So. Conflicted.

Jul 10, 2009 13:37

I hesitated about posting this due to Recent Events With He Who Shall Not Be Named, but after seeing the conflagrations all over the damn internet about it, linkage must be posted.

This is what's responsible for breaking the internet over the last...two weeks:

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rp, wankdammerung, x-factor, whut is this, hilarity, holy crap, marvel

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Comments 46

aj July 10 2009, 21:30:26 UTC
Dude. You kind of have to hit me over the head with homosexual subtext to get me to see it, and I've considered Shatterstar/Rictor canon since about 1994.

Also, Rob Liefeld: Remains a jerkwad. Me: Incredibly unsurprised.


kali921 July 10 2009, 21:39:09 UTC
They've long been canon in my mind, although I do wonder if PAD is going to go with Ric being bi or whether his past dalliances (like the recent thing with Rahne) with girls are going to be simple experimentation and now he's OTP with Star 4EVAH. I'm so glad that Marvel let PAD do this with Ric and Star, but since bi people are more canonically rare than gay people in the Big Two, I might be happier if Ric is bi, you know? Either way, win/win.


aj July 10 2009, 21:44:27 UTC
I very much think that Ric is probably bi. I've bought him in relationships with women, but I also think that he and Star really ARE OTP OMG. That doesn't make his relationships with others wrong or invalid. If anything, I think Ric fell in love with Star and that was a real paradigm kicker for him, IF JUST because of his background. Am I saying that I wouldn't buy Ric with another guy? Not exactly. I think he - as a character - would prefer to only like women, but he's grown enough, and become comfortable enough in himself and his relationships to love Star openly, and OMG SQUEE!

Those two are cuter than a puppy and a kitten bedecked in glitter, romping through a meadow that is filled with rainbows.


kali921 July 10 2009, 22:03:26 UTC
Those two are cuter than a puppy and a kitten bedecked in glitter, romping through a meadow that is filled with rainbows.

YES. ♥ ♥ ♥

And HOT. You forgot HOT.

I really, really want to see how PAD handles Star talking about this - because Star spent years being so I'M FROM THE MOJOVERSE, I AM A TELEGENIC WARRIOR BORN MADE AND I HAVE NO FEELINGS. I LIVE ONLY TO FIGHT.


twbasketcase July 10 2009, 21:32:21 UTC
NOT ONESIDED! ♥ They're still making out at the start of next week's issue. XD


kali921 July 10 2009, 21:35:53 UTC
Link or it doesn't happen.


kali921 July 10 2009, 21:42:07 UTC

To be honest, though, I'm afraid that PAD will somehow screw this up. We are talking about a writer who offed a baby as a plot device. (At least in MAX Punisher a dead baby was the catalyst for an epic story of Frank Castle ridding the world of some Very Bad People.)


betterthanlegos July 10 2009, 21:36:14 UTC
Oh my god that fight I still don't even.


kali921 July 10 2009, 21:46:48 UTC
Liefeld...WHERE ARE HIS HANDLERS? He needs half a dozen flacks to tell him when to shut up and stop talking.

(I remember when that Liefeld X-Force mini with Star came out in 2005 - I actually bought a couple of issues expressly so I could see the train wreck in living color, and the SHAME I felt while waiting in line at Comic Relief - I put it at the bottom of that week's haul, and even though I know most of the staff at CR, when they saw that I was buying it, this shocked silence fell over the store. It took me forty-five minutes of explaining to get my comic fangirl cred back. "Look, I have to buy it to simply verify that yes, it exists and it's really this bad.")


betterthanlegos July 10 2009, 21:48:02 UTC
He just dug himself deeper and deeper and deeper. He needs to learn to uhmm...stop?

*DIES* oh god. That mini was just hideous.


EDIT kali921 July 10 2009, 21:54:08 UTC
By the way, are you IN that thread over on Robot 6?



jencendiary July 10 2009, 21:43:31 UTC
I don't want to live in a world of non-gay Spartans. Pockets Liefeld can fuck right off.

(My favorite piece of Spartan trivia is that on the night a Spartan bride was supposed to consumate her wedding, she'd dress up like her new husband's comrades and lay with her backside facing the door. Is all I'm saying.)

AND RIC AND SHATTERSTAR = CANON! *FLAILY HANDS* I'm willing to have a moment of goodwill for that man.

(This is totally what I've needed, since my F-list has exploded about the breakup of PATD.)


Uh oh. kali921 July 10 2009, 21:53:32 UTC
PATD? Uh oh - a fandom acronym that I'm not instantly getting. Help a fangirl out?

(My favorite piece of Spartan trivia is that on the night a Spartan bride was supposed to consumate her wedding, she'd dress up like her new husband's comrades and lay with her backside facing the door. Is all I'm saying.)

I've also read that at a certain point in Sparta's history, a wedding night custom was for the husband to pretend to abduct his new bride. Man, if there were any Spartans who were into power exchange and abduction fantasies and two of them were fortunate enough to MARRY each other, they must have had fun.

Eh. I've seen the historians that argue that the Spartans had a ghey:straight:bi ratio that probably roughly reflected something like our own and that there were all kinds of, er, dalliance customs.


Re: Uh oh. jencendiary July 10 2009, 21:58:46 UTC
Panic at the Disco. I had no idea so many of my friends were ~invested in them. But it's like the gotterdammerung around these parts, especially since the guitarist/primary songwriter was caught on camera shenaniganating with young girls and cocaine subsequent to the announcement.

I'm like. . .have you never MET any 23 year old musicians, people? /rant

Anywho, this is vastly superior to that. And Spartan wedding nights occasionally sound like really good dates I've been on. Minus the conceiving a child as my sole contribution to the nation-state.


Re: Uh oh. kali921 July 10 2009, 22:08:59 UTC
*smacks self*

I should have gotten that. Wow, I bet the fandom is in a right tizzy, aren't they? But I don't really care much about PATD because I'm too busy squeeing over Blue Daisy being the Next Big Thing in London and Mexican Institute of Sound's new release. (FIVE-STAR AWESOME, BY THE WAY.)

But it's like the gotterdammerung around these parts, especially since the guitarist/primary songwriter was caught on camera shenaniganating with young girls and cocaine subsequent to the announcement.

Ewww. My straight edge is showing, because every time a musician gets caught with street pharmaceuticals, I sneer and think "God, how eighties." People actually still do blow? Outre, so freakin' weak, 1985 is calling and wants their gig back, etc.


shanejayell July 10 2009, 22:14:34 UTC
Lefield... just LOL. I'm sorry, WHAT A MORON. :)


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