So. Conflicted.

Jul 10, 2009 13:37

I hesitated about posting this due to Recent Events With He Who Shall Not Be Named, but after seeing the conflagrations all over the damn internet about it, linkage must be posted.

This is what's responsible for breaking the internet over the last...two weeks:

That's from X-Factor #45.

Standard disclaimer: image will be immediately removed at the request of the copyright holder, blah blah blah I think this qualifies as fair use and so does PAD's sister-in-law.

(I do find it hilarious that some people at F_W are worried about being TOSed for posting that image and simultaneously trumpeting on about how if PAD arrives they'll rip him to shreds better than anyone else - and since He Who Shall Not Be Named's sister-in-law did show up in that F_W post, I wonder how long it'll be before PAD shows up to fight the good fight.)

I had such a mixed reaction to that kiss. One the one hand, YAY, RIC AND STAR ARE FINALLY EXPLICIT MARVEL CANON (well, at least they are on Star's side). On the other, it's He Who Shall Not Be Named and although I'm still guilty of, er, misbehaving with him, I really wonder if this is an attempt to generate sales via controversy (particularly since I seem to recall He Who Shall Not Be Named posting a couple of years back about how he disliked Shatterstar, which made me wonder what Star is doing in X-Factor, but I could be wrong).

But really the reason I'm posting about this?

Rob Liefeld and Peter David got into a MAJOR slap fight over said smooch.

(Rob, for those of you that don't know, created the character of Shatterstar. Peter David now writes Shatterstar in X-Factor. Rob isn't happy about all that ghey subtext now being explicit.)

Half my flist has already linked to it, but here is what Liefeld said:

"I have nothing against gays, I have gay family, nuthin’ but love here. Ditto gay characters if that’s what their true origins are.

As the guy that created, designed and wrote his first dozen appearances, Shatterstar is not gay. Sorry. Can’t wait to someday undo this. Seems totally contrived.”

Yes. He really said that.

As well as:

"Shatterstar is akin to Maximus in Gladiator. He’s a warrior, a Spartan, and not a gay one.”

Yes. He really said that too.

Cue EXPLOSION over on Robot 6 as Rob AND PAD show up to duke it out. A zillion comments!

My head hurts. There's Godwining, accusations of homophobia, fanboys screaming about how PAD is threatening their manhood (or something) with teh ghey, fanboys and fangirls that are joyously enthused about Ric/Star, invisibilifying bi people, wanking about Greek history, people who formerly lambasted PAD for co-nuking S_D now gushing over him, things of course inevitably get racial, there's a mini slapfight over whether Siryn liked Star or Star liked Siryn, and both PAD and Liefeld acting like Class Five Trolls. Somehow, Jack Bauer gets dragged into all of this.


Suddenly I don't feel so alone.

SPEAKING OF SLAPFIGHTS: Here, have Rao and Krypton in a grudge match: THINK I BLEW UP? WRONG, BITCHES.

All I can say is: AHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! canadabear is an RPing genius.


rp, wankdammerung, x-factor, whut is this, hilarity, holy crap, marvel

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