa. I'm glad you've had a great birthday!

*hugs and snoopy twirls*


ladybrick March 1 2010, 19:02:21 UTC
Glad that everything went so awesomely!


feliciakw March 1 2010, 19:58:13 UTC
You're having pie? Dean will be there in short order, I'm sure. And Sam will do your laundry.

Sounds like you had a cracking good birthday. \o/


archersangel March 1 2010, 21:31:16 UTC
yay for birthday pie yesterday & mystery cake today!

BTW happy belated birthday!


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