
Jan 18, 2008 10:55

Sam: What is this about napalm flowers?Me: Oh, one of my friends mailed me a couple episodes of Numb3rs because the writers of the show got kind of confused about which show they were writing for, and the Season 3 finale had kind of a big "OMG WHAT??" thing going on, and I want to see how it was resolved ( Read more... )

sam, random interludes, numb3rs

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Comments 3

aurora_novarum January 18 2008, 20:36:46 UTC
Hee hee. Is it scary I knew just what you meant by "Gerunds"? That season finale could have a crossover with Stargate.

1: "But you...you've always been a pronoun."
2: "Hah! Foolish mortal, I am not merely you, but Yu the Great!"
1: "But that's impossible! I cannot be you because I is first person and you is second person."
2: "Yu is never second!"
3: (overhearing)"Who is Yu?"
4: "No, Who is the first baseman on that major league team."

(can you tell I want to procrastinate on this Friday afternoon?)


kalquessa January 18 2008, 23:00:53 UTC
*dies of laughter*


jd3000 January 19 2008, 03:48:58 UTC
Ooh, The Schoolhouse Rock Mysteries.

There should totally be a show where mysteries are derived from and solved by classic literature and/or grammar.



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