Aug 31, 2009 20:11

Mr. Bill here. Marie, during her weekly checkup, was told that she was suffering from preeclampsia, otherwise known as bad high blood pressure. Seeing as it's now 36.5 weeks in, the good doctor wheeled her over to the labor and delivery unit and said, "You're gonna have a baby!" While she needs a dark, quiet environment to keep her eyeballs from exploding, she will be subject to the inducement of labor at Odarkthirty (6 AM) tomorrow morning. His fourthness will enter the world sometime after that. Now the fun part, because her BP is so high (160/91 last count), she'll need a solution of MgSO4 (magnesium sulfate) to ensure her brain doesn't go haywire and bad things happen. To induce labor, she'll need pitocin, and to keep the pain (and BP) down, she'll need an epidural. So, through the gamut of medication, one of which relaxes you, the other tenses you up, and still the other makes you go to happyland, she'll be expected to push a large baby shaped parasite out a very small hole. She needs lots of happy thoughts, prayers, etc... I'll check the comments via mah crackeryberry and let her know what youze guyz are saying to and about her. Hopefully, by this time tomorrow, we'll be parents. Pictures to come soon.

posts by mr. bill, yay i'm preggers yay

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