I started this off with breakdancing robots, but screw it...MOTHRA MONDAY

Jul 06, 2009 13:47

FLIST. So I had a big post planned about Palin's resignation and Robert McNamara's death, but that'll have to wait.

I so rarely get to use my King Ghidorah icon. Below you will see why I'm using it today.

But first! I got sucked into watching the new season of America's Got Talent last week ( Read more... )

epic smackdowns, wry wry wry, mothra, you freakin' pervs, giant stompy monsters, comics, ultraman, cute overload, cats, objection!, polltastic, tv, poll results, she-hulk, beatdowns for peace & love, marvel, augh, robot overlords, kitteh, video clips, epic battles, you tube

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Comments 38

nefariouscory July 6 2009, 21:02:18 UTC
Maybe I should think about relocating - my Countries That I Want to Emigrate To Should Serious Shit Go Down list includes Norway (see Michael Moore), the Netherlands (see the Netherlands), and Costa Rica (small carbon footprint, vigorously green politics, happy). Who's with me?

Excellent. My plan is working!

I'd totally show you around and feed you Dutch delicacies that may or may not involve liquorice. I'm sure there are vegan stroopwafels and oliebollen :D


kali921 July 6 2009, 21:35:02 UTC
Ooooooh, keep tempting me! At this rate, I'll have to come visit. It's not like a fourth of my flist is Dutch or anything!

There is something so inherently wonderful about the word "stroopwafels." And yet most Americans are shamefully ignorant of that.


nefariouscory July 6 2009, 22:08:40 UTC
Well, on behalf of the entire country (I checked, they're OK with it) I can say you're more than welcome. In addition to the food, we offer flower fields, canals, canal houses, cows, houseboats, history, coffeeshops, monkeys, bikes, museums, seals, mudflat hiking, thriving subcultures and, of course, fascinating words like stroopwafel.


kali921 July 6 2009, 22:26:25 UTC
The Netherlands will welcome me with open arms! Honestly, the only reason I've hesitated to come is because I have this weird thing: I do not speak Dutch, and I'm self-conscious about it in a way that, say, I'm not self-conscious about going to Japan and not speaking Japanese. I don't want to be the blundering idiot American, you know?

How's the Asian food there? I live on Asian food, what with being a vegan and all, so it's either that or whatever passes for the Dutch version of baked potatoes and steamed veggies. :-) Lessee, here in the States the Dutch are stereotyped as eating lots of butter cookies, chocolate, cheese (of course), and weird (read: delicious) sweet spreads on bread. IS THIS TRUE, MADAME? What is the scoop on Dutch bread spreads?!


frankie23 July 6 2009, 21:25:16 UTC
I told ya the one-punch was pretty awesome. :) I love the fact that she must've gotten up immediately, hopped in the cab, and driven all the way from Jersey just to do that. So cool.


kali921 July 6 2009, 21:33:47 UTC
The only problem with this is that Jen could have jumped from New Jersey to Manhattan in about six seconds. So I'm of two minds: 1) it's Van Lente being very manipulative in writing what he hopes is Teh Funny and ignoring Jen's canon abilities and 2) watching Jen slam down Bob is still freakin' HILARIOUS.


frankie23 July 6 2009, 21:57:41 UTC
This is indeed a good point; thankfully it's funny enough for me to forgive. :)


kali921 July 6 2009, 22:20:27 UTC
Or Jen could have driven in from New Jersey in a cab on purpose just to make a point. And the scene is hilarious comeuppance - why do I get the feeling that Van Lente isn't too fond of the Sentry?

No one seems to know what to do with Bob since that last miniseries. Did you read his two minis? They were both excellent - in very different ways, of course. (Jae Lee art in the first mini, spectacularly weird SELFCEST in the second, WHOA!)


suburbfabulous July 6 2009, 22:21:53 UTC
2. Mothra is a Flying Bucket Of Awesome, Kaiju Edition.
3. As per request: http://suburbfabulous.livejournal.com/752508.html
Oh, AND I installed a new keyboard, so now I have exclamation points again.
(I'm still being miserly with 'em, though; wouldn't want to run out before Faith No More hits the States and/or I see Living Colour.)


kali921 July 6 2009, 22:35:02 UTC
LIVING COLOUR. Ah, remember when we had that surge of awesome African American rock bands in late eighties and early nineties? And remember how the industry kind of ignored them and told them all that they wouldn't sell records, refused to renew their contracts, and they all slid back into relative (read: to clueless people) obscurity?

So I sat there, minimal ass affronted by the pink coral granite of the seawall, Dutch Chocolate Milk and ever-present Iron Maiden lighter close at hand, chaining and reading about this English guy.
You, sir, need your own entry in the TV Tropes "Crowning Moment of Awesome" page ( ... )


suburbfabulous July 6 2009, 23:21:01 UTC
As always, thanks for the love. You know it's why I do this, right?

Mother's Finest is calling, Kali, and they're bringing 24/7 Spyz with them. I bought ALL that stuff, probably because I'm a WASP.

RevCo = Best Version Of Rod Stewart's "Do Ya Think I'm Sexy?" EVER.

Also, little known fact about me: I/b> was in a fraternity. Well, technically, it's a music honor society, Kappa Kappa Psi, but I quit when I realized they had few musicians and no honor to speak of.


oakenguy July 6 2009, 23:24:45 UTC
..................Clive JAMES?


kali921 July 6 2009, 23:28:56 UTC
Clive James' famous quote about disco: "Disco dancing is just the steady thump of a giant moron knocking in an endless nail."

That makes him Ali's MORTAL ENEMY, no?

(And thank GOD someone picked up on that reference - I was about to abandon all hope in my flist! Somehow, I knew it would be you.)


oakenguy July 7 2009, 00:36:44 UTC
All I know is, if I'm at Comicopia next year and see a Clive James Mini-Marvel on the shelf, I'll totally know who to blame.

(And then I'm buying, like, FIVE.)


kali921 July 7 2009, 00:45:19 UTC
Oh, there will be MAJOR changes the moment the Pancreator chooses to take me out of this life and insert me into Marvel continuity. Clive James Mini-Marvels will be but one of many, many changes forthcoming, dear heart.

Clive James vs. Alison on the McLaughlin Report! Doom appearing on Charlie Rose just for fun! Sally Floyd being found out as a Jayson Blaire and then chased out of Manhattan by a rampaging J. Jonah Jameson! Emma Frost's sex tape with Tony Stark becoming ripe fodder for YTMND!


the_croupier July 6 2009, 23:37:19 UTC
Going from epic Mothra-Ghidorah smackdown to Sharky with chickies and duckies sort of gave me whiplash there, Kali.

On the other hand, if there was ever a new She-Hulk series composed solely of Jen going around one-punching the likes of Sentry, Norman Osborn, and anyone else Marvel's male editorial staff is in love with, I would happily buy five issues every month just to keep it going.


kali921 July 6 2009, 23:53:44 UTC
Shulkie and Sharky could team up, you know. She one-punches the Big Bads, and he charms the random henchpeople and minions standing around by doing his pittie smile at them or carrying around his latest batch of chicks in a basket. I mean, would AIM and HYDRA henchpeople be so hardened as to resist a smiling pittie wagging his tail and offering them a basket of chicks? I THINK NOT. "HAIL HY-...awwwww! Who's a little dog with fluffy chicks? Hmm? Hmm ( ... )


the_croupier July 7 2009, 00:23:19 UTC
...I'm totally buying another fifty copies of that.




Oh, what's the point?

What's that you say, Marvel editors? You're all excited about a new series about how all the Marvel superheroines sekritly want to have Norman's babies? Sure, why not? Worked for Gwen Stacy, didn't it?

*headdesks repeatedly*

(No, I haven't heard any rumors about such a thing, but it's depressingly plausible, isn't it?)


Umm, honey, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but... kali921 July 7 2009, 00:29:31 UTC
Um, darling, honey, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but...

What's that you say, Marvel editors? You're all excited about a new series about how all the Marvel superheroines sekritly want to have Norman's babies? Sure, why not? Worked for Gwen Stacy, didn't it?

You HAVEN'T heard rumors? ...You might want to avoid Van Lente's SSH mini, because...that's basically THE PREMISE.


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