Aug 01, 2016 09:43

Prompt Code: I58
Title: you’re a perfect 10
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: flirt Kyungsoo; bullying
Word Count: 5,338
Summary: When a weirdo from his class pesters for his attention and hits on him, all Jongin wants is to get away.
AN: When I saw this prompt, I just had to write it.

Jongin stares at the colourful vandals scribbled on his concrete seat. )

category: i, round 1: 2016

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Comments 34

hojichadust August 1 2016, 03:15:01 UTC
Wow omg this was really cute and interesting!! The thing that I really enjoyed about this is that Jongin and Kyungsoo werent placed in the set role dynamics that they usually end up in--nowadays it feels like one of them is always very cookie-cutter shy while the other exudes perfect confidence and appeal, aka the "dom" of the relationship, but your characters really break those molds ( ... )


jonginspuppy August 1 2016, 10:18:39 UTC
cries it's so sweet!!!
kyungsoo's flirting tho!!!!


anonymous August 1 2016, 11:34:46 UTC
it was so cute I nearly crying :(


wetpaintings August 1 2016, 11:47:43 UTC
The ending got me on rhe edge of my seat. Good lord. I thought Jongin was going to kiss Kyungsoo, but then they decided to go to lunch and that just made me laugh silly. Thank you for writing this! Loved it!


vavole August 1 2016, 12:03:34 UTC
Cute! I love the main characters' personalities. I mean, Jongin is just your average college student while Kyungsoo is not the isolated and always sad bullied guy. He is yeah, but he is also able to be confident and fight for what he wants and I like that a lot. He tried to pursue Jongin and be strong, and I'm sure he did his best to come out of his shell and make that first step :)
Kyungsoo's character was interesting, but the whole story was refreshing. Thanks for writing and sharing it with us!


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