Stolen and tweaked from an LJ writer's prompt: favorite female character(s)?

Jul 22, 2009 11:58

Here, flist, let's have one of those posts where we go crazy with lists.

Stolen from a morphed writer's prompt in the ways_back_room:

Do you have a favorite female character?

Uh. Yes. Except that there are about five thousand of them vying for the top slots at any given moment.

So, just off the top of my head, a few that come to mind

- Margarita from The ( Read more... )

grant morrison, wonder woman, previews, comics, questions for the flist, dc, queries for the flist, gail simone

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Comments 44

serenada July 22 2009, 20:23:19 UTC

... )


kali921 July 22 2009, 20:33:51 UTC

Fantastic icon. Every time you use that "badass hair day" I quiver with joy.


serenada July 22 2009, 22:39:24 UTC
Dot? I don't have a Dot. Who is she? She's probably interesting.

No, that's probably Modesty Blaise. I should have named them, although some are obvious: Cassandra Cain/Batgirl; Storm; Samantha Carter from Stargate; Martha Washington from Give Me Liberty; Modesty Blaise; and Wonder Woman.

Who doesn't love Storm's hair? People who are dead inside, that's who.


lurkerwithout July 22 2009, 20:23:23 UTC
Was La Contessa part of the big group of freed Skrull-kidnapees at the end of SI?


kali921 July 22 2009, 20:57:09 UTC
Yes - and my question when I saw that was if the Contessa that appeared in the last Union Jack mini was Skrull!Contessa or not.


gillan July 22 2009, 20:33:26 UTC
I read the Morrison quote as the combination of "girl power, bondage and disturbed sexuality" that put him at ease. Not girl power itself.


kali921 July 22 2009, 20:58:42 UTC
I think you mean "ill at ease." Taken all together, Morrison's quotes about Diana are really troubling to me. He's welcome to parse Diana however he pleases, but when you're talking about one of the Trinity, one of the absolute paragons of justice and peace, one of the most absolute incarnations of what it is to be a righteous person in the DCU and calling her weird and strange?



jencendiary July 22 2009, 20:33:29 UTC
I don't love Olivia Benson. I think that's the writers's fault. The Saint Olivia of Our Perpetual Lip Quiver makes me want to slap a bitch.

I do, however, love Silver Sable better than all things. And the Sookie Stackhouse from the novels (I have not seen enough of True Blood to have a TV opinion of her.) And Boy from The Invisibles. And Lord Fanny from the Invisibles (because, if we're letting Mothra count, really. . .) And both of the Filthy Assistants, Channon & Yelena from Transmet. And Audrey Horne from Twin Peaks. And . . .oh, hell. I'm going to think on this and post it in my own LJ.


You know who I also forgot? kali921 July 22 2009, 20:35:03 UTC
Lord Fanny! I forgot Lord Fanny!

But you know who I also forgot?

... )


aj July 22 2009, 20:34:14 UTC
I once RP'd as Cecelia Reyes. It was in an X-Men Academy game where Cecelia was hardcore cranky about being nominated den mother because she's a DOCTOR and not a school nurse, and McCoy keeps getting into her chicken soup. It was kinda great.

Also, Amanda Fucking Waller = head bitch in charge. OF THE UNIVERSE.


Edit! kali921 July 22 2009, 20:39:59 UTC
...I would LOVE to play with a Cecelia Reyes. I was crushed when they killed her off. I loved her platonic!OTP with Hank - and I was kinda hoping that they'd eventually pull A Philadelphia Story and start actually admitting their OBVIOUS snarky attraction to each other.

Edit: list your fave girls! Yours was a list that I was really looking forward to!


Aw, man! aj July 22 2009, 21:12:29 UTC
I don't have all day! Fine, fine, top of the head ( ... )


Re: Aw, man! kali921 July 22 2009, 21:15:14 UTC
Val Cooper? WOW! Really?

That's about the list I would expect from you: diverse, eclectic, and yet consistent with my theory that AJ Should Rule the World.


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