[Fic] The Lemon Song - Sam (POV), Dean; 9x12 tag

Feb 04, 2014 01:42

Title: The Lemon Song [AO3]
Genre: gen
Characters: Sam (POV), Dean
Rating: PG
Word Count: 1560
Summary: Sam doesn't expect more; neither of them do. The twenty hours after 9x12.
Notes: "The Lemon Song" follows "What Is And What Should Never Be" on the album, Led Zeppelin II.

lemon song )

make me feel better yuki, spn s9 reviews, fic: spn

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Comments 43

caranfindel February 4 2014, 10:46:43 UTC
Jesus Christ. This is not okay. And you with that evil little laugh at the end.

Also, as soon as I got in the shower after reading this, my mind started composing the next chapter (can't help it, i do a lot of writing in the shower). I hope you don't mind if I post it as a follow up to this.


kalliel February 4 2014, 13:03:06 UTC
This being Supernatural, I think this might be as okay as it gets. D; And I, too, do a lot of shower ficcing! It is, incidentally, where this one came from. XD And I cannot think of anything in the world that I would love more right now than a follow up to this. YES, YES I WOULD VERY MUCH LIKE TO READ THAT. (Should you be in the market for titles, "The Lemon Song" is the track that follows "What Is and What Should Never Be" on Led Zep II. All angsty/sort of (?) happy insinuations of that being quite intentional!)

Thank you for readingggg. <333


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kalliel February 4 2014, 13:06:22 UTC
Hilariously (horribly?) I wrote this with the express intention of writing them a nice time, and I didn't care how unlikely that was. This is, apparently, as far as that road went. :D:

Thank you for readingggg! I'm glad you enjoyed. <3


borgmama1of5 February 4 2014, 14:35:49 UTC
OMG...my heart is BREAKING!


firesign10 February 4 2014, 18:08:17 UTC


kalliel February 8 2014, 04:29:35 UTC
Me toooooooo! :D;


kalliel February 8 2014, 04:29:19 UTC


quickreaver February 4 2014, 14:51:36 UTC
You hit that SPN balance of unhappy happiness. Both of them clearly fixating on each other. REGARDLESS. But trying to be tough, independent. Undoable.

I'm so glad Dean stepped aside, let Sam in. :D


kalliel February 8 2014, 04:30:29 UTC
I'm glad, too. :'D And I'm glad that you enjoyed this! Thank you for reading, and also for your lovely succinct summation of what all they're doing here. <33


paperbackwriter February 4 2014, 14:56:36 UTC
Utterly beautiful, Hun

This -"He lies back on the stiff bedspread, which smells of smoke, and stares at the ceiling for the duration of someone else's shower. Then he takes his own." - broke my heart.

*hugs* x


kalliel February 8 2014, 04:31:34 UTC
Thank you. <3 I'm glad you enjoyed. And that line especially. I wasn't sure if it'd be too maudlin, but there was such a space there, I couldn't imagine Sam pretending it wasn't there.


paperbackwriter February 8 2014, 09:45:21 UTC
What is this "too maudlin" of which you speak?
That can't be a real thing, surely : )

It's just such a perfect moment. Like the dividers, everything in their lives, so compartmentalised and predictable that they can't totally take in the absence of a thing.

Cleverclogs : ) x


kalliel February 13 2014, 01:18:53 UTC
Heee cleverclogs. I like this noun. Are there tulips that go with these clogs? XDDDD <3


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