Weekly SPN round-up

Mar 29, 2008 09:56

Seen this week: "Provenance" and "Dead Man's Blood."

Only two episodes this week. Didn't have a lot of time for TV, which is just as well, since I'm now down to the last two eps of the season, and I'm saving those to watch with izhilzha and feliciakw in a couple of weeks.


Provenance )

american civil war, supernatural

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Comments 6

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kalquessa March 29 2008, 19:26:19 UTC
Yeah, it's kind of wrong to say you're a fan of a war, isn't it? I remember talking various famous wars with someone and hearing myself say "WWII and the Civil War are my two favorite wars." I had to follow up very quickly with "Um...that sounds bad. They are the two wars in which I am most interested. Er."

I would have fun as a history teacher. My students would have only the foggiest idea about dates and key events, but they'd be experts on weird incidental events and unconfirmed anecdotes.


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kalquessa March 29 2008, 19:54:10 UTC
Yeah, I've been reading a collection of letter excerpts, magazine stories and suchlike from during and after the Civil War, and it's fantastic because, as you say, it's the individuals involved that are really interesting.


feliciakw March 29 2008, 20:55:41 UTC
Or if you'd like to take the Boys further east, say to the Old Dominion, please refer to this entry in my LJ. I believe I posted this before you became enthusiastic about the show.

Because, dude. Every time I see a Winchester sign (and there are several around Culpeper), I can't help but think, in no particular order: sounds British; wonder if there's any connection to the gun; Boys!

I also have ideas for Winchester icons. How are your icon skillz at the mo?

ETA: And my favorite PC designation of that particular is the War Between the States. Because that's as accurate and neutral as you can get (says the Ohioan who now resides in Virginia).


kalquessa March 29 2008, 21:05:02 UTC
Ha, that's awesome about the haunting of Winchester VA. I may have to make a trip there when I'm out to see my sister sometime.

Out here in CA, we have the Winchester House, which was built by the rifle-maker's daughter. A supposed psychic or fortune-teller or something told her that she would be haunted by the spirits of every person killed by her father's guns. The only way to prevent the haunting, according to this person, was to keep building on to her house. So Miss Winchester just kept adding rooms and halls and stairways all over until she died. The floorplan is predictably insane and of course the house is supposed to be haunted. It's on my list of places to visit next time I'm driving north.

My icon skillz aren't bad, though I tend to get extremely obsessive in my attempts to make each icon perfect, so I'm slow. What do ya have in mind?


jd3000 March 29 2008, 23:28:59 UTC
Don't forget that the Civil War was the last hurrah of swords being used prominently in battle by American hands.

If the Civil War was sort of mythical, grand and romantic (and hell), I was just reading about the unbelievably bloody excesses of The Great War. The Battle of Messines, France, 1917, featured a tactic where the British forces tunneled 100 feet below the German lines, mined the tunnels with 450 tons of high explosive, and touched them off before a charge, annihilating 10,000 Germans instantly. That's more than died on D-Day.



kalquessa March 30 2008, 00:34:07 UTC
My dad says that WWI brought more men to God and drove more believers to atheism than anything before or since. When you read stuff like that, you get an idea why. Whew.


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