Store pictures (finally)!

Nov 29, 2008 21:37

At long last, pictures of the store! It's not set up the way Mr. Bill wants it, yet, but here's what it looks like at the moment.

It was afternoon and the sun was directly behind the store, so sorry for the poor quality of this establishing shot. But I wanted to show you what the whole front of the store looks like. Obviously, the banner with the store name is temporary (the store used to be called "Books Etc" and it's covering up the "etc" part).

The lovely window graphic on our front door, courtesy of my father-in-law. Isn't it pretty and shiny?

We are OPEN!! *dances*

The window graphic for Mr. Bill's tutoring company. The logo/caricature was drawn for Mr. Bill by our friend Greg, who now works at Nickelodean because he is awesome at drawing stuff. That was many years ago, when Mr. Bill first started tutoring. He had more hair then, so the caricature no longer looks exactly like him, but the resemblance is still a bit uncanny. *grin*

This is what you see when you first walk in the door. That's a blurry Mr. Bill at the counter.

This is said counter, piled high with books for Mr. Bill to clean, price, and stock.

Audiobooks! With Westerns, YA, and Quality Fiction sections just visible behind them on the left. That's the Wall O' Bestsellers in the back.

Behold, the Wall O' Bestsellers! Page-turners, thrillers, other bestsellers with which the Quality Fiction will not associate, mysteries, and the dreaded Romance section are all here. Classics has its own little alcove that you can sort of see there on the left.

The majority of the sci-fi/fantasy section, which is getting too big for itself and is therefor scheduled to be moved sometime soon.

The History Room, which is going to be reincarnated as the Sci-fi/Fantasy Room sometime soon. Only first it's getting shelves all the way to the ceiling. Muahahaaa! And yes, those are saloon doors. I find them hilarious. I don't know what the deal is with the big boring painting.

This is Mr. Bill attempting to snag the signal from the Staples wireless hotspot next door with his Palm Pilot. AT&T took seventeen days to give us internet after the account changed hands. We are not fans of AT&T. For the record, Mr. Bill does not always look like he desperately needs a haircut.

There's a whole big middle section of the store that I didn't take pictures of because it's sort of close quarters for photography, and there's a Wall O' Nonfiction opposite the Wall O' Bestsellers that I didn't get shots of because...em...I don't are about it as much. Heh. But this is probably all the pictures of random bookshelves that you need, so I figure that's okay.

And as a bonus, you get a random picture of Mr. Bill sitting on the couch with his extremely round and cute (but also diabolically evil) cat in her preferred seat:

And now I have stayed up an hour past my proper bedtime because doing this is easier than getting my butt out of the swivel chair and I am sleepy like whoa. To bed with me!

mr. bill, photo posts, store

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