Title: All the first time business Pairing: J2 Rating: PG-15 Summary: Jensen hates first times. Written in his POV Warings: None Beta: Awesome
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Correction of the name: Another Anonymous
July 28 2008, 19:02:06 UTC
So, I used to be ur BIG fun on fanfiction.potterharry.net but then I stopped reading hp slash and I found out some new fandoms which I fell in love with. (SPN and Padackles are two of them.) And some time after my desertion(smile) from hp stuff, I read somewhere that u also like them and I was looking for ur stories. But I probably wasn't proper enough, 'cause I haven't found anything. 'Till now, obviously. It haven't ever even come to my mind that u could have a LJ, but I'm really pleased that u do and I'm gonna be a steady guest. Looking forward to ur future stories, 'cause this one was lovely.
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