Aug 31, 2009 20:11

Mr. Bill here. Marie, during her weekly checkup, was told that she was suffering from preeclampsia, otherwise known as bad high blood pressure. Seeing as it's now 36.5 weeks in, the good doctor wheeled her over to the labor and delivery unit and said, "You're gonna have a baby!" While she needs a dark, quiet environment to keep her eyeballs from ( Read more... )

posts by mr. bill, yay i'm preggers yay

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Comments 49

alphabet26 September 1 2009, 03:27:56 UTC
Oh my goodness! Well, congratulations! Lots of good vibes and all the best!


aurora_novarum September 1 2009, 03:29:41 UTC
Mr. Bill and Marie:

I'll say a prayer for you both and his Fourthness to get through everything tomorrow in good health. Speaking as a "1st" baby myself, it's a very auspicious day of the month to be born. :-)

Thank you for updating us on kalquessa's condition with everything you're dealing with. You'll be in our thoughts!

Good luck "Dad-to-be", and for Marie as well. (My friend just had this happen last year and she's now enjoying a walking/talking(babbling anyway) toddler, and the preeclampsia was no lasting problem).


astrumporta September 1 2009, 03:32:37 UTC
Sending good thoughts your way! Best of luck to all.


mosinging1986 September 1 2009, 03:37:37 UTC
OMG this is the second such flist announcement of the day! First one resulted in baby already, and now this one soon to be!

I was going to say it would be nice to have her posting through the drugs, but that may be asking too much. *g*


ellenmillion September 1 2009, 03:37:39 UTC
Horray and yay and healthy thoughts!!


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