Generic Supernatural Episode: Season 2 Edition

May 15, 2008 12:56

So back in March (was it only March? I've become this hardcore in love with a show in just two months? Yikes...) I wrote a parody script poking a little affectionate fun at Supernatural. This is how we express love, where I'm from; we can't be bothered to waste quality mockery on things we don't even like ( Read more... )

supernatural, parody scripts

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Comments 19

mosinging1986 May 15 2008, 21:15:46 UTC
DEAN: Hello? It's killing people! *racks shotgun*


That's my boy.


sarcasticval May 15 2008, 22:45:29 UTC
Hee! <3


amberdulen May 16 2008, 00:53:54 UTC
*peeks through fingers* I'm only through the first three discs, is that far enough?


kalquessa May 16 2008, 05:01:18 UTC
Yeah, I think so. This is too non-specific to really have spoilers, it's more poking fun at the themes and stuff that recur a lot in the season. So...probably a bit funnier if you've seen a few later eps, but it shouldn't spoil you for anything.


amberdulen May 16 2008, 12:59:52 UTC

Also: Gordon! :) :) :)


kalquessa May 16 2008, 13:37:15 UTC
Oh yeah, I forgot to give Gordon some love, huh? *laughs*


hey_mockingbird July 17 2008, 18:21:16 UTC
IMPALA: I am still the hottest thing on this show, and that's really saying something.

SOOOO true. Metallicar for the win.


maychorian September 26 2008, 17:44:44 UTC
Again, you win...erm, something.

CHOCOLATE! I give you chocolate of the internet. It tastes of geekiness, but it is sweet deep down.

Also, I found this funny.


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