Title So Violet Eyes Get Brighter Author kahlanaisling Recipient mi3star Fandom: Hetalia Characters/Pairing Denmark/Belarus Rating: G Warning: none i can think of! Word Count: 11,515 Summary: The last thing Natalya expected for Christmas was to get involved with an eccentric blogger from Copenhagen.
Title: Empire Claim: Romania/Bulgaria (gen) Table/Prompt: 12/Marriage Word Count: 516 Rating: G Summary: It was a team effort, even if Bulgaria won't admit it. ( Read more... )
Title: kjaereste Author: kahlanaisling Claim: Romania/Norway Character(s): Romania, Norway Table/Prompt: 9/Find Word Count: 225 Rating: G Summary: Romania needs to not be this good at games.
Title: Lasting Author: kahlanaisling Claim: Romania/Norway Character(s): Romania, Norway, England Table/Prompt: 7/Old Word Count: 213 Rating: G Summary: Lasting is a thing that does not happen.
Title: Forward Author: kahlanaisling Claim: Romania/Norway Character(s): Romania, Norway Table/Prompt: 16/Travel Word Count: 241 Rating: G Summary: They're in an airport as Norway thinks.
Title: By Candlelight Author: kahlanaisling Claim: Romania/Norway Character(s): Romania (Traian), Norway (Lukas) Table/Prompt: Random/20 -- Light Word Count: 1357 Rating: G Summary: This is probably the first time they've even halfway kissed this entire table. Human AU, sometime in the early twentieth century.
Title: [untitled] Author: kahlanaisling Claim: Romania/Norway Character(s): Romania, Norway Table/Prompt: Random/12 -- Future Word Count: 653 Rating: G Summary: This is their average morning.
Title: [untitled] Author: kahlanaisling Claim: Romania/Norway Character(s): Romania, Norway Table/Prompt: Random/13 -- Now Word Count: 1460 Rating: G Summary: Romania is sick and wants to solve this in a way that would not be conducive to his health. A/N hover for translations u_u