
Apr 27, 2009 11:19

I miss coffee so much, you guys. *weeps*

So due to the whole no-insomnia-meds-for-pregnant-people thing, I've been having way more dreams that I actually remember, and it's sort of weird because the predominant subject matter is really different than it was before I went on the amatryptaline. I don't know how much this has to do with me being ( Read more... )

supernatural, yay i'm preggers yay, dreams

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Comments 17

arhyalon April 27 2009, 18:35:28 UTC
I lived in a Starbuck's free area and longed for Starbucks (which I had discovered in Seattle going to Kirsten's wedding. ) A new Starbuck's showed up in walking distance...the day I found I out I was pregnant with the Cherubim.

Had to wait nine whole months.

In the hospital, with the newborn baby, I sent John out for coffee.


kalquessa April 27 2009, 18:38:30 UTC
Starbucks really is so yummy. Yay for Kirsten introducing you to it!

I'm thinking of getting Mr. Bill to bring me a coffee and a beer as soon as I wake up from my post-delivery nap. That is how much I miss them both.


arhyalon April 29 2009, 20:12:48 UTC
For me it was coffee, chocolate, and ice cream. I'd had some chocolate and ice cream...but now I could indulge. ;-)


feliciakw April 27 2009, 18:45:27 UTC
My victims range broadly from people I know in real life to various cast members from "The Unit."

BWAH!!!! Because if ever there were a bunch of guys in need of tea and milk and cookies and afghans and comforting words, it would be those guys. (Plus you'd get to hang out with Molly, and that'd just be scary cool.)

Dean Winchester shows up a lot

I would be worried if he didn't.

No SG-1 peeps, though?


kalquessa April 27 2009, 18:50:15 UTC
Yeah, we marathoned Unit Season 1 a while ago and have been slowly working through Season 2...ever since, I've kind of wanted to knit a giant Alpha Team-sized blanket for the guys. (And Molly truly does rock, though I think Kim is my favorite of the wives.)

No SG-1 peeps, though?

Either I haven't watched enough SG-1 recently, or I just don't have the same urge to coddle SG-1. *shrug*


feliciakw April 28 2009, 13:01:26 UTC
Kim annoyed me at first, but I've since grown to really like her.

And the actress, Audrey Marie Anderson, rocked the sibling vibe with Jensen in Still Life.


kalquessa April 28 2009, 18:50:24 UTC
I forgot that Audrey Marie Anderson was in Still Life! She's the one with snarky lines like "He's what happens to girls whose big brothers disappear for a year," right? Hee! That makes me like her even more!


izhilzha April 27 2009, 19:10:59 UTC
Haha, wow. I did have a crazy awesome SPN-related dream Friday night--very emotional, involving Dean getting married to an awesome woman (who was variously me and not-me) and then losing her to evil forces like 3 months later. O_o And John appearing to the boys, and Dean being overjoyed to see him. (This last bit, in the way it happened in the dream, totally reminded me of how Mufasa appears to Simba in The Lion King, though I failed to make that connection until I was awake. Brain is weird.)


kalquessa April 27 2009, 23:48:48 UTC
Okay, the minute you said "Mufasa" I just started giggling and couldn't stop. Because John Winchester as Mufasa...hee.


lawofar18 April 27 2009, 23:33:50 UTC
I think your brain is going all maternal!

Also, I saw this video and for some reason thought of you, so I'm sharing!


anastasis April 28 2009, 00:16:58 UTC
I had a dream last week when I was the damsel in distress in an episode of Supernatural, except instead of being 'Awesome! I'm in an episode of Supernatural!' it was really realistic, ie terrifying.

There have been better SPN dreams.


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