And I'm like, "Whatever, subconscious."

Jul 16, 2009 11:07

I'm starting to notice a weird trend in some of my recurring dreams. First of all, I'm actually pregnant in almost all of them now, which I suppose is not that weird. My subconscious has finally caught up to the rest of me and started including His Fourthness in most of the random scenarios it throws at me during the night ( Read more... )

yay i'm preggers yay, dreams

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Comments 16

katriel1987 July 16 2009, 19:08:17 UTC
kalquessa July 16 2009, 20:22:22 UTC
I'm so glad I'm not the only one with weird airport fears. I insist that I should not be allowed to fly alone anywhere: last year when I went to visit my sister in VA, I actually boarded the wrong plane one time, and they had to come get me off it. *facepalm*


katriel1987 July 17 2009, 03:58:06 UTC

maychorian July 16 2009, 20:28:40 UTC
Clearly you are made of Win and your brain simply cannot handle that.

I mean, that's the best explanation, right? O.o


tahirire July 16 2009, 21:14:09 UTC
LOL. At least the Apocalypse has stuff to do! At the airport all you get to do it SIT there and be USELESS!


OT dessieoctavia July 16 2009, 21:58:40 UTC
This site has at least one T-shirt you'll like.


Re: OT kalquessa July 17 2009, 00:12:38 UTC


aelfgyfu_mead July 16 2009, 22:03:47 UTC
I have a lot of threatening dreams where I have to protect or save people myself. I attribute it to watching too much SF.

I don't think I ever dreamed about being pregnant, oddly, and only rarely did I dream about Small Person before she was born. (In one dream, she was made of glass or ceramic--the symbolism was astoundingly clear in that one.) Even now, Small Child is not in most of my dreams, not in anywhere near as many as Brilliant Husband. Of course, maybe that's because I have now been married to BH darned near half my life, and SC has been with me for a much smaller portion of it.

It sounds like you have found a fairly effective way of dealing with some of your anxiety dreams! Now if you can just get rid of those pesky postapoc ones. (I occasionally have apocalyptic dreams: not after, but the real apocalypse, "This is it; we're all going to die." One was amazingly peaceful and positive; the other was a bit frightening, but the friend I was with and I came out okay.)


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