For Fresno! Onwards, valiant soldiers!

Jun 22, 2009 13:46

I am in search of a good cold-conducting chillifying skin-and-muscle-temperature-lowering icepack unit. Flist, do you have recommendations? Don't tell me Coldpac - I already forked over forty dollars for one of their wraps, and while it gave me aforementioned cold burns on my skin (that, five weeks later, are just now starting to fade - my right ( Read more... )

history, tv, je neu say kwoi, brian michael bendis, film, previews, marvel, artgasm, new avengers, comics, lockjaw, cosmic marvel, awesome

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Comments 24

goneformofman June 22 2009, 22:15:50 UTC
Oh sweet. Didn't know Thirst had a trailer already.


kali921 June 22 2009, 22:18:11 UTC
It does. And a website, too! In Engrish! I'm more than a little ashamed that I didn't know that this film existed.


goneformofman June 22 2009, 22:25:35 UTC
Just watched the trailer. Looks like Wook has another hit on his hands. That means he hasn't made a single weak movie yet!


kali921 June 22 2009, 22:29:25 UTC
It's getting mediocre-to-goodish reviews. The consensus seems to be from what I've read that it's not his best film. But Park Chan-wook makes such singular films that I'm willing to give it a shot.


shadowlongknife June 22 2009, 22:20:27 UTC
Wait. What?

Daken is an incubus?

What with the huh?


kali921 June 22 2009, 22:28:13 UTC
Click through to the AICN link above, scroll down (you have to scroll down LOTS) and look for the Dark Reign: Dark Wolverine preview. It's made clear there by his exposition.

There's a bit of a problem, though, with this sudden (and spaztastically stupid) element to his powers: if he's an incubus, why not just manipulate everyone into doing what you want? Why bother stabbinating with your bone claws? Oh, wait. I forgot! He enjoys stabbinating. Stabbinating of both kinds!


oakenguy June 22 2009, 22:59:37 UTC
You know, I've rolled up character powers randomly in the Marvel Super-Heroes RPG and had them make more sense. Oh, Marvel.

Lockjaw and Cosmo for the win, though.


kali921 June 22 2009, 23:09:48 UTC
Isn't that panel SO spot on? It's so good on SO many levels. And Jack Flagg vs. Gorgon had me sporfling for forty-five minutes. What's with Jack's new red mask, though? What, you go to space and suddenly a star-spangled bandanna tied around the lower half of your face isn't good enough for you?


outlawpoet June 22 2009, 22:39:42 UTC
Ok, imma get all thermodynamical on your ass ( ... )


mmexlibris June 22 2009, 23:29:17 UTC
Failing that, immersing the limb in cold water works excellent.

My mom had one of the fancy schmancy wet neoprene wraps for her knee, pre-replacement, that had a circulation unit and everything, and for all the technology that went into it, nothing worked as good as an ice bath.


kali921 June 22 2009, 23:43:28 UTC
Your icon looks blue.


outlawpoet June 22 2009, 23:47:34 UTC


pullthestars June 22 2009, 23:09:53 UTC
I've found that bags of frozen peas or corn work very well as ice packs.


kali921 June 22 2009, 23:17:52 UTC
I really need to try that - the problem is that I need it COLD. Really, really cold. I'll buy a few bags of frozen peas and see how long they last per session. :-)


neo_prodigy June 23 2009, 00:12:21 UTC
Bisexual incubus? Really?

Oh boy.

But I have to give Bendis credit with the previous issue of New Avengers:


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