And I'm like, "Whatever, subconscious."

Jul 16, 2009 11:07

I'm starting to notice a weird trend in some of my recurring dreams. First of all, I'm actually pregnant in almost all of them now, which I suppose is not that weird. My subconscious has finally caught up to the rest of me and started including His Fourthness in most of the random scenarios it throws at me during the night ( Read more... )

yay i'm preggers yay, dreams

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Comments 16

archersangel July 16 2009, 22:10:43 UTC
What's weird is that a lot of the recurring dreams that used to really upset me are no longer that upsetting because at some point in all of them I just get fed up, sit down, and decide that whatever is stressing me out is just going to have to be someone else's problem for a while because I'm pregnant, and I'm tired, and where the hell do they hide the ice cream around here?
they always hide the good stuff, don't they?

I decided that this was all somebody else's fault for making me do this alone and as soon as I figured out who that person was, I would give them a piece of my mind. Until then, my plan was to sit and wait until someone came and found me and fixed everything, at which point I planned to demand food.


kalquessa July 17 2009, 00:11:00 UTC
Always they are hiding the dream!ice cream. Very annoying.


expectare July 17 2009, 00:23:08 UTC
Possibly it says something about me that I found this infinitely more satisfactory

yes, that you are awesome.


tree_and_leaf July 17 2009, 10:00:20 UTC
Joining the chorus of airport haters here.... Especially the big ones; Heathrow probably counts as one of the outer circles of hell!


tree_and_leaf July 17 2009, 15:55:36 UTC
Starting to think I'm weird for *liking* airports. They are full of exotic and sometimes mysterious people, heading to fascinating locations to do exciting things.

Or so I like to think, anyway.

Airports, train stations, ports, even bus terminals - love 'em all. Hopefully one day soon spaceports too!



tree_and_leaf July 17 2009, 16:01:27 UTC
Oh, I like stations and ports. But security has killed the romance of the airport for me.

Though any one where you still have to walk out to the plane across the tarmac from the terminal, rather than through a tube, still has something going for it.


tree_and_leaf July 17 2009, 17:07:16 UTC
We get to do that at Burbank! I always have to fight the impulse to turn around just as I'm boarding, doff my fedora, and wave to my (imaginary) loyal fans.


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