Character meme: Dean Winchester

Apr 23, 2009 09:39

maychorian tagged me to do this meme and gave me Dean Winchester as the subject. I can deny May nothing, and it's Dean, so:

Deeeeeean! )


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Comments 11

izhilzha April 23 2009, 17:12:11 UTC
If you give me a character I will do the meme. :)


kalquessa April 23 2009, 17:13:25 UTC
Right-o: Don Eppes!


maychorian April 23 2009, 17:59:01 UTC
Yay you did it! ::adores::

And you can deny me nothing, eh? ::tappy fingers o' doom::


sarcasticval April 23 2009, 18:16:51 UTC
And you can deny me nothing, eh? ::tappy fingers o' doom

Oh, promise me you will use this power for evil!


maychorian April 23 2009, 18:23:48 UTC
Hee, my brand of evil tends to be distinctly marshmallow-flavored, but I promise I will try.


kalquessa April 23 2009, 18:22:28 UTC
*hides from the tappy fingers*


sarcasticval April 23 2009, 18:11:10 UTC
6) Which character do you like to put his character with?

I'm sorry, the proper answer to this question is blindly obvious. Dean/sarcasticval FTW! Romance? Pshaw! Compatibility? What's this you speak of? I think of the lulz, and the lulz, they are a plenty.

Dean: *angst*
Val: Stop that! *hits with newspaper*

And my mother wonders why I'm single.


kalquessa April 23 2009, 18:22:09 UTC
Truly, the lulz, they would abound. And you could make him come eat cookies with me! Win all 'round!


prester_scott April 24 2009, 02:13:10 UTC
When you say "Dean" I think of Hank & Dean, not Sam & Dean.


hobsonphile April 24 2009, 03:51:04 UTC
I'll play! (Assuming I'm open enough about my fandoms that you won't have trouble picking a character, that is. ;))


kalquessa April 24 2009, 16:48:30 UTC
Easy! Gregory House!

(Actually the fandom I most associate you with is B5, but I've yet to see any of the show myself so it would be kind of hard to give you a character from that.)


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