It takes some work to make it work

Oct 20, 2008 10:45

1. I was going to say that I had a really lazy weekend because I got a lot of reading done and didn't wash my car as planned...but I did all the glue work on a complicated quilling project, I made pistachio pudding cookies and Guinness brownies, and I did clean a bunch, even if I didn't get to the car. So...actually a pretty productive weekend, I ( Read more... )

music, movies, writing

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Comments 11

maychorian October 20 2008, 18:33:31 UTC
Hee, the Discovery Channel version is awesome, though the "is" at the end should totally be capitalized. :D


kalquessa October 20 2008, 18:46:31 UTC
I thought so, too, but the rule for capitalization in a title or slogan always confuses me, so I just assumed that was me.


maychorian October 20 2008, 18:57:40 UTC
It's a verb, so it counts, even though it's little. At least, that's my understanding, and I do have to know this stuff for my job. :D Totally shocked me to see that in a commercial on national television. Especially a channel that's supposed to be about learning. ::shakes finger::


amberdulen October 20 2008, 18:51:26 UTC
Man, M. Night is such a good director and The Lady in the Water was such a bad movie. It was like watching Michelangelo play with his mashed potatoes.


kalquessa October 20 2008, 18:53:29 UTC
Yeah, I've loved all his other stuff, even "Signs" and "The Village" which seem to have bo,bed for a lot of folks. But this just...did not work. At all. And it sort of made it worse that it kept threatening to work but never actually doing it.


pepper_field October 20 2008, 19:09:09 UTC
Jethro Tull. I like some songs. I love 'The Witch's Promise', and 'Living In The Past'. Particularly the former, because I've not heard it so much, and it's mysterious and pixie-ish. :)

Pistachio pudding cookies sound lovely.


kalquessa October 20 2008, 20:04:51 UTC
Yeah, "Witch's Promise" was one of the ones I really liked this weekend.

The cookies are easy and yummy and GREEN! I have to admit, the color is a big part of why I make them. *grin*


tree_and_leaf October 20 2008, 21:06:01 UTC
Ian Anderson (singer and flautist of Jethro Tull) is now a farmer (salmon, I think). I don't know if this helps or makes matters worse.


kalquessa October 20 2008, 21:09:14 UTC
*cracks up* I...don't know, either. That's awesome.


dessieoctavia October 27 2008, 11:18:02 UTC
4. I also didn't know where to put Jethro Tull, but in a different way. There's one JT song I love, "Beside Myself", so I went to buy the album. I couldn't find it until I asked the clerk, because I was looking under T for Tull.


kalquessa October 27 2008, 16:16:32 UTC
Bwaha! Even I, in my extremely spotty knowledge of music that is not by dead composers, know better than that. Pshaw.


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