(for rainbowtoxicity) Mercury

Sep 13, 2014 15:40

For: rainbowtoxicity
Title: Mercury
Pairings: Kai/D.O, slight!D.O/Krystal and Kai/Krystal
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 2,995
Summary: When a new girl shows up, a collision of man pride is inevitable.
Author’s Note: I have always wanted to write this; sorry if it’s too short! Thank you recipient for the pretty prompts, and I hope you’ll enjoy this fic as much as I enjoyed writing it. I hope everyone likes it as well!

Early morning chatter filled the rooms as students filed in one by one. It was one of your regular Monday mornings, where everyone was either grumpy or happy another school week had begun. The students were in their respective posse’s, arms around each other’s shoulders laughing and joking; others munching on their hot packs and mini-breakfasts.
The same scene played inside the classroom 3-A. Some students were seated on their desks, skirts rumpled and some hiking a bit higher, showing a sliver of skin that had the boys drooling. Others were dozing off with their head cradled in their arms, probably sleep deprived because of playing video games all night; or maybe because they finished one whole drama series in one sitting-ultimately resulting in dark under eye bags and deep, bloodshot eyes. Others were speed-writing as they did their best to finish the homework they never even touched during the weekend by copying off of their friends or seatmates, ink staining their pinky fingers because of the effort.
And others, like Do Kyungsoo, are staring uninterestedly at his surroundings. He’s already done everything-ate his breakfast, did his homework two days ago, and talked to his friends last night and earlier today-and now he’s bored as hell. His friends are skimming their notes, but he won’t do that either since he’s already mastered today’s lesson like the back of his hand. All his mulling over about being bored got cut short when the door slammed open. Literally.
Kyungsoo felt himself smirk. Finally.
Kim Jongin entered the classroom like he owned the place, hair unruly as he walked lazily to his seat-behind Kyungsoo. The two eyed each other as he approached his row, Kyungsoo’s eyes throwing daggers in his direction. Jongin wasn’t one to back down and threw his own set of piercing eyes, the two not noticing that the room had quieted down in favor of their staring contest, a heavy air of tension settling between and around them.
Finally, Kyungsoo smirked and folded his arms over his desk, eyeing Jongin up and down. “What, Kim. Forgot that today we’re changing back to our summer uniforms?”
Jongin glanced down at his wrinkled, winter uniform blazer and shrugged. “Who cares?”
Kyungsoo scoffed and then his eyes flitted over to Jongin’s bruised lip. It was turning a dark shade of old red; and Kyungsoo’s mind calculated to when the injury might have been sustained. “You got on a fight Friday night?”
Jongin’s eyes widened for a fraction of a second before turning hard again. “None of your business,” and he proceeded to walk past Kyungsoo’s desk, to which the other responded to by suddenly sticking his foot out. Jongin tumbled but caught himself in time before he fell flat on his face, the nearby desk moved entirely as his body weight settled on it. He hissed and turned his eyes sharply back to Kyungsoo.
“Fuck you,”
Kyungsoo shrugged and regarded him with one last glance before turning to the front again, just in time for their teacher to arrive.
Jongin seated himself behind Kyungsoo, yanking his jacket down arrogantly before kicking the chair in front of him. Kyungsoo shot forward, his reflexes kicking in as his hands steadied his upper torso. Kyungsoo didn’t turn around but hid his hand behind his back, the middle finger flashing at the guy behind him.

Oh how he loved Mondays.

It’s a Friday however when someone new is introduced to their class.
“Okay class, this is Jung Soojung. She’s a transfer student from America but she can speak Korean so don’t worry about communicating with her.” The old instructor adjusted his specs sliding over the bridge of his nose and regarded everyone with a stern eye. “Go on Soojung, introduce yourself.”
A girl with blonde hair was standing in front, all pale skin, thin lips and piercing eyes. She bowed modestly before speaking, “hello, my name is Soojung. You can call me Soojung or Krystal. Let’s all be friends.” She bowed again, her cheeks coloring as everyone stared at her.
Oh she was a looker alright. And Kyungsoo was already licking his lips, plan forming in his mind on how to woo this pretty lady. Kyungsoo reclined back on his chair a bit and caught a bit of what Jongin was whispering to his seatmate and best friend, Sehun. “Fuck, she’s hot.”
Kyungsoo smirked to himself and drummed his fingers on the table, looking up through his lashes when Soojung passed by him, flashing her his trademark fall-for-me-I’m-fucking-adorable-smiles. He saw the apples of her cheeks slowly turned red as she bowed and moved on, her skirt fluttering at how fast she spun.

Oh this is so going to be a piece of cake.

It was a Wednesday when Jongin stopped by Kyungsoo’s locker. Kyungsoo raised his eyebrow and stared at Jongin’s hand placed on his locker door. The other just smirked and Kyungsoo irked, slammed the door shut. Jongin quickly withdrew his hand before glaring at the other guy.
Kyungsoo rolled his eyes and made a move to walk away when Jongin slammed his fist on the locker in front of the former, effectively blocking his route. If it was somebody else they would’ve shit bricks right now, but this was Kyungsoo, and Kyungsoo isn’t fazed by bullies-especially those like Kim Jongin.
“What the fuck do you want, Kim?” Kyungsoo’s eyes holding a thousand emotions of hate in them-Jongin’s mirroring his.
“Do,” He spat out, and continued glaring at the smaller man in front of him. “I heard you were planning on courting Soojung?”
Kyungsoo’s eyes twinkled and his scowl slowly morphed into a cocky smirk. “Wherever you got that information, it’s false.”
Jongin visibly relaxed, his shoulders hunching as he breathed out in relief. But then Kyungsoo had to open his big mouth and he got tensed again. “I’m not planning on courting her because I already am.” And with that last line he shoved Jongin’s body away from him, hard enough to move him out of the way but not strong enough to actually bruise or hurt the guy.
Jongin scowled and punched the unfortunate locker door in front of him. Damn you Do Kyungsoo!

It was a Tuesday when Jongin got paired up with Krystal on a science project and Kyungsoo’s already fuming by the time they sit side by side together.
Baekhyun notices his friend’s attitude and follows his line of sight. Kyungsoo is staring holes into Kim Jongin’s back; his shoulders brushing a little too close against Soojung’s.
Kyungsoo’s nose is probably breathing out fire and Baekhyun plays hooky by commenting on the object of Kyungsoo’s hatred. “So. Kim Jongin and Jung Soojung?”
Kyungsoo turned so fast to glare at his friend that Baekhyun feared for his neck might have snapped. “Mother fucking no! He’s stealing my girl-but I won’t let him.”
Baekhyun huffs because this has been going since middle school. Kyungsoo and Jongin in an unspoken war against each other on ‘who gets the girl first’. Baekhyun knows better though but decides not to speak about it and let the two dumbos sort this shit out all on their own.

Baekhyun ate alone in the cafeteria because he doesn’t want to sit next to his stupid and obliviously in love friend.

It was another Monday when Kyungsoo walked Krystal to school, shy smiles exchanged and their hands almost brushing. Kyungsoo so badly wants to hold Krystal’s pretty fingers with his own and he almost does-he’s reaching for it as they reach the school gates a little more-just a little-
Kyungsoo and Krystal jerked away from each other, the former almost dropping Krystal’s books. The loud music came from behind them, and Kyungsoo turned to see the culprit, eyes almost bulging out of their sockets as he sees Jongin with a 50 pound boom box on his shoulder, his head bobbing in time with the beat, the volume turned up so high Kyungsoo’s wondering why he isn’t deaf yet.
Krystal hurries forward, embarrassed at the prospect of having both her suitors in front of her. She bows once to Kyungsoo before running off to catch up with Jinri, one of her new girl friends, and clings desperately on her arm, not even throwing a second glance.
Kyungsoo sighs and hugs the book to himself, glaring at Jongin.
“What the fuck is your problem? And Nicki Minaj?? Really?” Kyungsoo shakes his head and walks faster as so he wouldn’t be in the same road as the idiot behind him.
Jongin just chuckles because he didn’t get a word Kyungsoo said, just saw his brow furrow, his lips move and his eyes glare.

Those earplugs really did work.

The seasons were changing fast and soon Valentine’s day was coming in, and it fell on a Friday. Jongin and Kyungsoo both bought imported chocolates for Krystal.
Kyungsoo placed his earlier that Friday morning in Krystal’s locker and Jongin placed his inside Krystal’s bag later that afternoon.
Kyungsoo, knowing Jongin wouldn’t back down, thought of where he could’ve hidden Krystal’s chocolate. Luckily for him he saw it on top of her bag when he glanced over at her seat during afternoon recess; her zipper was still open, meaning she hasn’t seen them yet. So he grabbed the chocolate, went to the bathroom and ate it.
Kyungsoo’s eyes widened because holy shit it was homemade!

Jongin waited until the halls were clear before opening Krystal’s locker. (don’t ask him how he knows, it’s one of his biggest secrets) He opens it with no difficulty and his stomach does a summersault when he sees chocolates that are undoubtedly Kyungsoo’s (if how it was packed plus the card on it is anything to go by). He grabs them without a second thought and closes Krystal’s locker, pries the wrapper open and shoves the whole thing in his mouth.
He moans involuntarily as the chocolatey goodness melts on his tongue. Kyungsoo’s homemade truffles.

Needless to say Krystal got so confused and hurt that she received a ton of gifts that day but none were from the two admirers she liked the most.

It was a Wednesday when the school council announced the beginning of prom week, and that they were to choose their dates and all that fancy shit.
The other students groaned, having to think of dressing up and pretending to like socializing wherein fact they could just bury themselves in their living room couches and play video games till the sun rose up. Again, only two guys were excited. Of course who else would it be but Kim Jongin and Do Kyungsoo? The both of them were the reigning prom kings, Kyungsoo last year and Jongin the year before that. Now that they were juniors, it was time to know who’ll break the tie.
The prom queen was anyone the two dated and obviously, this year it would be Jung Soojung.
Kyungsoo already planned how to ask her out. Bring her out on a fancy romantic dinner, and ask her before the night ends. It was perfect and Kyungsoo smirked as he thought of dumb Jongin with his probably lame plan.
Jongin did in fact plan as well. He would take Krystal out for a street -eat out and then they would go to the arcades. He would win her a teddy bear and that’s where he’ll ask her out.

Both Jongin and Kyungsoo waited in vain that day, hands shoved deep into their pockets as they glanced around for a glimpse of a pretty lady with blonde hair.
An hour more later and she still hasn’t shown up-and Kyungsoo decides to just give up and walk home. On his journey home he spots an arcade and-after looking around his surrounding, sprints inside. He remembers his favorite game here-dance mania extravaganza 14 and made his way to the back of the establishment-only to find out that Jongin was already there, dancing his pants off.
Kyungsoo’s eyes widened and then narrowed. Their gazes met after the first game finished and Jongin was given a high score. Kyungsoo flashed his game card to him and they smirked at each other, Jongin nodding. The smaller of the two swiped his card and then began to choose a song that they’ll both dance to.
Aha! Kyungsoo’s evil brain thought. Bingo. He punched in the keyword for ‘dubstep’ and went into postion.
Both boys had their blazers off and were only dressed in their t-shirts. The girls in the arcade began to gawk as they started dancing. A crowd former around them as the boys danced number by number, song by song. From wolf to growl to mama, they were both skilled for amateurs, and the people cheered for them wildly. After their 6th song however they stopped, waists and legs aching from all the thrusting and the flailing and the seductive body rolling.
Jongin and Kyungsoo sat down beside each other on a vacant chair near the dance battle stage. They were both panting and sweaty, the wetness clinging on to their fringes and making them appear like brown and black spikes respectively.
Kyungsoo turned to look at Jongin and smiled first, while the latter was more than happy to return it.
“Ice cream?”

It was prom night, on a Friday, when all hell broke loose. Both Kyungsoo and Jongin were dateless, aware of the fact that Krystal flew back on an emergency trip to the states. And the two gorgeous men were left sulking in their borrowed suits. Surprisingly (but not for their friends) the two ended up sitting next to each other.
Jongin began this time and asked, “So, you like Soojung huh?”
Kyungsoo hummed. A safe answer, Jongin thought. “You?”
Jongin answered with a hum of his own.
And then silence enveloped the two of them. Again Jongin’s the one to break the silence. He doesn’t want to waste the one time he actually wears tailored clothes (or so he reasons with himself as to why he’s going to say what he’s going to say at this moment), so he does the only thing that seems plausible to him.
“Hey Kyungsoo, wanna dance?”
Kyungsoo looks up at him with wide, wide eyes and they no longer reflect anger and hate-and his eyes still mirrors them.

It’s a school weekend when Kyungsoo decides to stay behind in school to work on a history project. While Jongin is there as well for his part in the drama club. Jongin’s wearing a button down white shirt with a tie when he spots a lone figure crouched down over manila paper inside one of the few open classrooms. He enters and Kyungsoo doesn’t even hear him, still fixated into cutting out shapes of Antarctica and Australia.
Kyungsoo reacts so violently he snips the half of South America, and he scowls because goddamn he spent the entirety of last night making them when he looks up-and his breath is effectively stolen away from him.
Jongin is dashing with a button down on and Kyungsoo has to swallow the lump in his throat (or maybe that was his heart frantically trying to get out and see a glimpse of this perfection as well). Jongin smiles and Kyungsoo returns it with a shaky one, his heart shaped lips forming an awkward oval.
“So, have you heard?” Jongin begins, sitting on top of the desk opposite Kyungsoo’s, and he looks down at him, his fringe falling over his eyes.
Kyungsoo nods because he knows what he’s talking about. “Yeah, Soojung has a boyfriend back in the States.”
They fall silent for a moment before Kyungsoo pipes up again. “Are you hurt?”
Jongin shakes his head. “Nah. You?”
And they don’t know what’s happening but suddenly the world has tightened around them, their faces close to one another until they’re practically inhaling and exhaling each other’s breath. Kyungsoo struggles and speaks breathlessly. “Nah,” before Jongin grabs his chin and tilts his head up, slanting his plump lips over his bow shaped ones.
The first kiss is chaste, just a mere pressing of lips on lips before Jongin naughtily swipes his tongue out over Kyungsoo’s lower lip. He chuckles against his lips before opening his mouth and welcomes Jongin’s hot tongue inside, caressing his oral cavity gently, soothingly. Kyungsoo mewls because it feels so good.
They break away a few seconds later, lips swollen and hairs mussed from all the pulling and-when did Kyungsoo get on the floor?
They both laugh themselves silly at what they’ve just done, but nonetheless Jongin stays and helps repair slashed South America, his hands over Kyungsoo waist as the boy is propped on his lap, his lips sometimes straying over to press little kisses all over his neck.
Kyungsoo chuckles and says the magic words he’s been wanting to hear since the last day of middle school. “Truce?”
Jongin’s answering grin is bright as he repeats Kyungsoo’s word. “Truce.”

(Because they’re just two immensely dense boys who have fallen in love unconsciously at such a young age. Liquid feelings that have yet to solidify in the confines of a classroom almost 4 years ago. But now they’re okay, they’ll sink like mercury to the bottom of their liquid hearts together, making each other’s hearts full and heavy of love.)

** Mercury is the densest liquid in room temperature.

rating: pg13, pairing: kai/krystal, !fic, pairing: d.o/krystal, with: f(x), pairing: kai/d.o

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