I didn't plan this, I swear.

May 28, 2009 20:40

So, I wander into my bedroom post agonizingly painful ankle rehab workout, flip on the television intending to watch 30Rock, and you know that thing about the best laid plans of women who wanted to just eat some Sabra hummus and baby carrots in peace?

Yeah. Right out the window.

...Because I am sitting here TOTALLY ENTHRALLED -- as in edge-of-my- ( Read more... )

vocabulary beatings, tv, spelling is your friend, it's grammar so fucking use it, awesome

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Comments 5

darthphere May 29 2009, 03:49:30 UTC
I'm seeing the word, I'm hearing the word, they're spelling the word, I can't even imagine attempting to guess the first letter. These kids make my 3rd place trophy in the 4th grade Spelling Bee look like a handout.


kali921 May 29 2009, 03:56:21 UTC
I spy at least ten future Nobel Prize winners amongst them. This is like watching Children of the Damned, but with the scarily calm kids being ENTIRELY CHILL AND AWESOME.


darthphere May 29 2009, 03:57:59 UTC
The one black kid was great. He was like yeah I can spell and I'm funny too! We're not all anti-social nerds!


sugarcane_moon May 29 2009, 05:14:36 UTC
Oh, I miss my spelling bee days. I never quite made it as far as these kids, but I was school champion two years in a row, and took third place in the regionals in eighth grade. I still know bigger words than half my coworkers.

*happy, nostalgic sighing*


kali921 May 29 2009, 14:36:24 UTC
I'm quite impressed by this tidbit of knowledge about you! What was it like to compete? And has that icy, unflappable aplomb carried over into other areas of your life? And what was your favorite word victory?


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