Title: These Conflicting Feelings
Fandom: Kamen Rider W
Pairing: Shoutarou/Phillip
Rating: R
Warnings: Boys touching. Have set the adult rating on the post.
Notes: The follow up to
"Self Education". Spoilers for episode 14. Written for the
12daysofxxxmas day 11 prompt of horny. Don't kill me if you think the characterization is off. ~.~;;;
Phillip had just remained... silent )
Comments 11
Ok, one typo for ya - Shoutarou was a bit like a pandora's box - I take it that's meant to be 'Phillip'?
But yes. NOMNOMNOM. That was... hot. And nomilicious. I love Shoutarou being 'it's just a PARTNERS thing, I'm not GAY'. Oh, Shoutarou. Silly boy. Also, Phillip was wonderful. I love him <3
You'll be writing more for W, yes? *hopeful* XD
I... might. I don't have anything going right now, but I did leave myself open to a running plot here. As I tend to do, I could easily continue this on for the sake of writing useless porn. But... yeah, this is a show where I can actually hear the characters when I write them, which I haven't had for a long while. So I wouldn't rule out more W. Just don't expect me to post it to the comms, I anticipate people might not approve of Phillip being hot. XD
Seriously, thank you for this. I really needed that. And hey, I won't oppose if you want to write more!
Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go read this lovely piece of work several more times...yum. <3
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas! ♥
See, this is why I don't do church. God has that "I SEE YOUR THINKING!" thing going on. He wouldn't like what I think about 95% of the time.
... Plus in some situations when I'm really grateful for something or really scared about something........ But yeah, the Sunday Church thing? Not a fan, personally ^^;
There are times when I want to damn His omnipotence. This is one of them XDDDDDDDD
I don't do any religion specifically, but I would be closest to whatever the hell you call the weird Japan hybrid of everything. I like the idea of everywhere having their own god, and then there being someone higher up like a supervisor. And then mixing in other religions for good measure. It felt pretty secure there, I was well covered. XD
God: Watchin' u perv on 16yr olds since 4evr
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