I didn't plan this, I swear.

May 28, 2009 20:40

So, I wander into my bedroom post agonizingly painful ankle rehab workout, flip on the television intending to watch 30Rock, and you know that thing about the best laid plans of women who wanted to just eat some Sabra hummus and baby carrots in peace?

Yeah. Right out the window.

...Because I am sitting here TOTALLY ENTHRALLED -- as in edge-of-my-seat enthralled, as in biting my knuckles enthralled, as in my stomach has butterflies enthralled -- by the live broadcast of the National Spelling Bee on ABC.


AVOIRDUPOIS, motherfuckers. Avoirdupois.

These children exhibit a preternatural poise. The kind of poise that means you don't bat an eyelash when you've just been told that Russia's fired sixty thousand surface-to-air missiles at us and you have precisely 7.0112 seconds to save the WORLD.

Also, vocabgasm.


vocabulary beatings, tv, spelling is your friend, it's grammar so fucking use it, awesome

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