(no subject)

Jan 18, 2008 10:55

Sam: What is this about napalm flowers?

Me: Oh, one of my friends mailed me a couple episodes of Numb3rs because the writers of the show got kind of confused about which show they were writing for, and the Season 3 finale had kind of a big "OMG WHAT??" thing going on, and I want to see how it was resolved.

Sam: Ah...that's kind of a weird approach, for a show like Numb3rs.

Me: Yeah...I think the writers thought they were actually writing an episode of Alias or Lost or something. The whole "revelation that makes you totally re-evaluate the past two years' worth of show" thing works a lot better on spy shows than it does on crime procedurals with math.

Sam: It would totally work on Gerunds, though.

Me: Oh, it absolutely would.

Sam: The season finale would be "Noun?!! Dun dun duuuuunnnn!!"

sam, random interludes, numb3rs

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