Title: The Spectacular Catastrophe of Your Endless Childhood
Pairing/Characters: Ianto [Ianto/OFCs, Ianto/Lisa]
rm &
kalichanRating/Warning: NC-17, het, pre-slash
Summary: The early education and adventures of Ianto Jones.
Wordcount: ~11,000 [posted in 2 parts]
Authors' Note: This is a prequel to our Jack/Ianto series,
I Had No Idea I Had Been
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Comments 102
Very nicely done. This half was especially sad, but at the same time it felt like Ianto was still waiting, even with Lisa, which makes me think of the line in... To Learn This Holding... which went something like ''Do you think of me?'' ''Before I even knew you.'' Even as a prequel this still fits so well into the bizarre but wonderful romance you're telling. I loved the touching on Ianto's sexuality in an understated and not-too-fraught way, and Lisa's easiness with it, and Ianto's half-realized regrets about Jans. I love him spilling to the professor who hooks him up with Torchwood, and the ridiculous hiring procedures. (And I hope he went and told the prof he was still alive post the battle, because damn, he must be feeling guilty about that!)
Overall, it really conveys the theme of waiting, from the first sentence through to the last, there's this hint of potential for something else in Ianto, that he knows about but doesn't understand, and that's what makes it for me.
Yes yes yes. Thank you!
I sort of hate calling this a prequel, even though yes, that's what it is. Because we've placed it here in the arc so people can go... wait.... We have a lot of little dangling pieces in this story that seem like random thoughts and throwaway romantic remarks, but they're all sort of part of a whole, that's hopefully at least marginally readable in any order, but will certain fit together (tightly, we pray) once the concluding two stories are posted.
I love the nonlinearity of it, it's far more relevant here and now than in another place.
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I'm tempted to say this has been my favorite part up until now. I've loved all the others, and I think the sort of behind the scenes story you have been creating for Jack and Ianto is absolutely brilliant. But even brighter than giving their relationship all those meanings and reasons and happenings, is building up two characters so that they can meet and just seem right. The last few parts have been about what makes them who they are, why is it that they stand as they stand and for what. They had lives before all this, and it takes a lot of imagination and insight to build the road that has taken them to the place they are now ( ... )
This is such a lovely compliment. It is great to know that we did your favorite character justice. Rach and I were just noting to each other that Jack's story is too big to ever be compassed by a single narrative; even with our shifting points-of-view, Ianto is very much our entry into this story, so it's fabulous to know that it worked for you.
I think he's a bit crazy. But frankly, so am I, and also is everyone I know and care about. So that's not a bad thing, per se.
We're excited about getting back to the regular timeline too! Eeep! Thank you again; your comments always make us smile.
Btw, have I ever told you how much I like your titles? Because I adore your titles. How do you come up with them? The Spectacular Catastrophe of Your Endless Childhood. It's creative and curious and made a lot of sense, at least to me. But my favorite one is by far Up, Down, Strange, Charm, Truth, Beauty: or, A Child's Guide to Modern Physics. Just brilliant.
The first three were from poems by Lucie Brock-Broido in a book called The Master Letters which you should buy immediately. It is the best book of poetry EVER.
And again, so delighted you enjoyed Ianto/Lisa.
Thank you so much!
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