Stolen and tweaked from an LJ writer's prompt: favorite female character(s)?

Jul 22, 2009 11:58

Here, flist, let's have one of those posts where we go crazy with lists.

Stolen from a morphed writer's prompt in the ways_back_room:

Do you have a favorite female character?

Uh. Yes. Except that there are about five thousand of them vying for the top slots at any given moment.

So, just off the top of my head, a few that come to mind

- Margarita from The ( Read more... )

grant morrison, wonder woman, previews, comics, questions for the flist, dc, queries for the flist, gail simone

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Comments 44

sdelmonte July 22 2009, 20:39:20 UTC
To repeat myself from the back room discussion:

Willow Rosenberg. Cordelia Vorkosigan. Jessica Fletcher (really - the show may have been hokey and formulaic, but she was never either, and solved mysteries her brain and never her fists). Snow White in Fables. Barbara Gordon. Elisa Maza. Kira Nerys. And scads of Terry Prachett's women, from Granny Weatherwax to Lady Sybil to Tiffany Aching.


kali921 July 22 2009, 20:52:02 UTC
Tiffany Aching...I've yet to warm up to Tiffs.

I frankly surprised at how lily white so may of the lists were in the back room (excluding the characters pulled from those SFF worlds where race, some will argue, is less relevant).


sdelmonte July 22 2009, 20:56:02 UTC
It reflects how white the players are, and the game is. And perhaps how white pop culture in general tends to be. Especially in SFF.


canadabear July 22 2009, 20:42:23 UTC

There is nothing better. That's it. Life is complete. I'm done.


kali921 July 22 2009, 20:50:19 UTC
I thought you might like that page. :-) You should go look at the preview I linked to - it's got three whole pages of Wondy, polar bear mom, and polar bear cub!


equustel July 22 2009, 20:43:23 UTC
Since you've already covered the greats from comics:

Aeryn. Sun.
Sarah. Connor.
Dana Scully.
(this really could go on forever)
OH but a new love I must add: Veronica Mars. Soooo unbearably kickass with brainpower alone.

Re: Wonder Woman - it constantly boggles me when I hear people in the comics industry talking about Diana that way. I don't get it at all. The only way a character like that can become irrelevant is if you make her irrelevant.


kali921 July 22 2009, 20:48:23 UTC
Shit, I meant to include Ripley and Dana Scully.

And everyone on your list, really - your list is TOPS.

The only way a character like that can become irrelevant is if you make her irrelevant.

Absolutely. The other side of the coin is when people (Megan Fox, Dave Chappelle, etc. AD NAUSEUM) talk about her as if she lacks power, ferocity, and fighting prowess. Every time someone says "But she's lame, all she has is the lasso and the invisible plane," I want to rub their faces in, like, every issue of Wonder Woman ever. Except for the first few issues after Infinite Crisis - we don't speak of those.


squeeful July 22 2009, 20:45:47 UTC
There is not enough Jubilee love in the world.


kali921 July 22 2009, 20:49:21 UTC
No. There isn't. I can't even talk to people who hate Jubilee, particularly the Jubilee from the Gen X era where every single panel with her in it was GOLD.


squeeful July 22 2009, 21:08:51 UTC
I do not acknowledge people who hate Jubilee. I refuse to admit they exist.

You forgot Donna Noble.


kali921 July 22 2009, 21:11:36 UTC
I don't watch much Nu!Who, so haven't even gotten to her episodes yet. I only dabble in Dr. Who - I'm not a regular imbiber. Perhaps I should mainline some!


shidoikarji26 July 22 2009, 21:00:15 UTC
Monet St. Croix, Emma Frost, Jean Grey, Illyria, Linda Danvers, Dani FREAKIN Moonstar, Carolyn Trainer, Jennifer Walters, Cordelia Chase, Firestar, Starfire, Jessie Quick, Felicia Hardy, Jessica Drew, Cassandra Cain, Grace Choi, Thunder. If I typed out the whole list, it'd be one big paragraph.

How can anyone hate Jubilee in GenX?

Bonus points for The Major.


kali921 July 22 2009, 21:03:20 UTC
Oh, I love Dani - she meant to go on my list, too. It's so rare that you see her in canon, new New Mutants notwithstanding. Even rarer to see her RPed.


shidoikarji26 July 22 2009, 22:49:36 UTC
Dammitt, you've caused me to start making a list! (Which I will provide you a link when I'm done)

Well, yeah. I'm RP-ing her at Cape and Cowl and X-Men RP (though there isn't much for her to do right now). I try to do her justice.


kali921 July 22 2009, 22:52:59 UTC
I hardly ever see Dani played. I have a few people on my flist who have pointed me at Cape and Cowl - I've thought of apping there. The nigh constant rumors (and these are just rumors I've heard, of course - and, ahem, things DO get conflated on the internets) of backstabbing wank, though, put me off a bit.


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