It's all about the hair.

Jul 21, 2008 09:34

ERNIE: So what are we watching while we eat lunch ( Read more... )

random interludes, ernie, stargate

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Comments 12

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kalquessa July 21 2008, 16:57:29 UTC
I had written myself a note to get in touch with you about that, today! Yay, I get to check an item off the Monday Morning List of Doom!

I can be reached at kalquessa at gmail dot com. I'll send you my cell number, too, once I get yours. Wheee, Comic Con!


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kalquessa July 21 2008, 17:43:46 UTC
Yup, and replied, too! Yay!


tiredmomof2 July 21 2008, 17:04:00 UTC
Hi - I'm a total lurker, but I had to comment on that converstaion. I totally had the same conversation with my husband this weekend, only it was about the X-Files. I was watching certain episodes in preparation for the movie. I can tell what year it is by Scully's haircuts. My husband thought that I was insane, lol!!!!


kalquessa July 21 2008, 17:10:25 UTC

My husband thought that I was insane, lol!!!!

But it makes perfect sense! *laughs* And I loved some of Scully's haricuts, I actually have a bob similar to the one she had at one point (can't remember the season because I didn't watch X-Files as religiously as SG-1, heh).


aurora_novarum July 21 2008, 17:07:58 UTC
Well, it seems perfectly obvious to me. ;-)

Yay redial! :-D


kalquessa July 21 2008, 17:14:50 UTC
Hey, you, are you feeling better? You haven't posted since the Teal'c Alphabet Soup fic, and I was starting to worry. *hugs*


aurora_novarum July 21 2008, 17:40:17 UTC
I am feeling much, much better, thanks. I think catching the flu in the winter is worse than in the summer. (I'm still not sure if I caught the flue or a really bad cold that got into my chest and gave me 101 fever, but it knocked me down).

I was able to slap together my MacKenzie meta, but you're right. I haven't done much on my journal. I have lots of story ideas and wips, and not much done. Heh. Silly rl. Silly headaches. :-)


jaxomsride July 21 2008, 18:09:36 UTC
Can I confess I never notice hairstyles?
I bow to your awesomeness! *bows*


jd3000 July 21 2008, 18:51:30 UTC
Heard very recently at my parents' house, presented entirely at random and without context:

"Kowalski! I love Kowalski." "I hate Kowalski."

"So who knows the words to the theme song?" "No, don't ask, they'll sing it!"

"Geez, I think they've taken the bridge and beaten up Klorel like nine times in a row now." "Worst. Goa'uld. EVER."

"Daniel gets whiny when he's shot."

"Good thing there's like five Jaffa on this whole ship." "Well you don't need a lot when it's one hallway."



aurora_novarum July 21 2008, 19:07:39 UTC
Is it good or scary that I automatically know what eps they were watching?

"Good thing there's like five Jaffa on this whole ship." "Well you don't need a lot when it's one hallway."



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