Just beautiful

Jan 04, 2008 11:55

Okay, so I know I shouldn't find this as funny as I seriously do, because, yes, fourth wall violation and everything. Actually, I'll cut it, because I'm sure people will be squicked. ( BEHIND THIS CUT, THERE IS NO FOURTH WALL. I AM NOT KIDDING. )

bandom, meta, crossing streams

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quettaser January 4 2008, 19:03:01 UTC
Oh god, see, now you've said it which means that in three months IT IS GOING TO HAPPEN and then the universe will collapse in upon itself from the sheer horrendous awesome of it all.


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greyandgrey January 4 2008, 19:22:56 UTC
Starring the entire audience


iamsupernova January 5 2008, 01:48:34 UTC
My glee at seeing Cobra in eighteen days just exploded. LAWLZ.


greyandgrey January 5 2008, 03:33:42 UTC
Dude, they all get back to the bus after the show and Gabe goes "Dudes, did you see that chick in the blue shirt? with the lip ring? she totally wanted to bone that guy with the mohawk up by the barrier. I saw it in her eyes"

And Vicky T laughs and says "Yeah, too bad for her that guy was queer as fuck" and when Nate laughs and asks how she knows she says "He asked me to sign his shirt, but he didn't look at my tits once!" and nobody can really tell if she's offended or just amused...


iamsupernova January 5 2008, 03:52:11 UTC
Hahahha, you win.

I've always wondered what runs through band members' heads when they look at the audience. :D


felloffthecouch April 3 2008, 20:10:18 UTC
"These lights are fucking bright; I can't see a damn thing?"

Though, yeah, in a non-stage-lights setting, interesting question.


iamsupernova April 3 2008, 22:15:07 UTC
Bah, I know. Tonight is the last night of my school production of Annie Get Your Gun and MAN, stage lights. They don't suck half as much as character shoes, though.


felloffthecouch April 4 2008, 01:13:51 UTC
I wouldn't say that they suck. No way to freak out about an audience if you can't see anything, right? (not that this was ever my problem, but the concept applies.)

I've always found that the rest of the world kind of-- drops away when I hit stage lights. What I am doing, right there in the moment, becomes everything I am.

So-- I'd say stage lights are amazing.

And I've been able to avoid character shoes, too, mostly through not bothering to work the politics to get cast in things and having X amount of stage experience through dance [where I got to wear jazz shoes! comfy things like that] and my brief involvement in music programs [before I got sick of the politics and went the art track in high school, which I then set aside for a business track].


iamsupernova April 4 2008, 20:25:55 UTC
Oh, well in that respect I totally agree with you. Personally, I don't mind seeing the audience and stage fright has not bothered me for years, but I was totally able to see a lot of the audience during this season's shows.

Bah, you're lucky. I usually never needed them but this year I got a principal role so I had to wear them. I wore bandaids all over my feet underneath and still got bajillions of blisters. D:


kalpurna January 4 2008, 19:04:23 UTC


florahart January 4 2008, 21:51:54 UTC
...who says they're not? For all we know there is a 30,000 word fic they're passing around amongst themselves putting the finishing touches on before publishing it under a pseud.

This makes me laugh to consider.

(edit: IT, not IS... jeeze. *irons fingers*)


greenet January 4 2008, 23:34:56 UTC
...wait. So. William and Pete's book...


They wouldn't.



anonymous January 6 2008, 21:31:14 UTC
that idea is beautiful.

just beautiful.

for real, I just laughed so hard I peed a tiny bit. and I've just realised that I'm not signed in so this will be an anonymous comment. I guess I could sign in and come back and comment, but now you'll never know if it's a fangirl or Pete....

though we all know that it's far more likely to be Gabe


likeasunburn January 5 2008, 03:54:27 UTC
LOL Awesome.


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