(for rainbowtoxicity) Multicolored ties on Paper - Part 1 of 2

Sep 13, 2014 15:33

For: rainbowtoxicity
Title: Multicolored ties on Paper
Pairings: Kai/D.O, mentioned!Taemin/Krystal, slight!Luhan/Sehun and Luhan/Kai
Rating: PG-15
Word Count: 15,463
Warnings: Non-descriptive smut, top!Soo
Summary: Jongin takes care of everybody else while Kyungsoo just cares about his damn paper.
Author’s Note: I strayed further and further away from the original working plot-I am so sorry. This is supposed to be a 27dresses!au but it turned out as a fic containing cynicism, weddings, indifference and lots of tsundere boys I am So sOrry recipient I hope you’ll still like this tho ; ; I had this idea of making it boy(ish?) idk because 27dresses had themes that were too girly even for gay boys. Haha!
-also thank you to the kaisoommer mods who have been very patient with me. I can’t even begin to explain how thankful and grateful I am that you have been considerate enough despite all my shortcomings. Thanks once again from the bottom of my kaisoo kokoro ; ;

Jongin is in the middle of a gigantic walk-in closet, surrounded by seamstresses who keep on holding his hands up, down, keep touching his midriff, flinging the ends of his tuxedo up, and patting his bum and his shoulders. There’s a flurry of pins and tape measures, needles and threads as he’s currently in the middle of testing the groom’s wedding tuxedo in the absence of the actual groom- his best friend, who’s in the middle of a very important business meeting. Luckily for them he’s about the same size as he is. After a few more minutes of fussing over him, they let him go and the moment he’s slid into his regular clothes, the bride calls him.
“Jongin!” She squeaks from the other line and he holds the phone away from his ear, grimacing.
“Yeah, hi Krystal.”
“Thanks for filling in for Taemin. We owe you a lot; and to show you our most sincere appreciation, we’ll even give you the biggest slice of the cake during our wedding ceremony!”
Jongin chuckled and slung on his messenger bag. “Hey, hey. No worries. Anything for my best friend and his girlfriend-I mean, soon to be wife.”
There’s a lively chuckle from the other line. “You’re the best Jongin! Oh-“ some shuffling can be heard and then, “okay, I’m hanging up now. Gotta meet with the florists. Bye!”
There’s a resounding beep from the other line and Jongin pockets his phone.
With a smile on his face, he heads to the next tuxedo rental shop.

Jongin’s at the back of the reception hall, fidgeting as he glances at his watch. The guests all crowd around the bride and the groom, and he takes this as his cue to leave. A petite-looking male sees a bout of movement to his left and spots one of the bride’s men shifting on one foot to the other. He raises his DSLR to his left eye, closes his right and snaps a photo of the dashing stranger in black and white, the outcome a blur of colors as he proceeds to run.
Kyungsoo smiles as he opts not to delete the photo.

Jongin is out of breath as he all but jumps out of the cab and into the reception, his previously gelled up hair now a pretty mess with a few strands hanging off and some sticking up in all directions.  His bow tie is of the wrong color and the guest’s side-eyes him warily. He’s been to and fro two weddings simultaneously, and he’s been caught somewhere in the middle by exhaustion and totally unexpected situations; like nails sticking up his ass- both quite figuratively and literally (a flirty bridesmaid tried to flirt her way into his pants in the other wedding; but he dodged her advances by very subtly making an x-sign with his hands then pointing to her boobs).

Chanyeol walks up to him and nudges him gently. “Dude, you alright? You look like you ran from a 10km marathon.”
Jongin waves him off and coughs as he tries to regain his breathing. “Where’s Taemin?”
Chanyeol jabs his thumb in the direction somewhere to the left from behind him. Taemin and Krystal are there, wrapped around each other as they pose behind the fifth table of ‘friends’ they’ve both never even seen before. Jongin visibly sighs in relief and Chanyeol pats him in the back once before scurrying off, probably to go and look for someone to shag for the night if the way he’s cockily strutting his stuff in front of the cute maid of honor is any indication.
When Jongin’s alone in the back again, this time with a wine glass in hand, a man approaches him. He turns to his right and see’s a pale, petite man a head shorter than he is, dressed in all black with a huge DSLR hanging around his neck. Jongin unconsciously scratches his own neck from the weight of the camera slung on the man’s neck. Seems heavy, Jongin thought inwardly. And then the man smiles and Jongin notes his pearly whites and his thick pinkish lips. When did his eyes wander off to the stranger’s lips anyway? He gulps down his red wine and turns his gaze away.
The guy beside him speaks up, fiddling with the device in his hands. “Are you okay?”
Jongin’s left brow raise at the question. “Huh?”
He then points to a tattered part of Jongin’s slacks and his eyes immediately double up in size. “What the hell-”
The stranger’s eyes curl up in mirth as he tries to cough out his snickers. Jongin flushes and he fidgets because cute strangers aren’t supposed to laugh at him; they’re supposed to laugh with him-and maybe moan his name afterwards but that’s a different story altogether.
“Here.” The stranger offers his black coat to Jongin and he stares at it questioningly.
“Go on, you need it more than I do.”
He stares at in a split second of doubt before throwing off his first impression pride, taking it from the stranger’s pale hands.
Jongin mumbles out his thanks and slips the coat onto his broad shoulders, the velvety texture of the clothing easing up the dressing process. The length of the coat covers his waist down and stops a few inches below his crotch, perfectly hiding the tear from his rear. Jongin twists this way and that and sighs in relief when everything embarrassing is covered. The tips of his ears blush a fiery red when he hears an amused chuckle from beside him.
“Right, thank you. Uh…”
“It’s Kyungsoo. And you’re welcome.” He smiles and Jongin feels a light flutter in his chest.
“M-my name’s Jongin. Nice to meet you-,” His eyes flash back to the camera and he offers a warm grin. “-photographer Kyungsoo.”
Their little acquaintance party is broken up however by screams and champagne bottles popping up, the red liquid pouring all over the floor as a sign of closing the ceremony; the matrimonial celebration is over. Kyungsoo raises his camera and quickly takes a dozen photos, a reserved smile on his lips as he turns back to Jongin to say his farewell.
“It was nice seeing you go back and forth between two weddings, Jongin. But I’ve got to go now- duty calls. See you around.”
Jongin stutters and almost drops his wine glass from the initial shock. Clearing his throat, he follows Kyungsoo out with the flow of the people, some clapping his back as they pass. Kyungsoo just grabs onto his camera with a knowing smirk.
“Wait, what do you mean two weddings? Have you been following me?”
Kyungsoo scoffs and turns to face him when they reach the parking lot. “Don’t flatter yourself; I was just at the back when I noticed you running in and out of the reception, coming back with a differently colored tie twice. I just put two and two together-that you most definitely did not run off to just the bathroom; and that you changed your tie to a differently colored one for a reason.”
“But I-“ Kyungsoo quickly held a finger up before speaking again.
“I know you weren’t in the bathroom because I went there myself; curious of the fact that there might be a stack of colorful ties freely given out. Instead, I discovered you didn’t go to the bathroom; but to the exit. I figured it was two weddings because a) you have two ties in different colors and b) you left with a bag and came back empty handed.” Kyungsoo finished proudly, smirk etched on his face as he stares at Jongin and then to his messed up hair.
Jongin chuckled and ran a finger through his gel-stiff hair. “Well, you got me. I was at two weddings... But that doesn’t really hide the fact that you had to be staring at me the whole time to know all these details-if I didn’t know better I’d say you’re some shady stalker.”

Kyungsoo looked unamused. “Weren’t you listening? I said I was at the back the whole time. The only time I went up front was to take some pictures, which I already have prior to your escapist acts by the way,” He paused and then added after uncrossing his arms from his chest, “but why were you at two weddings?”
“O…kay then. You’re not a stalker; just a very curious photographer that happens to be situated at the back, watching over everyone.” Jongin smiled cheekily before turning serious. “…It’s because two very close friends of mine happened to book both of their weddings on the same day at the same time. I love them both and I couldn’t find it in my heart to say no.”
Kyungsoo shook his head. He looked…disappointed for some unknown reason. “How could you stand it?”
“Stand what? Weddings?” Jongin chuckled and clasped his hands together before sporting the most sincere smile he’s offered to a complete stranger for the first time that evening.  “I love bearing witness to couples marching down the aisle and professing their love for each other.  It’s fulfilling to know that somehow I was able to aid two people in love start off on to a new journey of their lives-that I was a part of such a sacred ceremony.”
Jongin turns to gaze at something in front of him, a faraway look in his eyes. “I believe in the union marriage offers. It provides lifetime companionship and happiness-it’s…it’s a beautiful thing in such a sad world, isn’t it?” Jongin turns to look at Kyungsoo, a dream like sigh escaping his lips.
Kyungsoo is robotic when he responds, tone disinterested as he says his piece. “I beg to disagree. It’s practically the same as lying to them; promises of forever despite the fact that you know well enough that forever doesn’t exist. You give them false hope of ever lasting love and a generally happy life but reality check! That’s why divorces are there in the first place; because getting married to someone who’ll just hurt you in the end is pointless. Divorces nullify the shit-hold marriage has on two individuals that just want to be happy. Divorce, now that’s a beautiful thing.”
Jongin looks scandalized. “A guy who doesn’t believe in the chance of happy ever after’s, and who thinks divorce is beautiful.” A pregnant pause. “Are you secretly a divorce lawyer? Or better yet-a divorced lawyer.”
They’re standing in front of Kyungsoo’s car unconsciously now, and the owner takes out his car keys to press a button, the car doors automatically unlocking after the beep. He leans on it first turning sideways to face the dashing groomsman, amused smile plastered on his face. “Please. If I was a lawyer I wouldn’t be here taking photos of these petty human events at all. These rituals are just executed in the first place to appease parents and family members who did the difficult job of raising their to-be-wed children; and to satisfy society’s need of social interaction. Friends and people no one’s ever seen before suddenly appear in these types of events, just to get in the social buzz. See? Marriage and the wedding itself is so shallow that I find it distasteful.”
Kyungsoo’s words might be harsh but his voice doesn’t even hold an inch of bite in it, just merely narrating his thoughts like an aged scholar would to his too-bright apprentices with unbelievably big dreams for the world. Jongin’s previously happy face is now turned to an unimpressed frown. His eyebrows are drawn together and he looks like he’s just been insulted.
“Why are you so negative.” Jongin says it in complete distaste, and Kyungsoo merely shrugs. “I mean yeah, sure the world is ugly, divorce is also true, I see your point but my point is that it’s not the same for everybody. Anyone can have a happy ending. Everyone deserves it. I have to admit marriage ceremonies may sometimes be too over-the-top but that doesn’t cancel out its true purpose; to unite two souls, ‘til death do them part.”
Kyungsoo just tuts and yanks his car door open. “Not everyone has the same belief Jongin. Well, this is me. I gotta get going,”
Jongin takes a step back and watches Kyungsoo get in the car. He pats his pockets to take out cab money; he has to go home soon and the entirety of the day’s events has his mind reeling and his body screaming for him to just lie down and sleep for 2 days straight. He didn’t bring his car to the wedding so he opts to hire a cabbie. When he reaches into his pants however, his hand just keeps on going down and there are no restraints, no cloth to brush against his knuckles. What-
“Shit.” Kyungsoo, who just revved the engine and is now going in reverse, hears Jongin curse. Curious, he pops his head from out of his window and is amused to see him patting and sliding his hands over his torn pants pockets.
Jongin looks up from his near-hysterical searching when he hears a low whistle.
“Heeey. Looks like someone needs a ride.” Kyungsoo commented gently, smiling at the problematic groomsman. He doesn’t sound rude or teasing however, so Jongin only groans.
“Fuck. It must’ve fallen off when I got my pants stuck on that nail. DAMN YOU NAIL!” He screeches angrily, shaking his fist angrily up in the air, staring up ahead with his eyes narrowed.
Kyungsoo chuckles heartily and shuts his engine. The dying rumbles of the engine mingle with the slow mumble of after-wedding chatter, the guests disappearing one by one until only the hotel staff and cleaners are left.
Jongin stares at Kyungsoo’s car forlornly, torn between just walking the 2km road to his home, or swallowing his pride and asking this non-believer stranger for help.
Jongin is really tired and Kyungsoo’s black sedan car couch looks so comfy and-,
Jongin takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. You can do this Jongin, its only one ride with this cynical monster and that’s it; no more depressing times with Debbie downer. Come on, just say the magic words-
Kyungsoo shocks them both by saying “I can drive you; that is if it’s not that far from here.” Jongin’s eyes snap open in shock and Kyungsoo stares stupidly at him for a second. He makes a quick assessment of Kyungsoo: he looks harmless, has a petite body-very easy to wrestle with in case he kidnaps me; he has a nice car and-he has a nice car. Yup, okay. His brain gives him the go signal and Jongin makes a totally unnecessary and uncharacteristic happy whale sound from the back of his throat. He coughs once before walking up to Kyungsoo with dignity (if you call having your chin up, chest out, arms and legs stiff as you walk as having dignity then sure, Jongin walked with dignity).
Kyungsoo shakes his head, clearly amused with the quick change of emotions Jongin displayed in front of him. He opens the car door opposite him and Jongin slides in, eyeing him nervously before telling him his address. Kyungsoo nods because it’s pretty near and twists his key and revives his engine again, this time actually pulling off the curb and into the main road.
The rest of the ride is quiet, and Kyungsoo can feel how tense Jongin is. His shoulders are squared, his eyes are glued to the road and the thought of this pretty man nervous as heck because of him makes him frown. He speaks up and Jongin jolts and bumps his shoulder on the car door, turning to him with a semi-embarrassed, semi-curious expression. “You know, I’m not going to murder you. Relax.”
Jongin frowns and rubs his injured shoulder before muttering a stubborn “I knew that,”
Its quiet again save for the pads of his fingers drumming on the window sill, and of Kyungsoo’s constant humming. The soft rumble of the engine serves as his lullaby and now the silence that shrouds their vehicle is comfortable and he revels in it, his lids slowly dropping until he gives up battling exhaustion and succumbs to sleep.
He’s woken up by a gentle pressure on his shoulder and he pops an eye open to stare at doe eyes and a button nose.
“Jongin. Jongin we’re here. We’re at your apartment now, come on wake up.”
Jongin grunts and lazily sits up a bit straighter, blinking up at Kyungsoo. “Oh. How long was I asleep?”
He rubbed his sleepy eyes and stifled a yawn, his mind slowly replaying the memories of what he did prior to passing out.
“Just around 20minutes. You really should get in now. Your apartment security guard has been eyeing this vehicle warily the moment I parked; I’m afraid he’ll shoot us down if he doesn’t see anything familiar soon.”
Jongin’s idea of sincere gratitude is folding yourself by the waist in a 90 degree angle, and so he bows-but accidentally hits Kyungsoo’s nose, causing the other to groan and move back in pain. “Oh holy shit, I am so sorry Kyungsoo. I- shit.”
He fusses over Kyungsoo and the smaller waves him off, hands over his hurt nose, speaking in a nasally voice. “No, its cool just-ah, go inside.”
Jongin bows again, a little farther away this time and gets out of his car, bows once more when he’s out and turns on his heels to walk into his apartment. The guard relinquishes his hold on the rifle once he’s caught sight of Jongin. He bows politely to the anxious security guard and disappears behind old wooden doors.
Kyungsoo then rubs his nose lightly, turning to stare at the clump of something from where Jongin was seated a while ago. Turns out it was a small memo pad of sorts, judging from how it looked when he picked it up.
He smiles at the thought of having to meet the pretty groomsman again, using his memo pad as an excuse. He could return it now but…nah.
Kyungsoo drives away with a huge smile on his face.

Jongin arrives at work the next day and sees a Michael Jackson CD sitting atop a stack of papers. His eyebrows shoot up his fringe and he gingerly picks it up, confused whether to shout out in joy or be slightly creeped out from the anonymity of it.
The Michael Jackson CD, a precious limited edition HIStory album is bathed in all its untouched glory; clearly an original copy, but still has the plastic encasing on. Jongin wonders what he’s done in all his lives-this one included to receive such a priceless gift. The CD is unsigned however, both by MJ (it would’ve been better if it was autographed-but he’s not going to be picky at this point) and the sender. He looks around the office and locks eyes with a wide-eyed Baekhyun.
“Holy sh-is that a limited edition MJ HIStory CD?? Where the fuck did you get this shit? I’m sure I’ve scouted every godforsaken CD and antique store here in Seoul but not once did I encounter a rare beauty like this one-“
Baekhyun’s about to grab the CD but Jongin tuts and uses his height advantage to wave it out of his reach. “No touchy. And I don’t know. When I came in I just found this literally on top of my work papers.”
“I should’ve lurked around your desk and picked it up before you did.” Baekhyun grumbles, a frown forming on his puppy like face as he stares at the CD above Jongin’s head forlornly.
And then another co-worker of theirs pops his head out from a cubicle and says “Maybe it’s from the boss. I saw him dropping off the papers in your desk a little while ago.”
Jongin and Baekhyun both gasp at the innocent speculation. Jongin’s heart beat speeds up and his palms suddenly feel clammy. He places the CD back on his table where it’s safe before he does something unforgiveable like dropping it.
“Shit. Shit shit-shit man, this is what you’ve been dreaming of since day 1! Senpai noticing you!”
Jongin makes a whining horse sound while he looks at Baekhyun with hope-filled eyes. He speaks in a dreamy state, “Well yeah he does know I’m addicted to Michael Jackson…”
“This is it man, this is not a fucking drill. This is real life!” Baekhyun slams his fist down his table with so much conviction that the loud boom it makes grabs everyone’s attention. Their coworkers all crane their necks to stick it out of their cubicles and see a glimpse of what the commotion is all about. Jongin cowers from the unwanted attention and he awkwardly smiles at everyone, tugging Baekhyun down in a half bow. “Aha, hah. Baekhyun here just wanted to show me his new hapkido moves, no worries. Okay! We apologize for the noise and you can all resume your jobs now.”
He still looks awkward as hell but they all relent; after all he still is second in command (he’s the boss’ assistant, AKA Associate C.E.O but that’s just a label for name’s sake. They all know he’s an extension of their boss’ right hand, he practically has the same power he has.)

Baekhyun swats at his hand the moment everyone has their backs turned and have their faces glued back to their electronic screens.
“What the fuck?” Baekhyun frowns and steps away from his desk. “Whatever lover boy. Just confess to him already; this is obviously a sign that he’s interested in you. Nobody scours the earth for a limited MJ CD that’s practically as good as extinct for nothing.”
“Right, thanks Baek.”

Jongin’s about to sit down in his swivel chair and start his job with renewed and intensified enthusiasm when Baekhyun’s head pops back out and above his cubicle wall again; he raises an eyebrow inquisitively. “I almost forgot, company dinner later okay? Don’t forget to come.”
This stirs a memory of arrivals in Jongin’s mind and he snaps his fingers. “Oh fuck, you’re right. What time was it again?”
“7. After working hours. Don’t tell me you have plans? Because I’m pretty sure Lu Han is coming with us-“
“No, no it’s not like that. My brother is arriving from Paris later and I have to fetch him from the airport, y’know, big brother stuff.”
“Ah.” Baekhyun nods in understanding before adding a “But try your best to attend. It’ll be fun.” And with that his head disappears back into his own cubicle.
“Fun eh?”
Jongin pouted as his eyes settle on his phone, LCD flashing the name of his brother in big bright lights.

Kyungsoo is seated in his office chair, legs propped up on the table as he twirls the little black memo in his hands, a small smile on his face as he remembers last night’s events. Just then his editor comes in with a stern glare.
“Kyungsoo,” he drawls, and Kyungsoo merely throws him a glance.
“ ‘Sup.”
Junmyeon’s eyes twitch in irritation and he takes a sharp inhale of breath before continuing. “Don’t ‘sup’ me. You have a deadline to catch up to, articles to write.” He flails various cut-outs of articles clipped together in front of Kyungsoo’s face and the latter just moves his head back, scrunching his nose in undisguised disgust.
“All of those suck. How do you expect me to write an article about ‘the nuances of silk cloths’? Or of ‘the beauty of bouquets, how to pick one that suits your personality?’” Kyungsoo reasons, and his face expresses his adamant refusal to do it. “I’m a man for fuck’s sake.”
“That writes the shit women love to read in the wedding’s announcements page.”
Kyungsoo scowls and then his eyes turn soft and pleading as he stares at his editor’s eyes. “Can’t you just place me in the front page as an actual headline writer? A real feature article writer?”
Junmyeon’s resolve wavers for a second because Kyungsoo’s puppy eyes are powerful and are nothing to joke about; he looks so fragile and convincing that he almost relents, almost-but thank the business gods that he doesn’t.
“Kyungsoo,” he coos, and the owner of the name just hisses at him. “You know the rules, you have to make a big break first before getting promoted; its standard protocol.”
Kyungsoo straightens and takes his legs off the table. “Yeah, yeah I know. This shit needs to be widely popularized and recognized before getting a promotion, yadda yadda. I’ve been hearing this shit since what, 2 years ago? I get it Junmyeon. All I’m asking for is a chance, but it seems like this rule is set in stone. Alright, okay. I’ll write another stupid article but I won’t be picking a topic from that pile of crap in your hands. I’m going to find something else that’s at least barely interesting even to me.”
Junmyeon sighs because this is a fixed argument, there can be no more amendments with Kyungsoo’s decision and he finally nods his head in understanding. “Okay. I’ll expect the paper handed to me by Wednesday next week.”
Kyungsoo just salutes and Junmyeon turns and walks back to his office adjacent to Kyungsoo’s.
The wedding announcement’s writer takes hold of Jongin’s black memo pad again and an idea pops in his head.

Jongin takes out his phone as soon as it rings.
“Yeah Sehun, I just got off from work. I’m on my way to the airport now-hold your horses, jeez.”
“No, I am not going to pick up donuts for you on the way there.”

Jongin arrives twenty minutes later with a box of Krispy Kreme’s and Sehun excitedly takes it from him. “Thanks big bro, you’re the best!” He pecks Jongin’s cheek in the middle of the waiting area and Jongin scowls as he steps out of his breached personal space.
“Shut up, Sehun. You and I know you only call me big brother when other people are around.”
“Ahh, true.” Sehun adjusts his sunglasses and gestures to his luggage behind him. “Gonna help me, hyung?”
Sehun drawls out the hyung annoyingly just to spite him and he scowls some more. He reluctantly grabs a burlap. “How long will you be staying anyway?”
“Hmm.” Sehun starts walking forward, dragging his suitcase with him on its rollers and Jongin struggles behind him with the rest of his stuff. “I think at least a month? I’m taking a break from the modeling life bro, too much stress.”
He fans his face in mock frustration and Jongin just rolls his eyes. “Just get in the car, you whiny bitch.” He says as they reach his car right outside and directly in front of the airport parking lot.
“What, you won’t open the door for me? Is chivalry really dead? How awful!” Sehun fake gasps and Jongin punches him in the arm.
“You’re a perfectly capable man with two arms that function properly. I have no reason to open that fucking door. Now if you won’t open that on your own I am leaving without you. I’m serious.”
Sehun hastily throws the door open and hops inside with a sheepish smile.

They’re welcomed by drunken cheers and off-tune singing the moment the doors to the club open. Jongin spots his work buddies right away; all in a big circle at the farthest left of the room, with beers and wine and pizza’s in both their hands.
Jongin clears his throat and throws a glance at his half-brother who’s right behind him, worried that he might have negative comments or if his drama king streak is acting up again. Thankfully though he just looks bored, like how he normally is, and Jongin releases the breath he unknowingly he held.
Baekhyun spots him first and yells, in a loud and high pitched voice that’s even more annoying than his normal voice, that he should come over right now because booze is running out. Jongin pales when everyone else in the club turn to look at him; and he just does his best to pretend that he doesn’t exist. That he could block everyone’s tipsy yet still highly judgmental stares by keeping his head down and staring at his feet. He curses Baekhyun in his head tenfold; curses that he loses all of his teeth around his mid40’s, curses that he gets gout by his early 30’s, and curses that Baekhyun’s wife, or husband, is someone taller than him and that it’ll make him feel like a fucking midget. He oh so wishes for Chanyeol to end up with Baekhyun so, so badly that he’s prepared to make a black chicken sacrifice at the altar.
Jongin knows its mean, childish even to wish for something as bad as sealing someone’s fate but hey, at least he didn’t wish for Baekhyun to die.
But Jongin should also know that karma strikes fast, and as soon as he wishes for Baekhyun’s future ill fate, he bumps into someone and almost falls over. That someone however smells vaguely familiar, that firm bicep he’s holding onto matches the one imprinted in his memory, and the apology for bumping into him immediately dies on his lips.
“Jongin? Hey, you made it!” Luhan pauses a bit and takes in Jongin’s disheveled appearance. “You okay though? You bumped into me pretty hard, and sorry about that.”
Luhan smiles and Jongin sucks in a sharp intake of breath, forever not used to the idea of Luhan’s expressive eyes and long midnight lashes up close. He unconsciously takes a step back and out of Luhan’s warm hands.
“I-“ Jongin blushed profusely and rather embarrassingly, still unable to form coherent sentences and hold normal conversations in front of his long time boss outside the confines of the office. He stops short of his stuttering however, when Luhan goes rigid in front of him, eyes glazed over and mouth hanging slightly open at the sight of something-or someone from behind Jongin.
Indeed karma strikes back fast, and the effect is double the second time around. Jongin feels his heart fall at the sight that greeted him.
Sehun and Luhan are staring at each other like they just found the world in each other’s eyes. Jongin grabs onto Luhan’s arm hastily and brings his boss back to reality.
“Ah, Jongin.  Oh! I almost forgot. I, um-did you get what I left on top of your desk earlier this morning? I hope you don’t feel uncomfortable about it since, you know, we aren’t really like that.” Luhan nervously chuckled and pried his hand away. “Well, I have to…go to the washroom. See you back at the table Jongin.”
Jongin then just blinked at the retreating figure of his boss, barely registering the words ‘desk’, ‘left’ and ‘washroom’. Sehun then walked to his brother and yanked him to the side.
“Who was that??” He hissed angrily, his neutrally bored expression gone and replaced with that of irritation.
“Sehun what is wrong with you?” He yanked his arm off and scowled at his younger brother. “That guy is my boss. His name is Luhan and he’s the most perfect, most hard working-“
“Jongin, that’s my ex-boyfriend!”

“Your what?!”

Jongin floated away from everybody else after that incident. After eating his share of dinner, he went to the nearest bar; with actual dancing and lots and lots of dizzying booze. He needed to loosen up. To hell with hot bosses and whiny brothers and fated encounters; to hell it all.
That was what he was unconsciously chanting while gulping down alarming amounts of throat-burning vodka. His alcohol tolerance is a meager 3 in a scale of 10 and he’s already buzzed by his second serving.
“I liked this guy for sooooooooooo long,” he whines, vision unfocused as he talks to an empty stool next to him. “And y’know whut? He likes my brothuh. My effin half-bruhtha! My brother didn’t file useless papers for him, did’e?” He waves his shot glass in the air and he hiccups every now and then, looking more high than wasted with his red half-lidded eyes and slouched posture.

Just then a figure filled in the empty stool.
Jongin blinks because what the fuck-why is there a block of something on his person and-
“Did you like the MJ limited edition CD I sent to you?”
He lazily lifts his eyes up and oh.
He immediately frowns, mouth downturned and eyebrows drawn together. Kyungsoo raises an eyebrow and Jongin suddenly lurches forward, pointing at him with his index finger threateningly.
“You’re the anti-marriage council photographer guy,”  his words are slurred and Kyungsoo shoots a hand out to steady Jongin when he wobble a little to his right.

“Yeah that’s right. You sent me that CD? Fuck this shit.”
Jongin gulps down his 3rd shot angrily and he hisses like a wounded cobra when the alcohol makes a fiery trail from his throat to the pits of his stomach.
He gets up and waves Kyungsoo off when he offers to steady him.
“I’m okay, I can walk. I’m a fucking man I don’t need your help.” Jongin then staggers drunkenly to the next room while Kyungsoo stays put to watch, breaths even as he wonders what might have happened to make pretty groomsman and strong marital supporter Jongin drink himself shitless.
Jongin slams the door open and promptly screams, kicking the stool right next to him which flies off and lands-on the cake.
Everyone quiets down as they watch in horror and slight alarm as a drunken man screams his lungs out by the door. They watch with crying stomachs as their cake gets splattered in front of them, tiny bits of white-iced frosting landing on their faces.
Jongin finally looks up and is shocked to see lots of people staring back at him, a cake split and smashed in half with a stool on top of it, and a huge banner of “Congratulations to Donghae and Eunhyuk for graduating college!” stuck to the makeshift stage in the center of the room directly in front of him.
His eyes immediately double up in size, both of his hands raised in surrender. He then takes slow and careful steps back to the door, and with the biggest smile he could muster, says; “Congratulations!” and promptly leaves the scene running.
A hand shoots out to grab his wrist from the entrance of the club and he’s prepared to wrestle his way out of this situation when he notices who it is that’s holding him. He’s much more sober now so he’s calm as Kyungsoo slowly releases his grip on Jongin’s wrist. He then immediately hands him his black memo pad.
“Oh! So that’s where this has been. I was worried I’d dropped it when my pockets got torn.” He shoots Kyungsoo a small smile and says in an even smaller voice, “thanks.”
Kyungsoo nods and inserts his hands in his pockets. They’re a few steps away from the entrance of the club and now they’re both leaning side by side in one of the narrow alleys.
“So,” Kyungsoo begins, shifting his weight from one leg to the other. “Tough night?”
Jongin chuckles sourly, and Kyungsoo winces from the bitter ring of it, such a depressing sound for something that’s supposed to be an expression of joy.
Jongin looks up, and Kyungsoo turns in time to admire his side profile, sharp jawline and high cheekbones, long lashes that are masked by his fringe, the color of soft caramel. The moonlight casts its glow over the buildings and Jongin is no exception, bathed in the ethereal light, his skin is glowing-and Kyungsoo thinks he’s beautiful, except that his pretty eyes are sad. Kyungsoo frowns as he focuses on what Jongin has to say.
“Tell me about it.” Then he slowly faces Kyungsoo, a sad smile on his face.
“Are you okay? You look like you need a drink.” Kyungsoo makes a move to walk back to the bar when Jongin stops him, hand warm around his arm. “Wait,”
Kyungsoo turns hesitantly, currents of something he doesn’t know climbing up and around his body from where Jongin is touching him, and he tries not to be affected by it when he meets his eyes. “Yes?”
“I-forget it. I’m going back in.”
He releases his grip on Kyungsoo’s arm and he sighs. “I have to go home now. Thanks for this,” he waves the black memo pad in the air and he tries to smile, but it doesn’t reach his eyes.
Kyungsoo watches him leave and wonders, if the emptiness he’s feeling right now is because he skipped dinner, and not because the man who just left took a part of him with him.

Jongin wakes up with a pounding head and a numb feeling around his heart. He grumbles his way to the kitchen and is surprised to see Sehun isn’t home yet, judging by the way the guest room is still open like how they left it last night before going off to the club.
He sits on top of a kitchen stool, hair mussed and eyes still droopy as he stares at the open room across him. He gulps his coffee down and notes that the taste mirrors his feelings perfectly.

Sehun finally shows up when he’s about to leave for work, looking happy and smiley and completely the opposite of Jongin’s current mood. He still manages a curt nod before asking Sehun the question he really doesn’t want to hear the answer of.
“Where were you last night?”
“Where was I? Oh Jongin, you should’ve been there. Luhan and I-does it matter where I was? All I know is that I’m happy.” He finishes breathlessly, like how a teenager would when his crush kisses him for the first time.
Jongin continues frowning. “Luhan?” Where did the respect go?
“Yeah,” Sehun sits on the couch and watches his older brother toe on his shoes. “Remember that fling I told you like a few months back? Back at the conference?”
Jongin nods to show he’s listening.
“Well it’s him. It’s Luhan. Fuck,”
Jongin eyes him when he curses but doesn’t say a word.
“I never thought that we’d meet again, y’know? Like it was a whirlwind romance, true, but I was happy. We were happy; so very happy. But I was heartbroken when we split up because we had to return back to our respective countries after that conference, and I tried to live with that. But now, but now we’ve met again and don’t you think its fate? For us to see each other again?”
Sehun looks so hopeful and happy that Jongin couldn’t find it in him to hate his half-brother.
“Uh-huh. Yeah look, I have to go to work now so. See you later, okay? Don’t burn the house down.”

He rides a cab all the way to his work place and his mind is filled with nothing but why’s and why not me’s?
When he sits at his cubicle, he spots Luhan coming out of his office looking all happy and glowing like never before. He’s talking on the phone and it doesn’t take a genius to know who he’s talking to.
Jongin sulks and directs his gaze on the papers that needed to be filed and sorted out today laid on his table, willing the tears to not drop because it hurts seeing someone you like happy because of someone else.
He’s snapped out of his depressed state when his phone rings loud and insistent; and he blinks profusely before pulling it out of his (thankfully not torn anymore) pockets.
It’s an unregistered number and his eyebrows fly up to his hairline. He answers it anyway and glances around the office before ducking down to talk to the mouthpiece. “Hello?”

The velvety voice from the other line isn’t unknown as he sighs tiredly, shoulders sagging from the weight of his problems. “What now.” His exhaustion seep out of his voice and he doesn’t care if he sounds whiny as hell at the moment.
“Wow, someone’s happy to hear from me.”
“Where did you even get my number?!”
“It’s in your black memo pad thingy.”
“You opened it?!?” Jongin’s head hit the top of his work desk when he jerked back in alarm and surprise. “Shit-“ He hissed at Kyungsoo when the latter just cackled, his mocking laugh carrying over as annoying static in the ear piece.
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry. I was curious. I thought you were a pastor or something-what with all the mysterious little black book and whatnot. But alas, it’s your precious wedding log book!”
Jongin is scandalized, abruptly standing up with the agenda to find a less crowded space so he could shriek at the annoying guy on the other line freely. He grabbed his wallet and keys and bowed apologetically to his co-workers on the way out, his feet leading him into the lobby.
There he released his annoyance, forgetting completely about his earlier heartbreak, his frustration-everything, actually. All he can remember is that he’s irritated at Kyungsoo for touching his stuff without his permission and mocking him for it.
“WEDDING LOG BOOK? WEDDING LOG BOOK?? Excuse you Nitpicky Peterson, that is a neat and detailed recount of all the weddings I’ve been through this year,” he finished proudly, even puffing his chest out despite the fact that the person he’s talking to can’t see him.
Kyungsoo is quiet for a few breaths before continuing in a deadpan voice, “…like a log book of sorts.”
Jongin sighed and visibly calmed down. He suddenly feels lame as his mind processes that yes, his little memo pad does function as a log book. He leaned on the 2nd floor lobby’s glass walls, his finger tracing patterns absentmindedly, eyes scanning rows by rows of buildings, people and cars looking a lot smaller than they should from where he was.
“Yeah. A log book,” he admits resignedly.
“So,” Kyungsoo pauses and Jongin sucks in a breath, anticipating what the other has to say-mockery, insults, or more infuriating words of extreme opposition to marriage that up until now he does not understand the origin of.
He’s so prepared to make a snarky comeback that when Kyungsoo actually starts talking it doesn’t register in his battle-ready mind.
“You know you’re so full of negative thoughts that I can actually feel the dark cloud from over here-“
“-and I don’t get why you’re so bitter, I mean love is a good thing right? If you’re worried about your macho image-“
“-would it kill you to agree with me because you know, I actually have a p-“
Said owner of the name shuts up and blinks dumbly at being yelled at and reprimanded. He responds with a soft “what,” not knowing whether to be hurt or mad because he got interrupted in such a rude way.
“Did you even hear what I said?”
Jongin pauses and blinks because oh yeah, what did he say? “Um, no. But I’m pretty sure you insulted my beliefs again!”
The security guard doing rounds in the 2nd floor lobby at that moment threw Jongin a reproaching look when he passed by him and the latter responded respectfully by bowing twice, murmuring his apologies.
Then, Kyungsoo’s voice floated over to his ears again from the phone still clutched tightly in his hand, this time the words actually registering in his mind.
“I said, I have nothing against your wedding log book.” He chuckles lightly before continuing,” I’m merely offering you the pleasure of being in my company; let’s get a drink or two when the time finally comes that you would need someone who wouldn’t take you out just to try on tuxedo’s or to deliver late wedding invitations.”
Jongin chuckles heartily. “Leave me alone,” his words might be harsh but his tone is nothing but light, teasing even.
“See you soon, Jongin. Save my number!”

He hangs up with his heart feeling a bit lighter, a genuine smile spread on his face as he makes his way back to his work desk.
Later, when he’s hunched over his overtime work papers, his phone rings.

From: Cynical shorty

The sight that greets Jongin when he comes home is too much for his tired heart to handle. He just breezes past the two figures making out on his couch, too occupied with each other to hear or care for that matter, that someone just came in and saw them.
The minute Jongin sits down on his bed he plugs in his earphones, adamant not to hear any moans or groans from the living room. But then his fed up mind conjures a mischievous plan, and he bites on his lower lip as he stands up on socked feet. He treads to the speakers perched on top of his dresser and opens a drawer to grab his phone’s connector. His eyes twinkle evilly as he grabs his phone and connects it to the gadget, anticipation flowing in his veins as he chooses the screamiest song his playlist could offer.
“3…2…1,” and FOB’s This Ain’t a Scene, It’s a Goddamn Arms Race flow in zaps all over the household, the volume hiked up to its highest setting. Jongin chuckles into his closed fist childishly as the chorus comes and everyone’s screaming the lyrics, an audible thump from the living room accompanying its screamy melody.
Jongin couldn’t contain himself and so he casually waltzes into the living room, bobbing his head to the upbeat music. He sees his boss and his younger brother at least a meter away from each other and he smiles brightly at the both of them.
“Hey baby bro! Hi boss,” He flushes a little at his last remark but no one notices it. He was hoping Sehun would cringe and glare at him but instead Sehun’s eyes are sparkling as he edges forward, genuine joy plastered on his face, elbow perched daintily on his knees as he looks at Jongin.
“Hyung,” he drawls it out again and Jongin’s toes curl from the superficiality of it. “We have something to tell you.”
Sehun’s gaze flits from his to Luhan’s and they both smile sickeningly sweet at each other, Jongin’s tummy lurching forward awfully from the sight. His previous playful mood dampened and he frowns as the people opposite him smiles. Luhan motions for him to sit and he does; his fingers curling in on themselves as he fights the urge to bite his lip from the nervousness. He isn’t going to show he’s nervous and tense-no, he will not. His eyes betray everything though but it’s ignored as the two oblivious people share their news with him.
“Jongin, I’m marrying your younger brother,”
“And I, we,” they gaze into each other’s eyes like a married couple would and Jongin’s eyes water against all his body’s weak protests of staying strong. He curses his treacherous tear ducts and he turns away to pretend to sneeze but in reality he’s wiping off the stray tears. “-want you to organize the wedding details for us. I heard you’re the best, and well, we want the best. Plus you’re family. What do you say?”
Sehun and Luhan are staring at him with matching looks of hope and admiration and once again, he finds himself unable to say no.
“Of course. When’s the wedding?” Jongin’s surprised at the firm tone of his voice; his body is finally following his orders and he looks okay on the outside despite being broken on the inside.
“3 weeks from now. And we’re going to have a pirate theme, just like what you’ve always wanted!”
Jongin scowled, yeah. My dream, not yours.
Jongin forced a smile. “Great! Okay, so where shall we start…”

Kyungsoo is halfway through his article, stretching his tired limbs when his mind stops spewing out words to arrange and rearrange on the screen in front of him. He’s decided that he’s going to make a feature about Jongin and his exciting life as the perennial groomsman, attending wedding after wedding of other people but has yet to experience the occasion for himself.
The writer is ecstatic as he now has a legitimate reason to see Jongin every day, all the time without coming off as stalker-ish and creepy. He’s flexing his fingers subconsciously while in deep thought when his phone beeps, the screen flashing the name Pretty Boy in hues of blue and red. Kyungsoo scrambles to pick it up, finger sliding over the lock screen as he presses it over his ear. “Hello?”
The voice from the other line is low and eerily calm. Kyungsoo bites his lip when the words come tumbling out of the other’s mouth. “Are you up for that drink now?”

Two grown men are sitting side by side in a dingy bar at a questionable time of night, talking about their problems and at the same time trying to drown it down with the alcohol. Jongin and Kyungsoo stare at the sad pair a little over to their right and the former can’t help but think that the two of them aren’t any different from them. Kyungsoo stares apprehensively at Jongin and he purses his lips.
“So what you’re saying is… you’re upset because your younger brother made you do all the work for the upcoming wedding?
“Half. Brother. And yes, he made me do all the work. Fucking cheapskate. For all I know he just wants to save money and show off to Luhan that we have a good family relationship but obviously we don’t.” Jongin downs a shot angrily and Kyungsoo just watches him warily.
After a few beats of silence and angry, rushed drinking, Kyungsoo speaks up.
“Have you ever tried saying no before?”
Jongin pauses from downing in his 5th shot of soju and stares at Kyungsoo; half bewildered and half insulted at the question. “Of course I did! Many, many times before.” He resumes drinking and Kyungsoo continues staring until Jongin relents.
“…okay fine I rarely say no. Happy?”
Kyungsoo grins. “Extremely.” Then he proceeds to lean over and grab Jongin’s bar stool to twist it towards his direction. Jongin’s drink sloshes languidly in his glass as he’s turned and his hazy eyes focus on Kyungsoo’s black mop of a hair. When he pulls away, Jongin stares at his doe eyes. “Okay! So here’s what we’re gonna do. I’m going to teach you to say no.”
“What? But I-”
“Uh, uh. No buts. Your lesson starts now. You are to say no to me no matter what, okay?”
Jongin inhales sharply and nods. “Yeah, okay. Sure.”
Kyungsoo smiles and stares at Jongin’s drink. “Jongin, your drink looks nice; can I have a sip?”
“No. Buy your own drink.” Jongin shakes his head and just stares at Kyungsoo.
“But I didn’t bring enough money with me. Please, Jongin?” Kyungsoo’s voice is soft and pleading and Jongin gulps, unconsciously tightening his fingers around his drink.
Kyungsoo leans forward and is he pouting?? Jongin gulps nervously as Kyungsoo clasps his hands, his face centimeters away from his own. He starts speaking in a low, sensual voice that sends shivers up his spine. “Jongin,” he drawls the syllables sinfully and goddamn no one should be able to sound like that legally!
Jongin’s eyes are wide as he listens to what Kyungsoo has to say. “I want you, to give me that drink in your hand.”
Jongin’s sure he’s slowly turning pink now and his voice when he answers is an embarrassing squeak. “No…?”
He’s sweating profusely under Kyungsoo’s intense glare and he’s slowly shrinking on himself, waiting for the other’s reaction. But Kyungsoo only leans away and shrugs, the tense atmosphere is gone and Jongin can breathe again.
“Nah, close enough.” He pauses and eyes Jongin’s chicken sandwich. “Hey can I take a bite of your sandwich?”
Kyungsoo grabs it the second the syllable “su” leaves Jongin’s one. “-re. Hey!”
Kyungsoo chuckles and mocks him while mocking his sandwich. “And you were doing so well too!”
Jongin throws bread crumbs from the table at him.
( Part Two )

pairing: luhan/sehun, pairing: kai/luhan, rating: pg13, !fic, with: shinee, pairing: taemin/krystal, with: f(x), pairing: kai/d.o

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