We have just enough dust mites to make us hate, but not enough to make us love dusting

Jul 12, 2009 11:25

I'm tired of waking up with headaches. They seem to come and go. I was just diagnosed with a severe allergy to dust mites, which might be the explanation for how miserable I feel when I'm in my bedroom and how even though I eat the kind of diet that might as well be a perma-cleanse 24/7 (I HAVE NOT HAD ANY SUGAR IN OVER SEVEN WEEKS. OTHER THAN ( Read more... )

wtf, music, casting news, hawt, trailers, film, video clips, martial arts, green lantern, hal jordan, hawtness, you tube

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Comments 33

spectralbovine July 12 2009, 19:59:58 UTC
Anyway, due the Closed System of Pain Distribution (cue Hank Pym after Decimation asking "WHERE DID ALL THAT ENERGY PAIN GO? IT HAD TO GO SOMEWHERE") that apparently governs my physical self, if my ankle and knee are getting better, that means that of course while I'm bending over in a yoga pose (straight out of Cosmo's Sex Position of the Day - I lacked only a partner to make this move something that 4chan would probably post endlessly on /b/) to get my ice wrap around my right ankle, I pull a muscle in my back.
Ha! I experienced the Law of Conservation of Pain when I was training for my (half-)marathon. As soon as one injury got better, I acquired a new one.

That trailer for B13 looks pretty sweet. HE DID THE JUMPING-INTO-A-CAR THING!


kali921 July 12 2009, 20:03:19 UTC
I never fail to fangirl squee when I see traceurs leap into and out of cars with such grace. Similarly to the way I squee when I watch Tony Jaa go batshit traceur through Bangkok.

A half-marathon? DO tell!!


spectralbovine July 12 2009, 20:12:03 UTC
I could tell or I could link. Heh. San Francisco Half-Marathon, 2007. I, uh, limped the last three or four miles.

I've never heard the "traceur" term before! Now I know what they're called.


kali921 July 12 2009, 20:16:05 UTC
"Traceur"and "traceuse" are the terms for people that practice parkour. Vive la France! (Although that infamous YouTube clip of the Latvian ninjas committing some serious parkour all over the post-Soviet landscape is still some of the best free-running/parkour that I've EVER seen.)


neo_prodigy July 12 2009, 20:37:23 UTC
Ryan Reynolds strikes me more as a hybrid between Kyle Rayner and Guy Gardner. Fillion would've been the best choice but based on some of the other people up for the part, yeah, they could've done worse.

And Deadpool needs to be sans scars and of the Ryan Reynolds pretty. I don't care if it breaks canon (like that's ever stopped movies), I'm shelling out $10 I demand to see the Reynolds hawtness.


kali921 July 12 2009, 20:44:31 UTC
I think, from what I've heard, that it's going to be partly Wade before cancer ate him up and partly Wade post-Weapon X. Now, if they'd just forget X-Men film continuity and BRING IN TERRY CASSIDY I'd be happy!


PS kali921 July 12 2009, 20:45:50 UTC
PS - yes to your description of Reynolds as being a Kyle-Guy hybrid. But Kyle's the sweetly sensitive artiste - and Guy's the totally obnoxious asshole you want to punch and then cheer on.


Re: PS neo_prodigy July 12 2009, 21:04:19 UTC
Very true. Personally I wouldn't have minded if they had gone with John Stewart (though I know that would've never happened for a multitude of reasons). While he's often Hal's bitch in the comics, he really shined in Justice League Unlimited and that portrayal warrants its own film.


box_in_the_box July 12 2009, 20:38:53 UTC
Very nice dance video. Excellent visuals, awesomne sounds. Your mom is quite talented, and .... um, kind of cute, too.


kali921 July 12 2009, 20:43:20 UTC
Pretty much EVERYTHING that comes out of the Sonar festival is awesomely danceable.

If I may brag for a moment, when my mom was that age, she was hotter. She has the huge green/hazel green eyes that are common on her side of the family. My brother has them, too. Sadly, I got my dad's squinty Irish blue eyes. On the other hand, I've been told more than once by an Englishman that I used to date that when I'm mad, I look, and I quote, "Like an Irish hellion."


box_in_the_box July 12 2009, 20:48:00 UTC
... Are you really sure you want to be encouraging a guy with a thing for MILFs? ;)


kali921 July 12 2009, 20:50:25 UTC
No. My mom is off limits. Although if she ever discovers ontd_political, she will be all over that like Sanford on the Appalachian Trail.


jmatonak July 12 2009, 20:52:59 UTC
Huh. I remember a cycle of rumors that said Ryan Reynolds was going to be the Flash, which- assuming Wally- made more sense to me.


kali921 July 12 2009, 21:17:18 UTC
Hmmm. THAT might work - but Wally, bless him, has a more pure and innocent quality to him than Reynolds.


jmatonak July 12 2009, 21:27:28 UTC
Nuh-uh! Remember Immediate Post-Crisis Skeevy Wally?

Sure, he was just going through some stuff because Barry died (that being what we all thought at the time) and underneath it all he was still the same sweet guy- but before Mark Waid's run, during the speed-of-sound era, he gave off this smarmy vibe that's tailor-made for Ryan Reynolds. At least, that's my story and I'm sticking to it.


jmatonak July 12 2009, 21:29:02 UTC
I'm so old. How did that happen?


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