(for kais) EXO'S 11

Aug 30, 2014 17:32

For: kais
Title: EXO'S 11
Pairings: Kai/D.O, side: surprise pairings
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 9,110
Warnings: Rimming, a bit of dirty talk
Summary: Big easy money never did come as easily as its name suggests.
Author’s Note: SO THIS IS BASICALLY OCEAN’S 11 ADOPTED TO THE KAISOO FANDOM. Sorry if I failed OTL. I loved the movie and I could only hope I did it some justice. Sorry if this seems rushed. For you, kais!

Kyungsoo steps out in broad daylight, sunglasses perched high on his nose. He surveys the area with a small smirk playing across his lips; his brain ticking fast with all the things he could do now that he’s been released.

With both his hands in his pants’ pockets, Kyungsoo murmurs something almost inaudible as he passes by his grumpy-looking parole officer.

“I’m a free man.”

Kyungsoo sits comfortably in front of the cash table he’s currently dealing at. He looks up from where his eyes are glued to the dealer’s hands shuffling the deck of cards when he hears the familiar scrunching of potato chips against rows of neat, pearly whites. His smirk is almost automatic as he’s face to face with the guy he’s sworn to do thieving with since eons ago.

“Hit me,” Kyungsoo says, eyes never leaving the sight of his new companion, his right finger scratching the back of his turned down card gently; the dealer, who Jongin later recognizes as Lay, places another card in front of the previous one the former had.

Jongin places his chips (edible chips though) on the table adjacent to Kyungsoo and smirks.

“Why are you looking at me? Have you forgotten the most important rule in playing blackjack?”
Kyungsoo just takes the card and moves it closer to him, eyes still trained on Jongin’s. If his smirk was playful before, now he just looks highly amused, eyes reflecting mischief as the blaring led lights from the stage behind them flash insistently, go-go girls sliding down poles and chips and money exchanged nonchalantly.

Lay finishes their conversation for them though; since they’re both too busy staring-or undressing each other with their eyes to talk any further. “Pay attention to the table.”
Kyungsoo finally looks away and directs the smirk at Lay as he flips the cards open.

“I could say the same for you, Lay.” He winks and rakes all the chips from across the table towards him, his card a blaring Ace and 10 of Spades. Jongin whines as his own edible chips get taken away.

“Sorry, all the chips on the table go to the winner.”

Jongin reluctantly follows him outside the casino, sulking, whereas Kyungsoo has a cocky smile plastered on his face; the former’s lips press together tightly because no one is allowed to be that happy when he’s just lost his chips, damn it.

Kyungsoo hums under his breath as he opens the car and steps in, Jongin following suit. Before he starts the car though, he hands Jongin a tightly sealed white envelope, seemingly thick and reeking of money. Jongin takes it and peers at him curiously.

“What is it this time? Haven’t learnt your lesson yet?”

“What are you talking about? I’m a changed man,”

Jongin narrows his eyes and then sits up sideways to full on glare at Kyungsoo as he starts the car.

“I am fucking serious here, man. You call me using one of your weird friend-to-friend-to-friend connections, con me and my chips and everyone else at that table, and finally, pay me this brain shitting amount of money for no reason? Stop stalling and get it out, D.O.”

Kyungsoo laughs heartily as he keeps his eyes on the road, maneuvering the car to the left as a vehicle passes them. “It’s nice to hear that coming from your mouth again.”

“Oh you’ll love what’ll come out next if you won’t tell me this instant what the heck is going on inside that pretty little head of yours, Kyungsoo.”

Kyungsoo knows Jongin’s this close to pounding his head with the empty gun magazine conveniently lying right next to his foot, so he gets on with it and pulls over the side of the road; everything deserted and they’re totally alone, the perfect place to disclose a secret.

“What do you say we hit Monte Carlo?”

Jongin and Kyungsoo head right to Seoul’s biggest public library, going to the fifth floor where the blueprints for Casino’s are stashed.

The lights are all turned off, as it usually is around 3 in the morning, and they rely on the dingy electric lamp they found inside Kyungsoo’s trunk for their source of light.
Jongin bends over one low drawer and sifts through the files for Monte Carlo’s blueprints, and Kyungsoo’s being entirely unhelpful as he just leans back and watches the perfect curve of Jongin’s ass.

Everything is quiet save for the ruffling of papers and Kyungsoo so badly wants to disrupt the tranquility of the library and taint it with Jongin’s dirty moans under him that he licks his lips and slowly edges towards the latter, still bent over the drawers.

Jongin is never unaware, however, and lets Kyungsoo go near. He can feel the other’s warmth from behind him as he too, bends ever so lightly, his crotch a few good inches away from his ass and he has to swallow down the lump in his throat as Kyungsoo’s chest brushes over his shoulder-and snatches the blueprint right off his hands.

Kyungsoo lays it on the table next to them like he just didn’t try to press against Jongin a little while ago. Jongin shakes his head and walks closer to the table, Kyungsoo on his right as they study the Casino’s diagram.

“This is the biggest revenue-gathering Casino Seoul’s red light district has to offer. Monte Carlo is topnotch, and so is its security. I don’t think we could get past all these,” Jongin narrates, index finger dragging over the intricate security vaults and passageways under the casino.

“You think; but I know.”Kyungsoo states confidently, his own finger sliding up the blueprints suspiciously close to Jongin’s, and they both notice how pretty their skin contrast against the pale light of the moon streaming through the library’s window.

In reality though, Kyungsoo’s trying to trace the routes of the vaults back and forth but Jongin notices differently; and is about to grab his hand and suck on each of his fingers as he would on a sweet tasting lollipop- but then the moment breaks as one of the security guards emerge out of nowhere and flashes a beam of light in their direction.

They both flinch and Kyungsoo raises a hand to shield his eyes from the offending source of light.

“Jesus, Moonkyu. Not at us,”

“Oh, Sorry about that.” He flicks his giant flash light off. “Got what you needed?”

“Yeah, thanks. And uh, you don’t mind we take some of these out for a while, make copies, and return them back as soon as we finish, right?” Kyungsoo waves some suspicious looking old blueprints in the air and the guard shrugs.

“Sure, sure.” He accepts the roll of money Jongin hands him as they pass him on their way out.

They discuss things even as they finish cleaning up and are tangled together on Jongin’s couch, blanket warm around them. They sit apart; but their ankles are tangled together under the cloth.

Jongin sighs and looks at Kyungsoo, the activities of the day rubbing off him and making him feel exhausted. He puts his chocolate bar down and continues to gaze at Kyungsoo lazily.
The latter, however, is still a ball of energy as he reconsiders everything, thinking over every probable aspect needed for their plan to succeed.

After a few tense seconds Kyungsoo looks up, eyes wider and brighter than usual; telltale signs that he's already formulated a fool proof plan.

“Jongin,” he states, catching the other’s attention. Within seconds Jongin is alert and is sitting closer to Kyungsoo, looking at what he’s drawn on his phone.

“To nab this casino, we need a crew, and a banker.” He stares at Jongin pointedly before smirking. “You think we can convince 9 others to play the role?”

Jongin racks his brain for a definite answer, and comes up with a few names-all of which might just fit the job description perfectly. “We’re robbing Monte Carlo though-and may I remind you who exactly runs this godforsaken money pit?”

Kyungsoo relaxes his position and answers Jongin with an air of confidence. “It’s the Wu brothers.”

“Correct. And let us not forget the most prominent among the 3-Governor Wu. Kris Wu. We’re going against the freaking governor of Seoul here, Kyungsoo. The Wu brothers are already a feat on their own, how much more the governors’ endless list of connections? We could get killed!”
Kyungsoo arches a brow at Jongin and retorts, “Why do you sound so unsure all of a sudden? Isn’t this what we committed ourselves to way back? Remember the three rules? 1. Don’t hurt anybody. 2. Don’t steal from someone who doesn’t deserve it and 3. Play the game like you’ve got nothing to lose. Do you remember that, mm Jongin?” A sneer. “Or did that pretty boy dance tutoring you’ve been doing such a good job at lately all gone to your head and suddenly you can’t remember any of your stealing etiquette?”

Jongin curls his fist in his lap and looks away. “At least give me a strong reason. As to why you’re-we’re doing this. And don’t say money ‘cause I’m hella sure you’ve got tons of them if you could just give away ten grand to me.”

“Well why not do it?”


Kyungsoo rolls his eyes and then keeps them locked with Jongin’s, his mouth parting a bit as he lets out a sigh. He begins talking shortly after. “Because they have reigned far too long. With me locked up, our gang quieted down and they’ve been the king of the streets…knowing all too well that our mob is paralyzed for the time being. But my 4 years is up and it’s time to bring them down. Sure they’ve gotten pretty big, what with all the illegalities and the casino raking in money like a humongous pile of leaves fallen off of old oak trees in autumn. But you know what they say, the bigger they are, the harder they fall. And fall they shall.”

Jongin looks bewildered when Kyungsoo’s done talking, his mouth agape as he processes what the latter just ranted on. “That was scripted, wasn’t it. You wrote this back when you were in prison. You planned this a long time ago!”

Kyungsoo’s answering grin is manic as he sits up straight and puts his feet down on the floor and away from Jongin’s ankles, his eyes still trained on the others’.

“Was I that obvious? Did I do poorly? I could say it again if you want to.”

Jongin chuckles dryly and shakes his head. “No, you’re good.” He picks his chocolate bar back up again and takes a huge bite, offering it to Kyungsoo after, but the latter refuses.

“So I was thinking of a few possible bankers for the job. But this is gonna cost us a lot of money, so we need someone willing to spend as much without having a sure payback. Someone who wants to bring the casino down.”

“Or an enemy of the Wu’s.”

They both look at each other before smirking, “Byun Baekhyun.”

“Are you fucking serious right now?? You-“ he points at Jongin, “-has stayed too long under the sun for your brain cells to still function properly and you-“ he points at Kyungsoo with a bejeweled finger, his eyebrows drawn together, “-have stayed too long indoors and staring at blank gray walls that you’ve completely lost your common sense. I’m not doing it.” He shrugs and crosses his arms over his chest and waits for the two gentlemen in front of him to say something. When he gets nothing but challenging stares, he continues.

“Are you listening to me? Both of you are nuts. I know more about casino security than any other man here in Seoul, here in South Korea, heck, maybe even in the entirety of Asia! I invented the first fool-proof high quality vault, and it cannot be broken in by anyone other than those who actually manage it. Keep in mind that that casino is at the top of its class-its security features is nothing to kid about. They have cameras, they have watchers, they have locks, they have timers, they have goddamn heavy duty vaults. They have enough armed personnel to fill up the entirety of Gangnam! Well, not really but you get my point.” Baekhyun sighs irritably as he reaches forward for his pristine glass of expensive foreign wine.

“But it’s never been tried.” Kyungsoo pipes in, leaning forward as he feels Jongin’s hand rest on his right knee.

“Oh, it’s been tried. A few guys even came close. Have you ever heard of the 3 most successful robberies in Seoul Red Light District casino history?”

Jongin rubs lazy circles on Kyungsoo’s knees as silent tension fills the air, Kyungsoo’s gaze unwavering as he waits for Baekhyun to relate his story. Baekhyun’s right eye twitches slightly in annoyance and he places the now emptied glass back on the table.

“3rd place,” he says, emphasizing his point by holding three of his ring-adorned fingers up, “Seoul’s very own Kim Jonghyun a.k.a the Bad-Ass dino. It was way back in the 80’s when casino’s just started to flourish and dumb people with the money wanted to show off. Dino was one of those people; and that night he lost a great deal of money-resorting even to bet on the deed of his house. Of course his wife knew; that’s why he resorted on taking his losses back. Too bad the security guards even from before fucking towered over him and all it took was a shove and a whole body slam to take him down.”

“2nd place, Kangin the great.” Baekhyun leans back on his chair and runs his freshly manicured fingers through his blonde fringe. He doesn’t pay attention to the two people in front of him anymore as he looks up and towards the sky, wracking his brain for the hearsay he’s heard about Kangin.

“Ah! He’s made it out the doors and breathed the air of freedom for at most 2 seconds before one of the lanky security guards reached for his long-ass hair whipping wildly behind him and yanks, hard. Kangin goes to prison the next day with his head’s right side trimmed and the other still with flowing midnight black hair. At least he still looked fashionable even when-hey!” Both Jongin and Kyungsoo perk up when Baekhyun raised the volume of his voice. If someone were to look close enough, they could clearly see the throbbing vein on Baekhyun’s temple.

“Are you even listening? If you two just wanted to play a disgusting game of footsie under my table, you couldn’t have picked from the remaining 19?” Baekhyun points out as he spreads his arms to gesture at their table-filled vicinity.

Jongin shrugs and retracts his hand back, sitting up straight as he reaches for a ripe grape on the table. Kyungsoo doesn’t move an inch and just taps his fingers impatiently on the wooden surface in front of him.

Baekhyun lets out a high-pitched laugh that captures both of his guest’s attention, jewel-clammed hands clasped together as his eyes form two half moons. Baekhyun looks genuinely happy but years of working with him has them doubting the sincerity of his facial expressions. “Of course, of course. What am I saying? You guys are pros, the feared leaders of formidable EXO. The best of the best in this industry-I’m sure you can make it out of the casino with the loot. Like a bunch of pirates stealing from another pirate ship. Unless of course, we take into consideration that once you step out YOU’RE STILL IN THE MIDDLE OF THE SEA!”

Both Jongin and Kyungsoo have matching looks of realization as it dawns upon them. Jongin stands up and pushes his chair back. “You’re right.” He turns to Kyungsoo, “He’s right.”

Kyungsoo follows and gets up as well, his chair scraping against the grass and earth. “ Baekhyun, I think you’re right. Our eyes are bigger than our hands.”

Jongin agrees and nods his head sternly. “That’s exactly it. Pure ego.”

Baekhyun dismisses them with a wave of his slender fingers. “Yeah, yeah. Yatta, yatta.”

“Thank you so much for making us understand the magnitude of what we’re about to do. Sorry for bothering you and taking you away from Chanyeol.”

Baekhyun scoffs and makes a move to stand up as well. “Look, we go way back. I owe you one from that incident with the guy and the plane and the snakes-and I’ll never forget it.”

Kyungsoo tips his head as if he had a hat on. “It was our pleasure.”

“I’ve never been to Germany.”

“Give Taeyong your addresses; I have unwanted furniture lying around that I wanna send to you.”

Jongin nods and they both go off, walking past rows and rows of tables when Baekhyun speaks up again.

“Just out of curiosity… which casinos did you geniuses decide to rob?”

Kyungsoo halts his steps, a small smile gracing his lips a split second before he morphs his expression back to that of nonchalance. He turns to face Baekhyun and replies.

“Monte Carlo.”

If Baekhyun was chugging down a drink he would’ve spit it out right now, his eyes widening comically at the mention of the name. Then his already narrow eyes narrow some more until it looks like he’s squinting at the sun, but in reality he’s just half-angry, half-suspicious of Kyungsoo’s state of mind.

“That’s the largest functioning 24hour casino in Seoul’s red light district…owned by the Wu Brothers.” Baekhyun says the name with so much disgust and hatred that Jongin takes a necessary step back, craning his body away from a lethal looking millionaire.
Jongin throws Kyungsoo a look and says, “Oh yeah, he’s right. It is.”

Baekhyun sits back down on his chair and eyes them both warily before gesturing them back to their chairs, curiosity and something else stirring within him. They follow obediently and are seated when Baekhyun speaks up again. “So. What’s your deal with the Wu Brothers?” There’s that judging tone full of malice and hatred again.

Kyungsoo smirk is unnerving as he leans on the table, fingers laced together as he directs his gaze onto the man opposite him. “I think the real question is, what do you have against him.”

Baekhyun frowns so hard the corner of his lips looks like they’re going to be curved like that forever. “He attacked my casino using underground tactics, forced me out of my own territory and stole valuable profit from me. The next thing I know I’m permanently kicked out of the casino I spent years to create and that some arrogant bastard with a small political position will just casually take over. He’s hitting it big at the moment and is working on a secret project for next month-I know what you’re doing.” Baekhyun deadpans and just stares at Kyungsoo, and then at Jongin.

“What are we doing, Baek?”

“You’re gonna steal from the governor, the fucking governor you assholes! This sorta thing used to have protocol. You’d hit a guy, he whacks you back. But Kris Wu…?” Baekhyun pauses mid rant and shakes his head.

“At the end of this he better not know you’re involved, not know your names, or your dogs names, or think you’re dead. Because he’ll kill you, feed your tattered limbs to his pet sharks and then he’ll go to work on you.”

Kyungsoo looks serious as he replies. “That’s why we need to be very careful. We have to be precise. We have to be well-funded.”

“Yeah, and you gotta be loose in the noggin too. And you’re gonna need a new crew with screws loose just like yours.”

Everyone stays quiet and Baekhyun licks his lips in anticipation of what’s to come. “Who do you have in mind?”

Jongin looks over to Kyungsoo as soon as the latter turns his head, matching smiles on their faces.

“EXO is reborn.”

“Who do we have as drivers?” Kyungsoo asks as he approaches Jongin sitting on the kitchen’s marble top counter. He reaches over to the fridge and yanks the door open to grab a carton of milk out.

“I talked to Sehun and Luhan yesterday.” Jongin stares at the mop of brown hair just below his chin as Kyungsoo reaches over for left over bacon deep inside the chilly confines of the fridge, his upper body now draped all over Jongin’s lap.

Kyungsoo looks up and their eyes meet. “The Oh-Han brothers?”

The younger nods and he swallows after flitting his eyes briefly to Kyungsoo’s lips after the latter spoke. “Luckily they were both at the vicinity. A bus ride away from here. They’re both free and struggling to pay for their race addiction.”


Kyungsoo considers things for a moment and moves away from Jongin’s lap, opting to lean on the counter next to him instead. Jongin misses the warmth on his lap and fights back a childish pout. “How about electronics?”

“Kim Minseok.”

“What about his nerves?”

“You mean this,” Jongin slouches and begins to shiver a bit. “D-do-D-don’t touch m-m-my stuff.”

Kyungsoo chuckles and whacks Jongin playfully on the chest, to which the latter easily catches. They both stare at each other again with glee-filled eyes and Kyungsoo is the first to pull away, clearing his throat.

“S-so. Err, bombs?”

“Easy. Baekhyun’s babe. We have Park Chanyeol.”

“Oh, you’re right. He’s back in the country from Australia. Yeah, okay. Hm.” Kyungsoo looks up and mentally ticks off from the list he wrote in his head.

“He might be a little loose though. A little too loose.”

“Hmm. And why do you say that?”

“Rumor has it that he’s tried blowing up his own home back in the Land Down Under. He only got back up on his feet after Baek picked him up.”

“What a true love story. How romantic.”

Jongin chuckles and takes a bite off a bacon strip Kyungsoo handed him earlier. “You said it.”

A minute later Jongin hops off the counter and runs to his bedroom. “I’ll show you something.”
Kyungsoo just follows his speeding frame off with curios eyes and sits on an actual kitchen chair. Jongin reappears and shows the former a youtube video with a million views.

“And this is?”

“Shh, shh it’s starting.”

Kyungsoo rolls his eyes but watches the video anyway.

The Chinese National circus, with star acrobat Huang Zitao visits Seoul. Watch him fly and contort while performing wushu at the same time; you’ll be amazed!

Kyungsoo bites his lip as the video starts shakily with the announcer blabbering in Chinese. He doesn’t understand a thing and the tiny Korean subs at the bottom of the video aren’t helping much either.

He focuses on the scene itself and sees a tall man in tight walk up the tight rope.

Kyungsoo scoffs and steals a glance at Jongin, who’s face is suspiciously close against his but he ignores that for the time being. “So he can walk on a rope.”

Jongin’s eyes never leave the video. “More than that.”

A few beats of silence. “So he can juggle, so what? A clown can do better than that. What we need is a grease man, not a children’s party entertainer. Who else is on the list?”

“He is the list.”

Kyungsoo groans. “Who else?”

“Watch.” Jongin puts his hand on Kyungsoo’s nape and steers his head back so his sight is on the video again. He goes cross eyed for a moment and sees colorful pixels before pulling back slightly, now taking in the scene in front of him.

Despite this Huang Zitao person’s long and large frame, he manages to contort himself into a ball while he’s perched on the high wire.
Kyungsoo gasps.

“There’s your grease man.”

Jongin is sitting on the last step of the stairs, playing Tekken on his psp like his life depended on it when Kyungsoo pops out of nowhere and sits beside him, thigh pressed against his even though the staircase offers a variety of sitting options.

He doesn’t mind anyway so he lets Kyungsoo be, focusing on pressing the x and the o’s trying to beat this booby-girl character that has seemingly unlimited lives.

“Use Devil Jin.”

“Uh, mmhm, okay.” Jongin proceeds to switch characters and slays the booby girl character. Too bad this was just normal fighting and not rpg where maybe he can fuck the girl after winning a fight with her.

Kyungsoo taps his foot impatiently on the floor and Jongin turns to him with an eyebrow raised.
“We need Junmyeon.”

“He won’t come. He swore off the game a year ago.”

“What, early retirement?”

“As sorts, yes. But it’s probably because he’s getting back and chest pains.”

“Such a grandpa even though he’s at his early 30’s.” Kyungsoo tuts and stares at Jongin again.

“Hey, you can ask him.”

Jongin puts the psp down on his lap, stares at Kyungsoo’s bright and expectant doe eyes and sighs.

“I can ask.”

Jongin comes back 4 hours later with a pleased smile and Kyungsoo welcomes him with a relieved sigh.

“Junmyeon makes 10.”

Jongin is licking a drumstick dry when Kyungsoo puts his fork down and stares intensely at him.

“Ten should do it, don’t you think?”

Jongin shrugs and makes a move to munch on another drumstick.

“You think we need one more?”

Jongin shrugs again and uses his front teeth to tear off the lean meat on the chicken leg. Kyungsoo bites his lip.

“You think we need one more.”

Jongin shrugs for the last time before meeting Kyungsoo’s gaze, half of the drumstick sticking out of his mouth.

“Okay, we’ll get one more.”

It’s late when they gather over at Baekhyun’s mansion the following week. Food and drinks are overflowing, and old acquaintances talk to each other to rekindle the camaraderie they shared four years back; new faces introduce themselves and everybody seems to be getting along well.
Kyungsoo walks in and interrupts the lull of conversation, clearing his throat as Jongin follows closely behind him.

“Gentlemen, welcome back to Seoul.” He circles the long food table and picks up a wine glass.

“Everybody eaten? Good. Everybody sober? Close enough. Most of you know each other already, but I doubt any of you has known Kim Jongdae before this. He’s Ryeowook’s son out of Seoul. He’s made himself known as Chen, probably to get out of his dead father’s shadow.”

Chen stands up and bows half-heartedly to Kyungsoo, then to everybody else.

“Okay, so before we start, nobody’s on the line yet.” He pauses and locks eyes with everyone present in the room.

“What I’m about to propose to you happens to be both highly lucrative and highly dangerous. If that doesn’t sound like your particular brand of wine, help yourself to as much food as you like and have a safe trip. No hard feelings.”

Kyungsoo pauses before rearranging his facial features from accommodating into dead serious, “Otherwise, come with me.”

Jongin is the first to stand up and follow Kyungsoo into the mansion, but not before casting everyone else a challenging stare. He disappears from their sight and the remaining 9 people look at each other, questions reflected on each of their irises.

Chanyeol stands up however, electric tool box in his hand as he adjusts the strap of his jumper with the other, he glances at everyone before muttering a resigned “Fuck it.”

Baekhyun follows right after his lover and everyone else files in, all except Chen.

Chen startles however when a cold hand places itself on his shoulder, disrupting his previous silent brooding.

Suho smiles down on him and Chen feels himself relaxing slowly. “Won’t you follow us in, kid?”
Chen scoffs. “I’m not a kid, and I have a name. It’s Chen.” He stands up and brushes Suho’s hands off his shoulder, stalking inside the mansion where everyone else is waiting.

9 pairs of eyes turn to the newcomers before focusing back on the small-scaled replica of Monte Carlo’s casino placed delicately on top of a gigantic glass table.

Kyungsoo’s hand hovers above the building’s replica as he shares a glance with everyone else, brows furrowed together as his lips form a tight line. He lifts the lid off the towering building and gestures to the intricately built vault found inside, made inconspicuous by walls upon walls of rooms and offices that have no true purpose but to conceal the secret entrance to the precious vault.

“Lo and behold, Monte Carlo’s vault. Hidden beneath hundreds of square meters of rooms and walls and solid earth. It houses every single penny coming from the casino and the hotel right next to it. Rumor has it that the Wu Brother’s income go straight to this very vault, honing an alarming number of 250 billion Won.”

Everyone stares back in shock; eyes doubled over in size, mouths agape as they process the information Kyungsoo has fed them.

“I know this sounds a little over the top and ambitious, but we’re going to rob it.”

Only one other person besides Jongin and Kyungsoo knew about the original plan, and said person was shaking his head sadly at every dumbstruck look he’s come across with in the room. His boyfriend Chanyeol latched onto his arm with dazed eyes. “Are they for real?”

“I’m afraid so.”


Suddenly, someone’s voice floats above the alarmed chatter, saying with a confident air,” So a smash-and-grab job, huh?”

Jongin answers with a wring of his wrists. “It’s a little more complicated than that kiddo.”
Chen frowns and keeps his silence again. Kyungsoo clears his throat to grab everyone’s attention and grabs a remote from behind where Jongin is perched, chest nudging against his shoulder as the latter breathes in his scent unabashedly. Kyungsoo’s lips twitch in an involuntary smile for a split second before turning serious again, facing everyone with a demeanor of a man ready to win a war. He flips the gigantic TV across him on, and the rest crane their necks to see.

“This exclusive insider video is provided by Lay, now a blackjack dealer at Monte Carlo’s upper class casino, taken from the thousands of security tapes lying in the camera room.”

Lay straightens up from his previous position pressed against Minseok, nodding as he got addressed.

The monitors flash black and white videos of the Casino’s inner architecture, starting from the fancy glass door and high ceilings, to the endless routes of rooms on the basement and the upper ground floor. The camera zooms in to a room down farther left, an employee entering it with security codes and a quick i.d scan. The wall opposite it leads to a narrow hallway that connects the casino to the hotel, and the camera swoops in to the tunnel suspiciously near the back entrance.

The gang flits their gaze every so often from the real thing to the replica in front of them, taking in the intricate designs followed to the T. Looks likes someone had a lot of free time…

Jongin stands up and leans over Kyungsoo just for the heck of it, loving the color spreading to his cheeks as he “takes a closer look” at the replica that he built. Kyungsoo sucks in a sharp breath and prays to the heavens that no one from their gang notices his body’s automatic reaction to Jongin’s; but of course they do. They’ve all been partners from way back and they’ve all been in and out of Kyungsoo and Jongin’s clique. Plus the fact that Kyungsoo and Jongin were popular in the underground society together didn’t help much. Everybody knew they had a thing for each other but had too much macho pride to dare and make a move. Only Chen showed a look of surprise on his face as Jongin invaded Kyungsoo’s personal space, making him his personal human pillow.

Kyungsoo’s eye twitches and he nudges Jongin back with a harsh jab of his elbow, concealed from everyone else’s view by the gigantic building replica. Jongin yelps in pain and Kyungsoo ignores him, stepping further away from the other and keeping his dignity as a leader in tact.

“Okay,” his voice is gruff as he speaks, and everyone lends an ear. “Bad news first. This place houses a security system that rivals most nuclear missile storage houses. First, we need to get past these casino cages-“

“Here, here, and here-“ Jongin points out every location with his index finger and everyone’s eyes follows suit.

“-which anyone knows take more than a smile. Next: through these doors, each of which requires a six-digit pass code changed every 12 hours. Past those lies the elevator, and this is where it get tricky; the elevator won’t move without authorized fingerprint identifications-“
Jongin butts in again. “-which we can’t fake-“

Kyungsoo ignores him and continues. “-and vocal confirmations from both the security center within the Monte Carlo and the vault below-“

“-which we won’t get.” Kyungsoo throws him a withering glare and Jongin cowers for a moment, opting instead to sip on his iced tea.

Kyungsoo breathes deeply while Jongin quiets down, optimizing the precious seconds where his partner in crime shuts up before continuing. “Furthermore, the elevator shaft is rigged with motion detectors-“

“-meaning if we manually override the lift, the shaft’s exit will lock down automatically and we’ll be trapped.”

“Once we’ve gotten down the shaft though it’s a walk in the park; just three more guards with a steely determination to shoot down anyone who even dreams of robbing them, and the most elaborate vault door conceived by man. Any questions?”

Its silent save for the inhale and exhale of men about to go on a dangerous mission for the sake of money. Of course they have questions; they all have. But they keep it to themselves until one speaks up.

Tao speaks in fluent Mandarin and the Chinese cast of the group nod in understanding. To their surprise, Jongin speaks up.

“No, we can’t do tunneling. There are Richter scales monitoring the ground for one hundred yards in every direction. If a mole tried to live there, they’ll know. Anyone else?”

Silence ensues once more. They all have matching dumbstruck faces at the Mandarin floating around and the weight of the task at hand.

Baekhyun raises a hand and says, “You were saying something about good news?”

Kyungsoo smiles, clasping his hands together as they look at them. This was the good part, the sole reason why everything is worth risking. “The Seoul gaming commission states that a casino must hold in reserve enough cash to cover every chip at play on its floor. As I mentioned, this vault houses in the earnings of Monte Carlo and the Grande Hotel right next to it, which serves as the official stay-in residence of every powerful political name visiting the country. By law, the casino must have at around 100 billon won, and on weekends, the day we’ll rob it two weeks from now, a whopping 250 billion, courtesy of two country leader’s state visit and a concert in the casino’s halls. There are 11 of us, each with an equal share. You do the math.”
Jongin slings an arm around Kyungsoo’s shoulders, pulling him closer as everyone else trembles at the prospect of easy billionaire money. Chanyeol whistles and Jongin winks at him.

Suddenly, Suho stands up. “I have a question.” A pause, everyone turns to look at him. He visibly swallows the lump in his throat before continuing. “Say we do get into the cage, through the security doors there, past the elevator we can’t move, dodge guards who are heavily armed, and into the vault that can’t be opened…”

“Without being seen by the cameras.”

“Oh right sorry, I forgot to include that.”

“…Okay, say we accomplish all that. Then do you expect us to just walk away with 250billion won in our hands without getting stopped?”

Kyungsoo turns to look at Jongin, and Jongin stares back with a playful smirk. Kyungsoo then smiles fully, bow lips turning into a prettily shaped heart. “Yeah, pretty much.”

Suho sits back down and reaches for his inhaler.

Kyungsoo and Jongin are behind the cameras when Luhan and Sehun enters, each holding gigantic clumps of balloons that hinder the view of the first and third CCTVs. The guard is alerted by a fake distress call by Suho, and as they try to pry away the warring men in cowboy suits and gigantic balloons, Minseok slips in with an electronic card through the security doors courtesy of Lay’s handiwork.

Minseok is perspiring as he untangles the wires and reroutes the security codes, turns off some security cameras and passes without getting noticed. Jongin is breathing down Kyungsoo’s necks as he stares at the screens intently, the latter biting down on his chapped nails as they watch Minseok trying to get away as soon as his job is done. They’re all in undercover clothes, but if you’re an old employee you would know the new ones from the old.

Both Jongin and Kyungsoo cheer as Minseok makes it out alive, the guard barely registering that he isn’t from the area, and Luhan and Sehun move out simultaneously. Jongin looks at Kyungsoo and sees the relief flashing in his eyes, can’t help but swoop down to capture his white-washed lips in an affectionate kiss.

To his surprise Kyungsoo responds, clutching onto his necktie that he wears with his white polo, reveling in the comforting feeling the silk fabric brings to him. (Or maybe its just the owner that calms him.)

They kiss until they’re out of breath, Kyungsoo tasting the remnants of last night’s pizza and this morning’s coffee in his mouth, the taste exhilarating and sending pleasant churns in his tummy.

Jongin is about to shrug his blazer off when the camera room opens and Baekhyun and Chanyeol come bounding in, both looking smug.

“Okay you two love birds, we’re up. We have to get that bomb.”

They break away reluctantly, lips a little swollen as they pant for air.

“A bomb?” Jongin voices Kyungsoo’s unsaid question.

“A pinch. A device that is as strong as a bomb, but minus the unnecessary explosions and dying. It’s going to shut off the whole of Seoul’s power for about 15 minutes, enough for us to get the money and high tail it out of there.”

Chanyeol smirks and rubs his hands together, thrilled at the prospect of having to touch actual big man “bombs” again.

Kyungsoo is up on his feet and tugging Jongin by the wrist. “Let’s go.”

The day they’ll actually rob the casino finally arrives and everyone reviews their respective positions, what they’re supposed to do and how to ask for help if ever they get caught.

Kyungsoo flashes everyone his biggest, most confident smile. They’ve worked weeks on this after all, nothing can go wrong. He’s extra proud of his crew, how they pulled off the impossible stunts he’s asked of them and he can’t wait to get his hands on the prize, see the look on Kris’ face as they walk away with his hard earned money.

“This is more of like a personal vendetta, isn’t it?” Jongin speaks from behind him as he fumbles with his tie in front of the bathroom mirror, tightening and loosening it. He answers Jongin in a snarky voice,

“So you’ve figured it out only now?”

Jongin doesn’t look amused as Kyungsoo meets his gaze through the mirror.

“Soo, I know you.” He pauses for a while and Kyungsoo’s confident façade slips off and he just gnaws on his lower lip as he watches Jongin’s hands travel over to his tense shoulders, relaxing it with his gentle up and down rubs.

Kyungsoo sighs in content and Jongin’s hands travel a little lower, a little slower ‘til he’s past his fingers and moved on to his narrow hips.

“He’s the guy who put you in jail, isn’t he?” Jongin whispers next to his ear and Kyungsoo jolts not at his words, but at his left hand slowly rubbing circles atop his slowly hardening clothed member.


“Shush, Soo. Let me do this for you.”

Jongin takes his time undressing Kyungsoo, only bothering to take his bow off and pop a few buttons of his polo shirt open, only enough to show tempting pieces of porcelain skin. Jongin’s teeth nip greedily at the juncture where Kyungsoo’s neck meets his shoulder and he lets out a sigh as he tilts his head, his lower body pressed on the counter as Jongin’s body covers his own from the behind.

Jongin doesn’t relent from sucking little hickeys all over Kyungsoo’s pale expanse of neck, his hands busy as they unbutton his pants and unzip his fly, tugging down his boxers and underwear all in one go.

Kyungsoo moans as his semi-hard cock is released from its confines, standing at half mast. His eyes glaze over as he watches from the mirror Jongin’s retreating back, going over to lock the door before undressing himself, his lower half now naked as their clothes form a messy pool by their feet. Jongin’s hands are back on his waist and his tongue lick up from his neck to his ear, nipping and sucking lightly before whispering, “Be my good little slut and bend over for me.”

They haven’t done this in a long time and Kyungsoo’s cock hardens to its full potential, a needy whine escaping from deep within his chest as he lays his upper body flat on the counter, hissing as the cold texture of the tiles seep into his heated skin.

Jongin kneels and takes hold of Kyungsoo’s butt cheeks, kneading them softly, enjoying their plumpness before spreading them apart. Kyungsoo gasps from above him, his hole twitching in reply. Jongin licks his lips before he’s inching closer, tongue darted out to taste the hole offered up to him.

Nothing can prepare Kyungsoo for the pleasure of getting eaten out; the feeling of a soft and very wet tongue sliding in and out of you. He writhes and shudders above the counter, his moans bouncing back and forth around the walls of the bathroom, glad that he’s situated there because he’s pretty sure his legs have lost all strength by now.

Jongin continues eating him out, nose brushing against his butt crack, hot breath fanning his hole as he tongue-fucks him into oblivion. He spreads Kyungsoo even wider apart, both his legs apart from one another as he inserts a finger with his tongue. Kyungsoo hisses from the initial sting and lack of lube, his hole almost rejecting him but he still pushes in, spitting in Kyungsoo’s hole to make the slide easier. He moans as the juices mix inside him, all of Jongin’s saliva in his sensitive hole as he fingers him slowly, in out, in out until his cock starts to hurt from being aroused too much.

He whimpers and Jongin gets the cue, finally standing up as he reaches for something he placed in the bathroom earlier. Kyungsoo, despite his wrecked state, manages to throw him a judging glare as Jongin pulls out a clear tube of unscented lube. He chuckles and pats Kyungsoo’s ass fondly as he takes his fingers out, the boy moaning brokenly as he needs more, wants nothing more than to get touched and fucked.

Jongin coats his rock hard dick in copious amounts of lube and spreads Kyungsoo’s ass cheeks again. He rubs his lubed tip teasingly against his puckered up entrance and Kyungsoo grunts heavily in response. “Jongin.”

Kyungsoo still sounds authoritative even when he’s breathless and of course Jongin obeys him, pushes against the ring of tight muscles in one thrust, sheathing himself to the hilt. The both moan at the contact, Jongin feeling like he can cum then and there from the tight heat Kyungsoo’s hole felt around him. Kyungsoo clawed at the counter, moaning breathlessly at the full feeling of Jongin’s dick deep inside him.

Jongin then rubs soothing circles on Kyungsoo’s hip where his hand keeps his bruising grip, controlling himself from fucking him ruthlessly. His other hand then weaves itself into Kyungsoo’s dark strands, tugging it a bit harshly to make him face the mirror.

“I want you to look at yourself while I fuck you hard and fast, Kyungsoo. I want you to see how beautiful you look begging for my cock.” Jongin half pants, half instructs Kyungsoo, and the latter can only moan at his reflection in response.

Then, without warning, Jongin pulls out only until his head is left connecting him with Kyungsoo before slamming back in, balls deep. Kyungsoo moans wantonly and Jongin begins his steady yet merciless pace of fucking Kyungsoo open.

His grip tightens on Kyungsoo’s hip, hiking him a little more on top of the counter and continues to pound in him. A symphony of moans can be heard from the two, both baritone voices mixing to create a lovely and enticing sound. Kyungsoo’s mouth waters as he sees both his and Jongin’s reflection in the mirror. Both covered in sweat, panting and wasted. He can see Jongin’s bicep flex as he adjusts Kyungsoo and his thrusts.

Kyungsoo yelps a few octaves higher when Jongin hikes his leg up the counter.

“F-found it.” Kyungsoo becomes a moaning mess of ah’s and oh’s and right there’s as Jongin fucks him even faster than before, the hand in hair tugging painfully, shooting currents of pleasure straight to his cock.

“F-fuck Jongin I’m close…” his breaths turn into harsh pants as he’s slowly being pushed into the brink of cumming.

Jongin low and sexy voice whisper right next to his ear, “Cum for me baby. Cum for me untouched and only from the feeling of my cock deep inside you.”

Kyungsoo screams and cums hard, his vision going white as Jongin pounds his sweet spot mercilessly and without stopping, coating the counter down in his sticky white cum. Jongin doesn’t stand a chance against the tight ring of muscle fluttering around his cock and he cums after one, two, three more hard and deep thrusts, spilling in his seeds deep in Kyungsoo as he collapses on top of him.

The both pant heavily, coming down from their respective highs and Jongin pulls out reluctantly, earning a needy whine from Kyungsoo’s spent form. Jongin chuckles heartily and helps him up. “Come on baby, we need to get you cleaned up.”

He presses kisses all over Kyungsoo face before stopping at his full, slightly swollen mouth. They kiss sloppily for a few more minutes, lost in their own little world of bliss, away from stealing and money and danger even just for a little while.

“Where the fuck have you two been??” Baekhyun all but screeches when the both of them finally show up at the control room, hair poorly combed into place, clothing brushed down to look presentable but their lips tell of a completely different story.

Baekhyun shakes his head before pushing Kyungsoo towards camera number 1. “You and Chen are needed down the vault right now.”

He turns to Jongin. “And you, you’re needed in the lobby ASAP.”

They both stare at each other dumbly before Baekhyun is shouting a “Go, go, GO!”

The feeling of doing something under pressure, with a huge risk of getting caught outweighs any other kind of feeling in the world to both Jongin and Kyungsoo.

As Kyungsoo descends the elevator shaft on a long rope out of a high tech pully-cum-grappling hook, his heart beat accelerates, adrenaline pumping freely into his veins. His wide smile is threatening to split his face in half; he’s never felt so alive before. Actually he does, but its only when he steals stuff, plans stuff, executes the impossible.

He waits for the signal from Chanyeol for the pinch to go off, waiting for total darkness before plunging down the surface. The pinch blacked out Seoul for about 10 seconds; the time plenty enough to drop down elevators with laser beam security systems. Both he and Chen drop down unceremoniously with a thud, wasting no time as they got up right away, heading towards the vaults.

The place is more spacious than they think because they passed a total of 12 rooms, each with equal size but empty- and there’s still no sign of the actual money vault. What catches Kyungsoo’s attention however, is the narrowing pathway to his left, leading to a door that’s headed to the next building. He yanks it open and surprise, surprise it reveals the vault they are looking for.

They place little bombs on the door vault, talking to each other through small earphones and mouthpieces, giving out signals of doors to blow up and people to send out. Kyungsoo and Chen need not worry about the guards; they have been taken care of by an ‘incident’ handled by Jongin in the surface.

Jongin is dressed as a doctor, leaning over a fainted man’s form. The man (actually Suho in disguise) faints as he sees his beloved jewels wheeled away by the casino staff. Every guard in the area has been called over to check on the commotion. The vault guards also received the distress call, making them abandon their posts. The temporary black out made them rush out and check the voltage room, looking for blown up fuses but of course they find none. When the light comes back up, everyone assumes what they were doing, and the guards walk back to their previous stances.

The fainted man is revived, Jongin calls it a success, the people around him cheer and phase one of the distraction is complete.

Kris receives a phone call the moment he steps out of his warm bath tub. He picks the blinking device up with distrust at the unknown number flashing as the caller id. He wipes off excess water from his face with a towel before pressing the phone to his ear. “Hello?”

“Kris Wu.” The voice from the other line states, amusement laced with every word.

Annoyed, Kris huffs. “Who is this?”

“A nobody. Say, have you been running low on cash lately?”

Kris stills for a moment before his eyes go wide. He comes running to the hotel’s hallway, screaming loudly like a madman-not to mention he’s only wearing a towel wrapped around his nether regions. “God fucking damn it, someone get me the security footage of the vault, NOW!”
His voice booms with authority and everyone scrambles away to do his command. Kris speaks into the receiver again. “I don’t know who you are but I will find you-“

“No need to know who I am, governor. Just worry about your money.”

There’s silence from the other line and Kris glances at the phone to see if the call had ended. Kris promptly thinks of tracking the caller when-

“Ah, ah ah. I wouldn’t do that if I were you. 250 billion won is at stake here Kris. Not a very wise move for a supposed con artist.”

“Fuck you, what do you want from me?” He lowers the phone before screaming “And where is that goddamn footage??”

Someone hands Kris a robe and arrives with a tv set with the live video footage.

“Hah!” He screams into the microphone. “All talk and no bark eh? My goddamn money is still here; I’ve got the whole area surrounded. You can’t outsmart me.”

The other line scoffs out static. “You’ll see.”

“Psychopathic bastard.” Kris ends the call angrily and watches the monitor for a few tense seconds before finally relaxing.

But then he hears an explosion coming from below, mimicking the one in the tape.

“Oh fuck…”

Jongin stares at the phone in poorly concealed happiness.

“Let the game begin.”

Baekhyun looks bored as he looks over at Jongin.”Don’t you mean games, dumbass?”
Jongin snorts. “Its singular because the game is one sided.”

Baekhyun hums and says no more.

The SWAT and Bomb squad enter later, checking and rechecking the vaults for damages and any other bombs that have yet to detonate.

Kris sighs in relief when he sees the bomb squad leaving, declaring his vault safe from bombs and intruder free.

His calmed nerves become agitated again however when his phone rings.

He eyes the object as if it’s a bomb ready to explode, squinting so hard it becomes a black mass behind his eyelids. He picks it up anyways and answers.


“Thank you for the 250 billion won. It was nice playing with you governor.”

And the line goes dead.

“What the fuck?”

Kris storms to the vault; enters the elevator, punches in the 5 different security codes, and storms in the vault. He sees absolutely no resistance of the metal, meaning it wasn’t broken in forcefully.

He sees that everything has been emptied of its contents, leaving a lonely and cold metal drawer that used to hold money. Now it is as barren as a desert usually is.

He screams to the heavens, like how a wounded beast would. It’s an inside job, of course it is. There can be no other explanations.

As Kris wracks his brain for any recent enemies that might have made him the hot target from crime-he can only think up of two names. Byun Baekhyun and-


The SWAT teams walks out of the casino doors with two huge black bags of bomb-detecting paraphernalia. They flock into the SWAT van, load the cargo and drive off.

[The SWAT team is headed by two guys, both wearing black face masks. The other one is taller than the other by a head; and they are followed closely by 9 other guys, each with matching uniforms. --witnesses say, noticing a parade of people in black pass the casino floors. Said SWAT team hasn’t been found since then.]

rating: nc17, !fic, pairing: kai/d.o

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