Warning for discussion of the warning firestorm

Jun 28, 2009 15:57

So, remember when I said this? That before I read the current firestorm about fic warnings in bandom (and beyond) that I suspected that fuckwittery was being perpetuated on all sides?

I was wrong. Completely and totally wrong.

After reading this and perusing all the links on metafandom, I'm gobsmacked at how hateful the anti-warning-because-it- ( Read more... )

hawkgirl, epic smackdowns, wank, music, youtube, fandom embarasses me, pwnage

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insanitykun June 29 2009, 00:41:36 UTC
I'm pretty sure that anything ficsoreal says ever in her entire life is totally invalidated by the fact that she wrote Panic At The Disco rape fanfic.


kali921 June 29 2009, 01:00:11 UTC
Better that than a cake batter fetish.




insanitykun June 29 2009, 01:01:30 UTC
Oh, don't worry, I won't.

Hilarious A+ though is the Hyde/Ken skullfuck fic.


kali921 June 29 2009, 01:07:48 UTC
...This I managed to miss, as I pay no attention to bandom and skip reading most wank reports about same. Now link me, dammit.

Also, goddamn but is bandom about ficcing about white boys. (At least, the tiny cross section of it that I see on my flist. Where's the DJ Spooky/Jeff Mills slash, man?)


insanitykun June 29 2009, 01:24:02 UTC

I got out of the slash business loooooong ago, so idk where it would be hiding. Somewhere, I'm sure.


kali921 June 29 2009, 01:54:39 UTC
Wait, wait, even I have heard rumors of this fic! As soon as I saw the "It was a dark and stormy night," I had a terrible feeling of deja vu.



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