I started this off with breakdancing robots, but screw it...MOTHRA MONDAY

Jul 06, 2009 13:47

FLIST. So I had a big post planned about Palin's resignation and Robert McNamara's death, but that'll have to wait.

I so rarely get to use my King Ghidorah icon. Below you will see why I'm using it today.

But first! I got sucked into watching the new season of America's Got Talent last week.

Yes, last week's episode had the yodeling dominatrix who topped out at seven feet in height, those Polish triplets on violins, and a power pop trio of teeny tiny girls jamming on bass, guitar, and drums.

But then the Comic Bots appeared. As far as I'm concerned, the contest is OVER, people. As soon as these guys walked on stage, they should have stopped all proceedings and declared them the IMMEDIATE WINNERS OF ALL WINNERS.

Nick Cannon is hosting this season of AGT (wow, I haven't seen Nick Cannon since Drumline!), and he noted that they were "Transformers from the hood."

These guys built everything you see here in these clips, and lo, they are AWESOME INCARNATE, the divine principle of awesome contained in physical form. Unfortunately NBC complained about the clips of their performance on AGT being uploaded to YouTube, so I had to trawl the perilous depths of MySpace to find them:

The ComicBots Greatest Robot Show on the Planet

The quality in this vid is a little rough until they get to the part where they tear it up to Daft Punk:

The Comicbots Real Robot Dance Machines

Add them to the list of Robot Overlords that I will happily welcome.

Since I've just posted clips of blinged out robots breakdancing, it's a timely segue into posting the results of Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny: Backyard Edition poll - and I'm only thirteen days late in posting the results, but the delay is due to the fact that Ultraman and Galvatron were in a DEAD HEAT there for four days straight.

Without furrrdddder ado, the results:

- TEH WINNAH: Galvatron (axe crazeh version, natch) galvanized you, the voting public, and won. yarol_2075 cogently noted that Galvatron would show up to any fight with the rest of the Decepticons ready to maraud their way to victory regardless of any paltry and insignificant "rules," and that's the kind of logic that I don't care to argue with because it's rather...compelling.

- Any Version of Ultraman Ever came in second place. Man, it was close, but I'm glad to see that so many people exhibited sense and voted for the Ultra Power. (I suspect, however, that mercuryeric voted for Any Version of Ultraman Ever out of loyalty to me.)

You doubt the Ultra Warriors? You doubt Ultraman? Fools!

Here's a clip from the Ultraman Mebius series. (That's actually supposed to be "Ultraman Moebius" in English, but everyone seems to call him "Mebius.") Ultraman Mebius gets punked by the Reflectian, then comes back at 6:44 to layeth a smackdown by turning his body into an Ultra drill and then disemboweling him:

Ultra Awesome:

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(Guest appearance goodness by Ultraman Leo!)

See? "HOW DARE YOU SCAR MY BODY?!" The ability to target your enemy's psychological weaknesses and exploit them all the way from Tokyo to Kilimanjaro? That's why Ultraman is spelled A-W-E-S-O-M-E. Bonus points for all the bishie hair on the boys - in truth, Mirai is just bishie, period - and "Can you save Earth with those tears?!" and "I've come to collect the life that I left you." Oh, man, could Ultraman get any more delicious? Morals of the story: 1) Ultraman makes for fine dorama-style viewing and 2) you fuck with Ultraman, you better be prepared to reap the whirlwind. Literally. (This same "drilling rainbow death from above" was notably exploited by Mothra in one of her epic fights with King Ghidorah.)

- A competently piloted RX-78NT-1 came in third place, with Red Ronin and Jet Jaguar tying for fourth. Poor Stingray got no votes at all (but if he had, I would have lost respect for all of you).

...Since I mentioned Mothra above, and you may doubt that the mighty lepidopteran protectress of the Earth, the original Wonder Woman, the Queen of the Kaiju turned herself into a mighty Drilling Death from Above, screw it.

It is now Mothra Monday.

As the Joker is to Batman, as Sabretooth is to Wolverine, as Clive James is to Dazzler, as Lex Luthor is to Superman, as the Red Skull is to Captain America, as Doc Ock is to Spider-Man, so King Ghidorah is to Mothra. She's ultimately beaten everyone she's gone up against, but out of all the evil assholes she's had to stomp down, King Ghidorah is the one who was/is truly formidable - they've traveled back and forth in time fighting each other, fought in space, underwater, on the ground, in the air, and in Mothra's case, she once defeated him on the spiritual plane.

This is from the last Mothra trilogy -- if you haven't seen The Rebirth of Mothra trilogy, rent it, stat! An insanely powered up Grand King Ghidorah (as opposed to his regular King Ghidorah form - as if "King Ghidorah" weren't an awesome enough title already) shows up in the present and starts to trash Tokyo.

Mothra flies in like the rainbow avatar of peace and justice and KAIJU ASSKICKERY COMMENCES.

This clip is excellent on so many levels - the choreography, the grace of Mothra, the absolute unstoppable force and alien quality of Grand King Ghidorah. You really get the sense of how terrifying one of these kaiju fights looks from the ground, from the perspective of a tiny human. I also never thought I'd type the following: believe it or not, the Rob Zombie track accompanying this is PERFECT.

(Lots of use of Mothra's rainbow beam here, canadabear!)

This clip demonstrates why Cloverfield will always be lacking for me. Why? Because Cloverfield would have been a thousand times more awesome if there were two giant monsters leveling Manhattan in a grudge match rather than just one monster ruining some guy's going away party.

Mothra vs. Grand King Ghidorah, Round 1 - if you watch anything today, let this be it:

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(Look at Grand King Ghidorah - he's trying to get away from her. And no, I do not know why there are random velociraptors at the beginning of this clip, and also, when I first watched this film? I thought the "Mini Mini" sign said "Miu Miu" and had a few seconds there of thinking that Miuccia Prada had a very interesting product placement strategy.)

You may think she's down and out at the end of this clip, right? He's got her grounded and is stomping the shit out of her, right?

Oh, hell no. What does Mothra do?

She dies, reincarnates herself as Mothra Leo, flies back in time to the Cretaceous, finds young!King Ghidorah, delivers a beatdown, picks him up...and RIDES HIS ASS INTO A VOLCANO:

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Wait, did I mention the part in the Mothra trilogy where she morphs into her armor form and flies right through him?

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I believe that the above is Mothra's version of YOU LOSE. GOOD DAY, SIR.

If there is truly a beneficient Pancreator running the universe, I would like to know why they haven't gotten off whatever passes for their transcendent ass and caused someone in Japan to spend seventy million dollars on an all new all-CGI epic Mothra film. Until that happens, I'm still formally an agnostic.

(For those not playing along at home, you may not know that 1) Japanese monsters in a cultural context are oft considered the physical embodiment of emotional and/or spiritual concepts, 2) Mothra is the Guardian of Earth both spiritually and physically, and 3) King Ghidorah is a giant golden dragonlike alien from Planet X. With three heads. If you don't know any of that, you may be reading the wrong journal. You may also want to do some reading of the excellent scholarly material that has been published about the significance of the kaiju genre.)

I've posted video clips of Sharky the Pit Bull and his brood of baby chicks/bunnies/kittens before - in fact, I subscribe to his owner's YouTube channel because it's pittie/baby chick/bunny/kitty cuteness nonstop.

But this? Nothing conveys happiness more than a pittie's smile while getting back skritches:

But this? Nothing conveys happiness more than a pittie's smile while getting back skritches:

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Since we haven't had any Shulkie here in...over two weeks, here's the only reason that I'm paying attention to Fred Van Lente's new Savage She-Hulk mini:

Jennifer Walters, Esq. one-punches Bob Reynolds:


No Monday would be complete without at spirited attempt to scar your soul, right?

Blame descant:

There actually exists a thriving fan base for art that shows dragons having sex with cars. Um, wow - image #4 gives a whole new meaning to the term "high flow exhaust." That's definitely an aftermarket add-on.

Oh, also of note: Costa Rica is the happiest and greenest country on Earth. Maybe I should think about relocating - my Countries That I Want to Emigrate To Should Serious Shit Go Down list includes Norway (see Michael Moore), the Netherlands (see the Netherlands), and Costa Rica (small carbon footprint, vigorously green politics, happy). Who's with me?

epic smackdowns, wry wry wry, mothra, you freakin' pervs, giant stompy monsters, comics, ultraman, cute overload, cats, objection!, polltastic, tv, poll results, she-hulk, beatdowns for peace & love, marvel, augh, robot overlords, kitteh, video clips, epic battles, you tube

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