(for rainbowtoxicity) Multicolored ties on Paper - Part 2 of 2

Sep 13, 2014 15:35

For: rainbowtoxicity
Title: Multicolored ties on Paper

The next day, Jongin visits the bakery with Luhan and Sehun in tow, to make arrangements with the baker for their wedding cake.
Jongin leans over the counter as Luhan and Sehun become cuddly somewhere behind him, and he stares right at the gay baker’s eyes.
“Com’on Kyuhyun hyung, I know you can do it! You make the best cakes in this part of the country and I always come back here every time I arrange wedding ceremonies. So whaddaya say?” Jongin is using his charms and is excessively smiling at the frowning baker, praying to the gods above that his aegyo still works.
“3 weeks?” is what the baker responds.
“Yes! And I want a discount.” Kyuhyun rolls his eyes and taps his wooden roller on the table. “3 weeks.”
The deal is made and the moment Jongin turns around he is met with wide eyes and full lips. “Hullo.”
“Ack! What are you-“
Sehun cuts in and pulls Kyungsoo to his side. “This is-“
“Hello, my name is Do Kyungsoo. I work under the commitments page-“
“Under the alias D.O right??” Sehun pipes up, unaware of the rapidly growing tension between Jongin and Kyungsoo.
“You’re what?”
Kyungsoo smirks and Jongin wants to punch the living daylights out of him.
“I’m a writer. A wedding announcements writer.”
“My big brother is a big fan of your work, Mister Do. He’s obsessed with it, actually. He tapes them to his room-“
Jongin flushes and covers Sehun’s mouth before any more embarrassing information gets exposed.“Enough about me,” he coughs, and fixes his features into one of annoyance again before facing Kyungsoo. “I thought you were a photographer??” Jongin’s nostrils are flaring as he regards Kyungsoo judgmentally.
“Ah-ah. Keyword: thought. You simply assumed I was a photographer,”
“You never corrected me!”
The couple, watching the banter in front of them, are getting more and more confused by the second.
“Wait, you know each other?”
Jongin turns to his brother and huffs, blowing his fringe off his forehead. “No-“
They both look at each other and Jongin scowls while Kyungsoo looks amused.
Jongin’s eyes twitches and he makes a grab for Kyungsoo’s arm. “Just excuse us for a second-I’m going to, we’re going to-talk about you, yeah.”
He pulls Kyungsoo aside and glares so hard the veins in his eyes become prominent. Kyungsoo looks at him with the same mirth shining in his doe eyes.
“Don’t what me!” Jongin hisses. “Are you really a cynic or did you just say those stuff to irritate me?” Then he quiets down and his tone becomes desperate, “Please don’t tell me you’re just one of those talented writers who play with words to fool gullible readers like me,”
Kyungsoo smiles and nods.
“Please, you’re not that good.”
Kyungsoo’s tone is teasing. “Says my number one fan,”
“Ugh! I’m leaving!”
Jongin storms past Kyungsoo and spares Luhan and Sehun a glance before walking out of the bakery.
Kyungsoo then chuckles under his breath and walks to the dumbfounded couple. “Right, sorry about that. Now, about the wedding details?”

Jongin throws his apartment door open and angrily stomps inside, muttering curses that’ll make plants wilt under his breath.
“Mother fucking-lying piece of shit-“ He stomps over to where his precious wall of D.O’s articles are tacked, and recklessly tears all of them off.
“I can’t believe he’s a phony! It’s like finding out that my favorite song is about big butts and anacondas.” He stomps around the room and collects every single article related to D.O-to Kyungsoo, and crumples them.
“Good for nothing ass-“ He throws everything in the dustbin and sneers at all the articles.
“Goodbye cynical shorty.”

Jongin’s reclined on his massage chair when the doorbell rings. His relaxed posture becomes rigid, and he takes the cucumbers of his eyes when the knocking becomes incessant. “Coming! Hold your horses, jeez.”
He pops the cucumber into his mouth and chews while making his way to the front door. He peeps through the peep hole and sees-Kyungsoo.
“Ugh, what now?” He complains irritably, making no move to open the door.
“I still need to interview friends and family members of the bride, you know,” comes the muffled reply from the other side.
“What for? To fabricate more lies?” Jongin’s leaning against the door with his back pressed on it, uninterested as Kyungsoo tries to talk his way in.
“Just-please, do it for Sehun and Luhan?”
Jongin rolls his eyes and yanks the door open, watching in mild amusement as Kyungsoo comes tumbling in. “Ugh, fine. Make it quick.”
“What? Aren’t you letting me in?”
Jongin steps away from him and walks back to his reclined chair, never indicating if Kyungsoo is welcome in or not. Either way the latter steps inside.

Kyungsoo immediately spots the box on the floor near the couch and crouches down when he sees sequins and ruffles and-“are those ties?”
“What?” Jongin looks at him irritably before his eyes flit over to what Kyungsoo is gawking at.
“Oh god no-“
But he’s already too late and Kyungsoo has three ties in his hand and the box hugged close to his chest.
“Is this what I think they are?”
“Oh sure, laugh all you want.” Jongin scowls and stands next to Kyungsoo, arms folded over his chest.
“No! This is-um, this is…wow.” Kyungsoo scrunches his nose and raises a polka-dotted rainbow colored tie, which Jongin snatches away with furiously colored cheeks.
“This,” he pauses and dangles it in front of Kyungsoo, “is a tie from a theme wedding.”
Kyungsoo scoffs. “What’s the theme, colors of the world?”
“No, it’s a clown-theme wedding.”
Kyungsoo stares at him with his mouth agape. “What?? Who even sets clowns as the theme of their wedding?”
“I don’t know! That friend of mine has always been peculiar okay,” Jongin states defensively and Kyungsoo waves him off by raising the rest of the ties clutched in his hand.
“Yeah, okay. Hey! What’s the background story of this tie?” Kyungsoo raises up a shiny studded tie, with sequins showered all over it. Jongin flushes and says in a tiny voice, “…it’s a Michael Jackson-themed wedding.”
“Woah! What’d you wear with it? And oh, did you ever receive that CD? I never got my thanks for that,” Kyungsoo stares at him apprehensively and Jongin’s eyes bulge out of their sockets.
“You’re the mystery CD man?? Goddamn, that CD’s been played only twice, its so fucking precious-where’d you even get that??”
Kyungsoo grinned so wide his cheeks bunched up and his eyes curled into turned down crescent moons. Jongin found his throat drying up at the sight for some reason, and he needed to swallow to rid of the dry feeling. “There are perks of being a wedding announcements writer; and this is just one of them.”
“Woah!” Jongin clapped, his inner Michael Jackson fanboy surfacing rapidly. “I won’t be surprised if you’ve got diamonds hidden in your mansion’s vault waaaay down the basement,” Jongin chided jokingly and Kyungsoo’s eyes widened, the whites overpowering the black. He gasped and then, “how did you know??” He narrowed his eyes at Jongin in mock suspicion and after a tense minute of staring each other down-they both laughed; laughed heartily and carelessly, tears pooling in their eyes from laughing too hard.
“Okay, okay,” Kyungsoo breathes out and swipes the tears off his eyes. He looks up at Jongin through his lashes, who’s clutching the edge of the sofa, catching his own breath. “Show me how you look with all these on?”
Jongin meets his eyes and sees the honest happiness in them, its twinkling brightness warming his own heart and once again he finds himself unable to say no.

Kyungsoo is seated at the couch with his phone out, patiently waiting for Jongin to emerge wearing the ties. His eyes wander around the apartment and spots bare walls save for picture frames and some vases placed at the side. He notices the neatness of it all and notes that it reflects how Jongin is as a person. His thoughts are interrupted however when Jongin emerges, polo shirt and tie on.
He gapes because holy shit does Jongin look good in a suit-he always has, he reminds himself, like how he first saw him in that fated wedding months ago. But this one is so eye catching that before he can stop himself he’s already snapped a photo of him.
They both stare at each other after the flash goes off, Jongin’s eyes questioning and Kyungsoo’s own showing a hint of surprise. In the end he shrugs him off and motions for him to continue. “This actually looks good on you.”
“Right? Michael Jackson always looks good on me.”
Kyungsoo raises an eyebrow, his arms crossing over each other above his chest as he stares the other down. “Oh really now.”
Jongin is determined to prove his doubtful ass wrong. “What, you don’t believe me?”
Kyungsoo shrugs, but his playful smirk is there, almost taunting him and Jongin’s ego takes a swift blow and he storms back to his room. “Just you wait,” he grumbles under his breath; Kyungsoo doesn’t even get to shift his position and he’s already back, CD in hand, a hat on the other.
“Are you…?” Jongin nods sternly and stomps over to the CD player, inserts the CD very, very carefully and hits play, placing the hat on top of his head.
Billie Jean plays and Kyungsoo almost, almost believes he’s going to dance-but instead he strutted around the living room treating it like his very own runway. At some parts of the song he imitates MJ’s poses and by god does he look good. Kyungsoo swallows and snaps away, now standing up as he offers the other more appropriate looking ties to him. He changes them in front of him and he always finds himself inhaling sharply every time one comes off, the two top buttons dangerously open, the sliver of skin tempting to Kyungsoo’s hungry eyes.
They finish a few hours later and they both drop down on the couch, exhausted from laughing and posing.
Kyungsoo finds himself asking, “Why’d you keep them all?”
“The ties; why’d you keep them?”
Jongin smiles and the faraway look is back in his eyes again. “Believe it or not, I had good times that I treasure deeply in every wedding that I’ve been in. I would do everything to help the couples with whatever they might need my assistance of.”
“Selfless, huh. How about your needs?”
“I have none, I’m Jesus.” They both laugh but then the atmosphere turns serious again. “But seriously though, it’s their day, not mine. And If I had to climb up mountains or swim across the sea-heck even if I had to hoard a herd of asses wearing only my neatly pressed suit and tie, I would.”
“You touched asses?”
“Oh I’m a very, very good tamer of asses.”
Kyungsoo chuckles and types in his phone, “Likes asses.”
They both chuckle, Kyungsoo leaning back on the couch as Jongin plops his feet on the coffee table in front of them. Jongin speaks, this time a little softer. “I find happiness in everyone else’s happy endings, and I don’t think it’s bad to make their fantasy of forever come true even just for one day.
Kyungsoo snaps a photo and then Jongin’s smile fades, now replaced with a frown. “But you wouldn’t know anyways,” he puts his feet down and stands up, shimmying his tie in the process. “If you’re done with the interview you know where the door is.”

“Give me the article, I need it now.”
Kyungsoo looks up from where he’s nose-deep into the paper he’s working on, glasses sliding down the bridge of his nose.
“Kyungsoo. I said give me the damn article; we’re behind schedule.”
Kyungsoo winced; his boss was always soft spoken but he could be shit scary when he needed to be. And this was one of those times he needed to be regarded seriously. Kyungsoo straightened in his seat, passing the sheets of papers reluctantly to Suho’s outstretched hand.
“This is still not final though, that’s just a draft-“
“Fine, fine. No this is fine, I’ll just look at it first. It’ll be ready for printing if I find it worth enough.”
“What? Couldn’t we delay it a week further? I haven’t delved into my subject fully yet; there are still some aspects left uncovered.”
Suho eyed the papers and saw the photographs of a dashing young man; raising his left brow, he glanced back at Kyungsoo. “Or maybe it’s just because your subject is cute. Soo-soo’s got a little crush, huh?” Kyungsoo flushes and splutters indignantly while his boss just walks away with his papers.
He huffs and leans back against his chair. He stares at his phone and wonders if Jongin is still mad at him. But he understands now is not the time to bug him with his seemingly half hearted apologies (according to Jongin) ; and he has no other choice but to wait for the perfect timing.

“Hey Jongin hyung, could you please go with Luhannie today and register stuff we would need after the honey moon, like, when we start up our life in our house and all that? Please, please, pleaaaase? I’m getting my hair done-it was supposed to be done hours ago but this stylist noona decided to color my hair rainbow. Fucking rainbow hyung! I look stupid! I cannot look stupid in my own wedding!” Sehun screeches on the phone and Jongin has to move his phone away from his ear to save his eardrums from exploding. He sighs and lets go of the pen he was holding, now bringing the device back to his ear when the screaming recedes.
“Alright, Sehun. I’ll meet Luhan soon.”
He ends the call and sighs. He stares at the notebook he’s scribbling on and imagines a tick sign beside every number on his list that they’ve already accomplished.
1. Venue, check. 2. Date, check. 3. Cake, check. 4. Invites, check. 5. Things to register for post-honeymoon stage-
Jongin sighs for the umpteenth time that day. He’s going to call Luhan and get the fuss of the day over with. He feels his temple throb and he raises his hand to rub at it gingerly, groaning softly.
His attempts to relieve his mind of the incoming migraine is fruitless as his phone starts ringing incessantly from where he’s placed it on top of his notebook. He glares at it in hopes of making the annoying ringing stop when he sees the caller ID. His migraine worsens and he grunts, flipping the phone face down as he doesn’t want to think of anything even barely related to the guy giving him constant headaches besides his half brother.
Half brother- Luhan, right. He stands up and makes a grab for his wallet and jacket, taking his phone with him as a last minute decision and races out the door.

Kyungsoo taps his fingers against his desk table and puffs out his cheeks. He’s called Jongin twice and still no answer-maybe he really doesn’t want to talk to me yet, he thought, and is about to end the call when someone picks up at the final ring.
“Hello?” Kyungsoo breathes and the other line responds with “Jongin-hyung’s phone, Sehun speaking,”
Kyungsoo’s heart sinks to his stomach and he tries to respond with the same emotion he had when he first spoke. “Y-yeah. This is Kyungsoo, may I know where Jongin is?”
“Oh, Mr. Do! He’s out with my fiancé now, as my proxy because I can’t get out I’m currently in the salon doing my hair and…”
Kyungsoo doesn’t even listen to half of what Sehun says and only asks for the address of where they might be the moment he stops talking because he has some “important matters” to discuss with him. Kyungsoo finds himself in front of a fancy restaurant and he unconsciously smooth’s the creases of his work shirt down. He’s welcomed by a pretty waitress but he just brushes her off politely, saying that he’s just there to look for someone. When he’s left alone again, he continues walking with determination. He has to apologize to him somehow, or he’ll feel guilty for the rest of his life( that’s what he tells himself but then again he’ll never openly admit that he’s just worried Jongin’s pretty smile will never be directed at him again; that he can’t live without)
He spots them when his eyes wander a little to the left, sitting opposite each other and-looking happy. Kyungsoo does a double take before swiftly turning around, his heart pounding heavily against his ribcage. Before he can even hightail out of there and run as fast as his legs would carry him-his name gets called.
“Mr. Do!”
He turns around with an awkward smile and grimaces when he spots Jongin looking at him like he shouldn’t be there, which is true but still hurt nonetheless.
He walks over to them when Luhan motions him forward with his hand, reminding himself that he doesn’t want to come off rude if he just ignores him and suddenly run off. No, that would make him rude and a coward.
“Fancy seeing you here,” Luhan states politely while Jongin says the exact same opposite.
“What are you doing here?” His tone is everything but accommodating and Luhan shoots Jongin an inquisitive gaze before looking back at Kyungsoo.
“I-I was…sent here by Sehun to…help you guys with the things to buy...since I’ve been to a lot of weddings besides little Mr. Tuffet over there.” He finishes rather lamely and while Luhan looks convinced, Jongin is at the verge of throwing his silverware at him.
“Still that doesn’t mean-“
“That’d be great Mr. Do, I have a board meeting 30 minutes after this and I don’t think I can cancel.”
“-Call me Kyungsoo.”
“Right, Kyungsoo. It’ll be a great help if you would accompany him instead; I’d feel bad if I had to leave Jongin later on to attend the meeting. Of course, if it’s not bothersome for your schedule? I know you’re a busy man-”
“Hey, hey. It’s no problem. I insist on helping you guys with this. You still are my clients after all, and clients deserve the best!”

Needless to say Luhan leaves after a few more minutes of repeated assurance and extreme insisting that yes it’s not a bother to him and yes he’s free for the rest of the afternoon and yes he doesn’t mind spending his time with someone as pretty as Jongin. But he doesn’t say the last part out loud though; or he might just get misunderstood again and the pretty groomsman might actually kill him for good.
After he and Jongin send him off in the parking lot, the latter chooses to walk first and ignore his existence entirely. Kyungsoo blinks profusely before catching up and placing a hand on Jongin’s shoulder.
“Don’t. Touch. Me.”
Kyungsoo withdraws his hand as if he’s been burned. “O…kay. Someone’s peachy.”
“Peachy-peachy??” Jongin inhales as he turns around and locks eyes with Kyungsoo, normally calm eyes wide with irritation.
“I am more than peachy being in the same space as you, Do Kyungsoo.” Jongin spits it out but Kyungsoo likes how his name rolls off of his tongue; and he thinks, will he be labeled a masochist to have these thoughts? Kyungsoo breaks out into an amused grin and Jongin grunts, rolling his eyes with his lips pressed in a tight line, seemingly expressing that he’s given up on dealing with the former’s shit.
They walk to the side of the road, Jongin walking towards his car and Kyungsoo closely behind him with his hands shoved in his pant pockets. They stop in front of the car after Jongin takes his keys out to disable the lock; Kyungsoo’s hand shooting out to open the door in front of him when suddenly Jongin speaks up.
“You know, you don’t have to accompany me just because you feel indebted.”
Kyungsoo steadies his hands and turns to face him with confusion written all over his face. “What?”
Jongin bites on his lower lip, his gaze momentarily flitting over to the dusty road before meeting back up with Kyungsoo’s big brown orbs. “I said you don’t have to come with me. I know you’re just doing this to appease for your faults. I’m saying you don’t have to, and that I’ll be fine on my own.”
“What are you even talking about? I went here on my own okay, I want to do this. Now shut up before we-“
Honk. Honk. Honk.
Loud honking noises boomed from behind them and the man behind the steering wheel just looks and sounds as bad as his horn. He has his hairy arm out of the slightly open car window and his voice floats loud and angry across the parking lot. “Take your lover’s quarrel somewhere else you prudes! You’re holding up traffic!!” and true enough 3 cars have already line behind them. Bowing profusely they jump out of the way and into the car before they attract any more attention to themselves than they’ve already had, not wanting to get a ticket from the traffic police.
Jongin reluctantly starts the engine and spares Kyungsoo a glance from the passenger seat. He huffs, and drives off.

“Another one?” Kyungsoo whines and Jongin’s already tired of listening to him complain about all the pots and pans he’s registering for Luhan and Sehun’s future home. He sighs, an act he often does when he’s around Kyungsoo and proceeds to scan the price of the nearby wooden spoon.
“What is your problem? They’ll be using it anyway. These cooking ware will be used to serve stew on my birthday, and maybe even to bake mom’s secret recipe cakes.”
Kyungsoo scoffs and follows Jongin around, casually swiping the bar code of any object near him. “They’re both manly men; are you sure they’ll cook-let alone bake?” Jongin goes silent for a few moments before answering. “Well I’ll be cooking them, but Luhan and Sehun will be there to eat the food on these pots and pans so it’s the same thing.”
Kyungsoo chuckles and watches as Jongin swipes the tag of a glass vase. “A vase, really?”
“It’s pronounced ‘vass’ and yes, a vass to where Luhan will put the flowers he loves picking every morning when he goes jogging in the local park.”
Kyungsoo’s eyes wander to an authentic toilet seat lid on the floor-shelf near his feet and says, “And this will be the biodegradable toilet seat, where Luhan will sit his ass on when he shits after he goes jogging every morning.”
Jongin shakes his head and allows himself to let out a hearty chuckle. “Fine, shower me with your sarcasm.”
Kyungsoo shrugs and moves to register a random deer-shaped figurine. “What, I’m merely pointing out how useful all these are.”
“Yeah, these are all the stuff they’ll be using after the marriage; of course it’s useful!”
Kyungsoo moves beside him and shakes his head, using his hands to indicate the glass tea party set Jongin just swiped on. “No, I meant these are all the million dollar useless shit the government says we have to own, just so they could sell all their other useless crap.”
Jongin looks at him with a disinterested stare and waves him off with the register device in his hands. “You know what; I think your cynicism is all just a smoke screen for something bitter that happened in your life.”
The smaller sits himself on a couch and watches Jongin move around in front of him. “Oh yeah?”
“Yeah. Like, maybe your parents had a divorce, or you got dumped on by your wife, or some other miserable scenario like that.”
Jongin halts his movements, staring at Kyungsoo with wide eyes. “What? What did you say?”
Kyungsoo leans forward, a small smile on his face as he fiddles with the device in his hands. “You’re right, she dumped me when she learned I was gay, and eloped with another man.”
Jongin looked liked he wanted to cry and punch himself at the same time for being so insensitive. “Shit, Kyungsoo. I didn’t know. I’m sorry, I-it was just a random guess.”
Kyungsoo smiled amicably. “And a good one at that, kudos for you! She left with my best friend from college by the way, so, more points for you. Yeay.”
Jongin bit his lip and let his eyes roam at everything the store has to offer before looking back at the man seated on the couch. “Want to register everything ugly and useless for Sehun?”
Kyungsoo smiled and waved his bar code reader in the air. “Let’s.”

“This is so fucking your fault!” Jongin screamed at him from the driver’s seat, voice blending with the angry sound of thunder and the heavy rain pounding their vehicle with fists of water. “If you didn’t fucking insist we stay for 3 whole more hours, we wouldn’t be caught out on this shitty weather!”
Kyungsoo screamed back, voice still a few octaves lower than his furious seatmate. “How the fuck would I know that there’ll be a storm coming in today? You didn’t know either so you’re at fault as well!”
“Shut up!”
“I only did that so you wouldn’t have to go home yet and face the reality that is Sehun and Luhan! Fuck, slow down!”
“What? What the hell do they have got to do with this? And no, this is my car, I have the right to do whatever I want with it!” He swerves violently to the left and a sick smirk graces his features as he sees Kyungsoo jerk and cling onto his chair.
“That’s right, I know about your sick love triangle-you’re in love with Luhan and I don’t get why you’re still pushing through with taking care of the wedding details for the marriage of the guy you love!- I’m not kidding though, slow down! The roads’ slippery!”
“You have no say in what happens with my life and how I live it, stop nosing in other people’s business!” Swerve to the right, press on the accelerator.
“Jesus-slow the hell down or we’ll hydroplane!”
Jongin drives faster amidst not being able to see anything and hisses out, “shut up we aren’t going to hydroplane!”
“Goddammit crazy man, I don’t want to die yet! Don’t take me with you if you’re planning on being suicidal!”
Jongin turned the steering wheel the wrong way and the car careened to the right dangerously, spinning around, friction betraying the tires because of the wet and slippery road. The downpour is incessant and merciless as it rains upon the poor vehicle; it spins and spins until it slides off the road and hits the tree. The passengers inside are miraculously unharmed, the airbags popping out from under the steering wheel, smothering Jongin’s face in a lot of dusty pillow and despite their current situation, Kyungsoo laughs.
Jongin tries to turn his head and glares at him, frantically shoving the air bag down with flailing limbs. A moment later they’re settled, the after effects of the sort-of accident finally rubbing off them. The storm won’t slow down anytime soon, and they’re momentarily stranded somewhere with the car’s engine practically dead and the bumper close to falling off. They both take their phones out and curse as no signal strength reaches their devices.
Kyungsoo opens his mouth to speak but Jongin shushes him with a “Not one. Word.”

They end up in a nearby bar of sorts, party music blasting through the speakers, a few patrons seated in front of the counter, the bar tender mixing up the drinks before them. They decide on a momentary truce and agree to work together to get themselves home soon; it was only just a few hours till midnight strikes after all.
They enter the bar drenched to the bone, hair dripping wet and trailing water droplets down their face. They sit on one of the stools and Jongin talks to the bar tender as Kyungsoo shrugs his coat off.
“Do you have a phone?”
“None of’em workin’ ‘ere sonny.”
Damn. “Can we use your mobile phone instead? We can’t seem to have cell signals and we can’t contact our family and friends-“
“Listen sonny, there ain’t no signals ‘ere. This cozy lil’ thing ‘ere is a cozy pub. I suggest you and’yer friend spend the night and wait fer this ‘ere storm to stop; I have a feelin’ she ain’t stoppin’ anytime soon.”
Kyungsoo chuckles and raises his hand to ask for two drinks. The bar tender walks off to make his drink and Jongin turns to look at him.
“What are you doing?” Jongin hisses and Kyungsoo shrugs.
“Yew’eard the ol’man. We’re not going anywhere soon so why not enjoy this? Loosen up! Com’on, it’s just one drink.”
Kyungsoo winks and Jongin’s resolve crumbles, finding himself downing a shot of vodka he didn’t remember asking for.

One drink turned into three, four until they both have lost count and are just giggling in their seats while they steal glances at each other. Jongin then licks his lips as he lets his alcohol mudded brain lose control of his tongue.
“You know,” he drawls, finger drawing lazy circles on the table in front of them, “that your cynical attitude is just so you’ll appear shady, mysterious and sexy.” Kyungsoo chuckles heartily at the tall man slumped on the bar counter now, looking at him with unfocused eyes, mouth set in a permanent smile.
“Wait, what? Did you just call me sexy?” Kyungsoo chuckles and watches him fondly.
“After everything I’ve said, that’s the only thing you remember?” He hiccups and giggles, pushing himself off at the counter to point at Kyungsoo with his index finger. “And I said you think of yourself as sexy, not me telling you you’re sexy. There’s a difference!” Jongin giggles again and Kyungsoo joins him.
“What? So I’m not sexy?”
Jongin gives him a once over and Kyungsoo can’t help the shudder running through his body as those sexy half-lidded eyes focus on him.
“Nah…you’re more of like on the squishy side.”
And then a song comes on and Kyungsoo starts bobbing his head to the rhythm. “I went out last night! I’m partying out tonight again…anything to, garner your attention!”
Jongin chuckles and waves his hands in front of Kyungsoo wildly. “That’s not the lyrics!”
“Okay lyric police, how’s it supposed to be sung then?”
Jongin smirks and bobs his head too, closing his eyes as he sings in a loud voice, “and yooooooooooooou! I always know where you aaaaaaaaaare-you always know where I ammmmmm! And we’re taking it way too far, but I don’t want this to end!” He gestures towards Kyungsoo and grabs his hand, pulling him up as they dance around each other, belting out the lyrics; slowly catching the attention of the club patrons with their off-tune belting and giggling and flailing.
Soon enough they’re both on top of the table, wailing on the top of their lungs in a deafening duet as the crowd cheer them from below. “Thiiiis kiss! Is something I can’t resist, your lips are undeniable! This kiiiiss! Is something I can’t risk. Your. Heart. Is. Un-reliABLE! Something so sentimentaaaaal! You make so detrimentaaaaal! And I wish it didn't feel like this Cause I don't wanna miss this kiss.”
They both hop off the table and stare into each other’s eyes as the buzz of the crowd fades off into the background, nothing mattering anymore except for themselves. Kyungsoo looks into Jongin’s eyes and cups his cheeks, whispering the final line of the song. “I don't wanna miss this kiss,” and they lean forward at the same time, lips meshing together, tasting each other’s intoxication on the other’s tongue. They kiss and kiss until they’re out of breath, hands roaming all over each other as the need to touch, to feel, envelops them both.
Eventually they stumble out and into the rain, now only a drizzle as they kiss-walk themselves to the car parked a few walks away next to the tree, not caring if there are vehicles passing by; because now the only thing that matters are the two of them, wrapped in a bubble of lust and something else-desperation, adoration maybe? But no one wants to think about anything at the moment, Kyungsoo slamming Jongin down on the backseat once their shaking hands manage to open it. He sits on Jongin’s lap and proceeds to kiss him senseless, hands groping him everywhere, impatiently tugging his suit off. He lets his hands run over the warm expanse of Jongin’s exposed shoulders, and the latter moans in Kyungsoo’s mouth, the former growling in response as he rips off his own pants. The shifting and the hustling on the back seat is hard, considering the tight space with two grown men on top of each other trying to undress and touch and kiss and fuck so badly.
The car rocks and vibrates violently as Kyungsoo fucks Jongin open with his frantic thrusts, not caring that anyone might hear-or see them for that matter. Jongin moans needily, voice a few octaves lower than his normal one as his spot gets hit repeatedly, his thighs getting squeezed deliciously by the man with surprising strength on top of him. His dick slaps against his abdomen hard, the organ turning an angry red as the need to cum overwhelms him. Kyungsoo, the alcohol slowly leaving his brain, decides to help him and leans forward, pistoning into him faster and faster while he darts his tongue in and out of the his mouth, sweaty hands grabbing onto his weeping cock and stroking it in time with his thrusts.
They cum with each other’s name spilling off their mouths, the night and the rain their only witness.

Kyungsoo walks over to the back seat of the car and opens it. “Morning sleepyhead,” he chimes, handing Jongin a fresh can of coffee he purchased at the bar.
Jongin sits up, moaning as the pain shoots right up his spine. Kyungsoo winces, and reaches over to rub his shoulders lightly. “Sorry, are you okay?”
Jongin grits his teeth and accepts the coffee, nodding his head stiffly. “Never better.”
A silence envelops them as recounts of what happened last night flash across their minds, cheeks slowly coloring as they sip their artificial coffee. Jongin breaks the tense silence, clearing his throat. “Y’know, I don’t do this. I never do this.”
Kyungsoo smiles and nods his head, staring at Jongin with barely concealed adoration. “I know. Your ass was so tight I don’t think anyone has fucked you recently.”
Kyungsoo probably deserved the shoe thrown at his face.

Jongin comes to work the next day with people staring up at him all the way to his office. “What?”
Someone shoves him the day’s paper and his vision blackens as he reads the front page.

He calls Kyungsoo. “What have you done??” is what he greets him with, and Kyungsoo holds the phone away before bringing it back in to speak into the mouthpiece.
“The paper! You used me! Well, congratulations. Now you’re popular, I hope you’re happy.”
“No Jongin- wait!”
But he hangs up before he can even explain.

The tune of the wedding march floats through the air repeatedly as guest, friends and family members fill up the reception.
The wedding bells ring and the bridesmaid and the groomsmen walk to the aisle, happy smiles on their faces as they smile for the camera and at the groom waiting at the altar.
Jongin walks in next, being the best man of his brother and he beams at the camera, big and sincere; proud of the fact that his playboy brother is actually settling down albeit earlier than him. Jongin stares at Luhan waiting at the altar and contemplates; he’s looking at his brother’s groom, the man he loves-no, used to love. Because he’s pretty sure of his feelings now, of who he likes, even though that very man betrayed him and broke his heart.

He goes to his assigned chair and the other groom walks in, his brother looking happy with his soft purple hair, his matching with Luhan’s perfectly. They hold each other’s hand as Sehun approaches, big goofy grins on their faces as they stand before the priest.
The music stops, the crowd quiets down and the priest goes on with his ceremony. Before the ceremony is really over, the priest asks the dreaded question and everyone quiets down, breaths held in as they wait.
Luhan and Sehun relax, turning back to the priest. “…or forever more shall this couple be in peace-“
“Wait! Stop the wedding!”
There are gasps all over and Jongin does a double take to see Kyungsoo, wearing his MJ studded tie, panting and holding his breath. What the hell?
Kyungsoo begins talking as if he didn’t just create a commotion.
“Kim Jongin!” Everyone turns to look at him and he shrinks on himself from the unwanted attention. “I love you.” Gasps. “I always have. From the moment I saw your collection of ugly ties, to your dedication to your work, to the concern you have for everybody around you. You are the most selfless person I know, and I know I don’t deserve you, so I’m stopping this wedding for you; so you can tell Luhan what you really feel.” More gasps and Jongin stands up from his chair violently, ignoring everyone’s confused stares and marches right up to Kyungsoo.
“Idiot.” Is all he says before he punches Kyungsoo straight on the jaw. Everyone is shocked, staring at the scene unfolding before their eyes with mouths agape; the crowd thinking that this might as well be a scene straight off a drama. And they also watch as Jongin smiles when Kyungsoo staggers to stand up, the smaller holding a hand to his injured jaw, tears streaming down his face. Jongin immediately cups Kyungsoo’s face in his hands; his own tears a mini waterfall on his cheeks.
“Idiot,” he repeats, but the punch doesn’t repeat itself. He stares into those doe eyes he’s come to love so much and says, “You’re the one I’m in love with.” He presses his lips to Kyungsoo’s and kisses him fully in the middle of the aisle, in front of everyone.
Luhan and Baekhyun start the slow clap, and everyone follows, cheers erupting from all over the wedding hall as the couple shower each other with affection.

When the two finally separate, Sehun pipes up. “Double wedding?”

a/n: I’ll be writing a separate epilogue so talk to me recipient. Heh. Sorry for the mistakes! Awfully unbeta’d.

pairing: luhan/sehun, pairing: kai/luhan, rating: pg13, !fic, with:, pairing: taemin/krystal, with: f(x), pairing: kai/d.o

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