
Dec 01, 2008 15:40

So I spent all weekend with a Supernatural plotbunny buzzing around in my head (what? plotbunnies can totally buzz!) and I really, really liked it. I did a lot of outlining for it and sketched out a few scenes while I was putting off working on actual, established works-in-progress, and I was really keen to actually try writing it. It was for an AU that I found really cool, set in Season 3, and had an OC that I liked a lot, and maybe it wouldn't have turned out very good after all, but I thought it had a lot of promise and, as with most fics that I'm just about to start writing, I was convinced that it was going to result in a fic that was pure awesome.

So I sat down to work on it this afternoon, and I was filled with glee, and...I realized something: It's set in Season 3, right? More specifically, it goes AU during "Fresh Blood" and involves vampire!Gordon, whom I found awesomely scary and cool. All well and good, right? Except that the lynch-pin concept of the story? Kind of requires that Dean's deal be a non-issue. And is, in fact, made impossible by the fact of Dean's deal. I was going to write a S3 fic that completely ignored the single most important source of plot arc in that season. *headdesk* And now I can't, because of canon! Boooo!

So this is me railing and whining because canon took away my weird AU bunny. Canon is so meeeean!! *rails impotently against it*

(Yes, I am very over-tired and inclined to be juvenile today, why do you ask?)

ETA: Wow, I'm even more incoherent than usual. I think I missed my 3:00 pm coffee hit. *goes to get more caffeine*

supernatural, fanfic, writing

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