
May 15, 2008 10:44

Its been a roller-coaster of a week...

-my SIL is ready to deliver her baby boy any day now.  We stopped by on Saturday and Sunday and she looks so uncomfortable.  I hope I am not as big as she is when I am 38w along!

- my morning sickness isnt gone yet.  I tried and went off the pills last friday.  I was fine for the most part on Saturday, I was ( Read more... )


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Comments 5

my_path May 15 2008, 16:23:35 UTC
sorry to hear about the fight but congrats on the being sober that long.. sometimes i want to try and quit drinking because when i drink i unfortuately think of doing something worse... (although i'm kind of kicking that habit as well) but anyway, that's awesome :)


kahvi_musta May 15 2008, 17:05:36 UTC
thanks! :)

I understand the thoughts when under the influence. I tossed the idea of suicide around quite a bit when I was using, and I most certainly did some physical damage to myself (si) when I was drunk. I did not feel the pain I needed to feel.


my_path May 15 2008, 21:34:36 UTC
well i understand why you would think that's what i meant... but i meant something else, lol. i've had a small drug addiction for awhile too :/ i've only SId once in four years :) but i think about it and suicide A LOT.. i hate it


randomfish May 20 2008, 15:25:16 UTC
This might or might not help you, but my sister was having serious problems with morning sickness (all day sickness in her case) and a co-worker recommended Sea Bands. That's a brand name of a sort of motion sickness wristband that works by putting pressure on an acupuncture point in your wrist.

We found motion sickness wristbands at a drugstore (the package was very small and easy to miss) and they helped Tracy more than the drug the doctor prescribed. Might be worth a try!


kahvi_musta May 20 2008, 16:35:39 UTC
All day (late afternoon sickness) sickness for me... I will look for them thanks!


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