Fic: Under the Sun (Arthur, Merlin)

Mar 21, 2010 03:48

Title: Under the Sun
Author: kalina_blue
Rating: PG
Characters: Arthur, Merlin
Word Count: 100
Warnings/Spoilers: none
Prompt: #1 Sun
Summary: Sometimes fight practice with Merlin has unpredictable consequences.
A/N: Written for the Arthur100 challenge at arphwoarArthur lay flat on his back, blinking up into the sun and trying to figure out how he had come to be on ( Read more... )

character: arthur, character: merlin, fanfiction: challenge, fanfiction: completed, fandom: merlin (tv), fanfiction: drabble, fanfiction

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Comments 4

elvishly March 21 2010, 11:50:32 UTC
LOL. This is so true, hahaha.


kalina_blue March 21 2010, 16:24:42 UTC


dollfaced May 29 2010, 11:27:13 UTC
LOL! That was perfect :)


kalina_blue May 29 2010, 11:49:20 UTC
Thank you. :)


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