Sometimes you need to start your day with some Amazon ass-kickery

May 21, 2009 07:39

Sometimes you wake up, stumble into the kitchen, arm yourself with a cup of green tea, sit down in front of the computer and realize that 1) being technically conscious and 2) drinking said green tea isn't enough to get you up, out the door, and enthusiastically embracing your fate as an insignificant cog in the towering wheel of semi-regulated free market capitalism.


Sometimes you need a little bit more.

Sometimes you need to see some Amazon ass-kickery.

Eight pages from Wonder Woman #32 by Gail Simone. This is the penultimate issue of the Rise of the Olympians arc that Gail's been working on for a long time as she resurrects both the Greek pantheon and the Amazons and puts them in some semblance of order. (No bees! None at all!)

I read the pages yesterday, was initially put off a bit by the beginning narration, read it again last night and decided that I was more amenable to watching Diana hopefully deliver the mother of all smackdowns to Genocide.

Firstly, the variant cover of WW #32 with art by Francis Manapul:

That's a good cover.

So, how pissed off does Diana of Themyscira have to be so that she TRASH TALKS?

This is what happens when you really, really piss off an Amazon:

O SNAP, Genocide's been told.

Standard disclaimer: all images will be immediately removed at the request of the copyright owner, hey DC please don't sue me as I'm trying to get people to buy this comic, etc., etc.

That second page is the FIRST page Lopresti has done where Diana finally looks like a true Amazon. She looks powerful, tall (because Diana is tall, some artists forget that she's as tall as Clark), and oh man, I would NOT want to be on the receiving end of what's obviously coming.

It's still not quite up to the magnificent intensity of the Diana vs. Medusa battle that Greg Rucka wrote, which literally had me on the edge of my seat and hyperventilating in awe every time I turned the page, but it's getting there.

Latrines. Hoooo boy, I had no idea that the Amazons could talk that dirty.

epic smackdowns, gail simone, holy shit, wonder woman

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