Sometimes you need to start your day with some Amazon ass-kickery

May 21, 2009 07:39

Sometimes you wake up, stumble into the kitchen, arm yourself with a cup of green tea, sit down in front of the computer and realize that 1) being technically conscious and 2) drinking said green tea isn't enough to get you up, out the door, and enthusiastically embracing your fate as an insignificant cog in the towering wheel of semi-regulated ( Read more... )

epic smackdowns, gail simone, holy shit, wonder woman

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Comments 3

uncanny_rman May 21 2009, 19:41:27 UTC
Ooh, Genocide is going DOWN!


megatexas May 21 2009, 20:40:25 UTC
"When we put, er, place, your, maybe we should mention that they're dead? You know, after we chop their heads off? So, like, lifeless head, on a, a pike. Pikes are hard core. They're like spears except historical. And we'll put it somewhere bad, like near the latrines. Or the bathroom. No, latrines are more military and soldier-some, and we already bought all these pikes. But anyway, and here is the badass part..."

Sorry, not afraid. There is no way something can be badass and polysyllabic at the same time.

Unless those syllables are GRAA and AA and AAA.


jmatonak May 21 2009, 22:21:22 UTC
That's totally in the Greek heroic tradition. She should actually brag on herself more.

Sorry, not afraid. There is no way something can be badass and polysyllabic at the same time."Lie there among the fishes, who will lick the blood from your wound and gloat over it; your mother shall not lay you on any bier to mourn you, but the eddies of Scamander shall bear you into the broad bosom of the sea. There shall the fishes feed on the fat of Lycaon as they dart under the dark ripple of the waters- so perish all of you till we reach the citadel of strong Ilius- you in flight, and I following after to destroy you. The river with its broad silver stream shall serve you in no stead, for all the bulls you offered him and all the horses that you flung living into his waters. None the less miserably shall you perish till there is not a man of you but has paid in full for the death of Patroclus and the havoc you wrought among the Achaeans whom you have slain while I held aloof from battle."-- Iliad, tr. Butler ( ... )


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