Warning for discussion of the warning firestorm

Jun 28, 2009 15:57

So, remember when I said this? That before I read the current firestorm about fic warnings in bandom (and beyond) that I suspected that fuckwittery was being perpetuated on all sides?

I was wrong. Completely and totally wrong.

After reading this and perusing all the links on metafandom, I'm gobsmacked at how hateful the anti-warning-because-it- ( Read more... )

hawkgirl, epic smackdowns, wank, music, youtube, fandom embarasses me, pwnage

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Comments 8

insanitykun June 29 2009, 00:41:36 UTC
I'm pretty sure that anything ficsoreal says ever in her entire life is totally invalidated by the fact that she wrote Panic At The Disco rape fanfic.


kali921 June 29 2009, 01:00:11 UTC
Better that than a cake batter fetish.




insanitykun June 29 2009, 01:01:30 UTC
Oh, don't worry, I won't.

Hilarious A+ though is the Hyde/Ken skullfuck fic.


kali921 June 29 2009, 01:07:48 UTC
...This I managed to miss, as I pay no attention to bandom and skip reading most wank reports about same. Now link me, dammit.

Also, goddamn but is bandom about ficcing about white boys. (At least, the tiny cross section of it that I see on my flist. Where's the DJ Spooky/Jeff Mills slash, man?)


ext_69143 June 29 2009, 02:01:56 UTC
Y'know, I only recently started edging my way into fandom (I think I read my first fanfic, like, three weeks ago) and this is definitely making me want to stay away. Far, far away.

I have on at least one occasion been as oblivious to others' pain and triggers and so on as the various jackasses on display right now, but when it was pointed out to me that, y'know, maybe I shouldn't be making jokes in really poor taste for all the world to see--that internet message boards != my close circle of friends--I, well, felt bad. And edited my posts, and stopped making any more such posts, and apologized. I just...I have no idea how anyone thinks the proper response to 'that's hurtful and disturbing' is 'sucks to be you'.


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kali921 June 29 2009, 03:47:22 UTC
I can understand the no warning thing from the point of view of spoilers. (Heck, how many novels have content warning?) That said, I think you could just say "this might be triggery" and leave it at that.

No. Not in a fandom-created space where a common and accepted norm has evolved to warn for common triggers. Vague "this is triggery" isn't enough. I think you should read this. It's a very articulate and personal post about why warnings - specific warnings - are important. Warning: that post is an EXTREMELY explicit discussion of sexual abuse and may itself be triggering.


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