Title: [untitled]
Author: Kahlan Aisling
Claim: RomNor
Character(s): Norway
Table/Prompt: Random/10 -- Own
Word Count: 325
Rating: G
Summary: This, then, is why neither a borrower nor a lender be.
The problem is that Norway doesn't know.
He lends money to Romania for a few reasons. In the beginning, it was because he wanted to see what the nation would do with it. A little while later, it was because he was used to it. Now, it's because he cares.
Yes, he cares. There's no point in trying to waltz around the point when it's obvious to everyone nearby. Denmark knows it, Bulgaria knows it, even Hungary knows it. It's no longer a secret, if it ever was.
But Romania's poor. He needs that money. Which in Norway's mind begs the question,
Why is he here, anyway?
He prides himself on considering these things with a straight face. He considers all things with a straight face. Romania accuses him (teasingly, because everything Romania does has a slightly cocksure snark about it) of turning back into ice when he'd just warmed himself at the fire, but it's a metaphor and Norway isn't fond of metaphors. They're too difficult to figure out.
"Be careful," Hungary had warned him, years and years ago now, "he'll do anything to achieve his goal." Her green eyes had been serious. "Anything."
Bulgaria, the one person who knew Romania better than Romania himself, wasn't any more supportive. "He's the kinda guy who'll drown you to save himself if he gets desperate enough, and we're all desperate right about now."
Prussia, or East Germany, or Gilbert Beilschmidt, or something like that, had spelled it out entirely: "Man's a gold digger. An honorable gold digger, but a gold digger just the same. He's got gypsy blood and he ain't afraid to use it."
Romania gives him a kiss and doesn't show that anything's wrong, that anything ever has been wrong. But his eyes are glittering, and Norway doesn't trust eyes that always seem like they're playing some elaborate joke.
In the end, he really just doesn't know.
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