React-o-matic: SPN 5.3

Sep 30, 2009 09:21

I keep meaning to write this, and then just running out of enthusiasm once I sit down to it. Rarr.

Stuff I can still remember thinking almost a week ago... )


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Comments 4

feliciakw September 30 2009, 18:39:28 UTC
*reads review*

*nods agreement*

Yeah, what you said. We've already discussed where we diverge on some of the minor points, but for the most part, yeah.

I just spent a great big paragraph discussing how a minor antagonist is actually a poor, misunderstood woobie, didn't I?

Yes. Yes, you did.

Re: the swearing. Totally agree. It just sounded awkward. Maybe it's supposed to show that Dean is rubbing off on Cas. And really, I wouldn't expect swearing to sound natural coming from an angel. But I think you're right. The second one, with Dean's follow-up would have been sufficient.

Re: Lucifer. I'm totally behind what you're saying here. Because yeah, what you said. Kripke still makes me nervous with his pre-season comments, but so far what's appeared on screen it really well-done in the way you describe. I won't say further here.

I mourn the lack of brother-hugging, and await the day when there shall be puppies and kittens and rainbows and ice cream. And brother-hugging.


kalquessa October 2 2009, 06:08:03 UTC
what you said. Kripke still makes me nervous with his pre-season comments, but so far what's appeared on screen it really well-done

I'm convinced that when Kripke says he wants to make Lucifer really sympathetic, it means something different to him than it does to us.

Also: bring on the rainbows and puppies and HUGGING!!


tahirire September 30 2009, 19:12:24 UTC
I forgot to mention it in my reaction to the premier, but I really like how they're playing Lucifer. He's not the Bwahahahahaaa supervillain bad guy. He's the bad guy who will gently, sympathetically, talk you into hitting the big red button and then sadly ask you why on earth you would do such a thing while the clock counts down to zero.

YES. I lOVE/HATE HIM!! *glees*


sarcasticval October 1 2009, 03:01:20 UTC
Is Castiel's hair defying less gravity these days? I only just noticed, but it seems like it's been less epic ever since he got rebooted.

It's one of his missing heavenly powers.

P.S. I *adore* your comments comparing the angels to children. It's quite lovely and apropos and yet undeniably *you*.


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