It's all about the hair.

Jul 21, 2008 09:34

ERNIE: So what are we watching while we eat lunch?

ME: Stargate. I gotta watch the episode I'm recapping for Redial.

ERNIE: What season?

ME: Three. It's called "Learning Curve."

ERNIE: Isn't that the one with the armbands?

ME: No, that's "Upgrades," that's in Season 4.

ERNIE: How do you know this stuff off the top of your head?

ME: The hair. You can place episodes to their seasons pretty accurately just based on the hair and Teal'c's make-up.

ERNIE: *blink*

ME: In "Upgrades" Teal'c has the face fungus, and Sam has the longish hair that I don't really like, which puts the episode in early Season 4.

ERNIE: Why early Season 4?

ME: Because in "Beneath the Surface" Teal'c loses the facial hair and Sam gets a haircut, and that's in the middle of Season 4.

ERNIE: How do you know this?

ME: I just do. I have no life, okay?

random interludes, ernie, stargate

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